Looking for the names
Bippity Boppity Bump!
Hi all! I am happy to pay a lot of gold and counter any other offers for:
- Afternoon
- Bao
- Bough
- Belore (You know who I am but hit me up if you are willing to talk gold!)
- Moon
- Nana (I used to have this name from TBC to Cataclysm. One of my two characters on MG as a wee lass and is very sentimental to me!)
- Noon
Happy 20th anniversary! Please get ahold of me via Discord: 8w7
WTT moon guard names
Trade only!
Battletag: Spanky#13139
The name I’m looking for most in the world is Elena, never been able to find the person with it to even know if they’re open or not to trading/parting with it! Kara/Luna is a close second. All the names below are the ones I currently have for trade/gold!
Carlos, Sven, Sawyer, Marzia, Delta, Mauve, Salomi, Cyrilla, Sylvari, Trace, Briella, Saige, Karla, Monicat, Noelle, Nobara, Nezuko, Muzan, Shorty, Mummy, Avaka, and Evilyn are names on MG I have for sale/trade! Discord @ makifoxgirl
Hello, is there any chance you would be willing to trade Abundance for Fixations or work out a gold price
Unfortunately, I wouldn’t use Fixations. But I will take a look at any offers you may have gold wise! Feel free to add me on bnet or send me mail in-game to talk more about it :3
Hiya Moon Guard ! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Awe-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys!
Trade Only: / Gold: / Only Special Trades:
💝Messy 💘Dusk 💘Awe 💘Armor 💝Quote 💘Hate(WRA)
💘Elk 💘Filthy 💘Mania 💘Wisteria 💘Scythe 💘Spirit(WRA)
💝Stop 💘Bane 💝Stray 💘Ether 💜Spear 💜Fatality(WRA)
💜Shi 💝Humor 💜Screamer💜Spire 💜Hallow 💜Easy(WRA)
💜Tfw 💜Exiled 💜Slum 💜Sunder 💜Savvy 💘Risk(WRA)
💜Boast 💜Harmed 💜Sickened💜Mourne 💝Reset 💘Salt(WRA)
💜Crushed 💜Observe 💜Slammed 💝Strain 💜Quarrel 💘Zeal(WRA)
💝Paced 💝Sever 💜Sullied 💘Prism 💜Wis 💝Bovine(WRA)
💝Hiss 💘Easy 💜Trite 💜Alas 💜Curl 💝Seethe(WRA)
💜Whacky 💜Barn 💜Groggy 💜Call 💜Boil 💜Surfal(WRA)
💝Tale 💝Realm 💝Loathe 💜Rank 💜Found 💜Beastly(WRA)
💝Sear 💜Hone 💝Fever 💝Fatality 💜Aye(WRA) 💘Cutie(WRA)
I’m seeking generally short names that fit with my naming conventions. Example, names with: or (Dream names: Death, Demon, Love, Hate, Lynx, Rat, Sad, Myth, Sun, Moon, Blood, Zeal, Spirit.)(Some of these I have on WRA and would love to have on MG! Otherwise, I would like them on either realm.)
I will entertain most trade offers, but do know that names with are unlikely to be traded unless you come to me with one of my dream names, and even then it would depend on the name you seek. I list all of my names so that people know which ones are taken, and so that maybe we can trade!
Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading!
Added you on Bnet to see if there’s any names I have you’d be interested in for trading!
Looking to get into name trading; offers above 100k gold preferred when dealing with Gold, but I’ll look at anything TBH… Please contact me via my BNet; Heemi#11205 for my discord information so I know you’re not a discord scambot.
I have the following names on MG at the moment:
- Cowed (Trade Only, Highly Tentative)
- Ptah (Trade Only, Tentative)
- Wailer (Trade Only)
- Parallel (Trade Only)
- Waterfowl (Trade Only)
- Outflank (Trade Preferred, 200k+ if sold)
- Backyard (Trade Preferred, 200k+ if sold)
- Readiest
- Mooselike
- Lightener
- Witnesser
- Swirled
- Buttoner
- Mewtant (Tentative)
- Intertidal
- Demersal (Oceanic Zone)
- Dysphotic (Oceanic Zone, Tentative)
- Neritic (Oceanic Zone)
On MG ONLY, Looking for the names Kit and Koi, and names related to forests/trees, common woodland animals, mushrooms, and moss. Think r/goblincore stuff and you should be on the right track…?
Looking to buy for gold the name Lasciel on MG or WrA. Feel free to send me a mail at Masril on WrA or Noxisa on MG. Thanks!
Hi, I am looking for the name Xyranna on moonguard if anyone here has it or knows someone who owns it.
I am looking to pay a hefty sum of gold for the name. If anyone has it, please reach out to me on discord @ darksunluna or on btag @ DeathsFathom#11236
Added you on Bnet
hello everyone! i am in search for a few names that don’t appear to be in use but are on a character somewhere out there in the wide wide world of warcraft!
- Astyanax
- Melinoë
- Revolution*
- Augur
- Forgewright
- Solas*
- Sinestra or Sintharia, preferably Sinestra
- most dragon age-related names
- also interested in greek myth-related names, though may be picky
willing to pay well for marked names. if anyone happens to have or know someone who has these, please reach out! in game mail @ imitate, discord @ ofblades, or bnet @ Persephorus#1925. thank you!
Looking for the names:
How to contact > Send mail to Kidnap on moonguard or catch me when i log in!
CONTACT: killherkawaii [discord] or [sisterly] in game
PRICE: All names are listed with gold price! Trades/deals can also be discussed!
• Criminality - 800k
• Worgenism - 600k
• Nightelven- 600k
• Voidelven- 600k
• Mycotic - 500k [TWW]
• Mycomancer - 500k [TWW]
• Gothgirly - 500k
400-100K NAMES
• Mada- 300k [LORE/ Troll for “Mother”]
• Nerglish- 300k [LORE/ Murloc Language]
• Hordie- 200k
• Nyctophilic - 200k
• Kittykin - 200k
• Nerglish- 150k [LORE]
• Geomender- 120k [TWW]
• Gundargazian- 120k [TWW]
• Waxmonger- 100k [TWW]
• Aeroknighted- 100k [TWW]
• Badbaby - 100k
• Bunnybuns - 100k
95-60K NAMES
• Threadmancer- 90k [TWW]
• Handsomely - 90k
• Machomen - 90k
• Dogpound - 90k
• Snitcher- 85k
• Preppiest- 85k
• Hotgossip- 85k
• Crazily- 85k
• Cryptogram- 85k
• Snitched- 85k
• Voidspawn- 85k
• Machomen- 85k
• Gossiped- 85k
• Waxseal- 85k
• Lighteater- 85k [TWW]
• Vitner- 85k
• Oogle- 60k
• Nicety- 60k
• Ratline- 60k
• Bellydance- 60k
• Bellyring- 60k
50-20K NAMES
• Vinery- 50k
• Sculptress- 50k
• Albinism- 50k
• Stuckup- 50k
• Adulatory- 50k
• Unwed- 50k
• Kawaiixd- 50k
• Warmistress- 45k
• Newkid- 45k
• Lightful- 45k
• Shoppe- 30k
• Crybb- 30k
moonguard names for sale !
message or mail in-game for details!
Added Abomination & Rice to the trade preferred list, but will look at gold offers ^^
Also released the names:
Interested in trading or gold, add me (battle.net) Rift#11234
Moon Guard Names:
- Angled
- Bloater
- Brawlers
- Briaunna
- Bros
- Burned
- Capsule
- Castro
- Cerebro
- Cis
- Conduct
- Custom
- Dates
- Debut
- Depends
- Deter
- Dilute
- Directly
- Disk
- Dislike
- Diversity
- Does
- Dred
- Enabled
- Ensure
- Falsify
- Fault
- Feat
- Firing
- Flawsome
- Frame
- Freshen
- Fund
- Going
- Grodd
- Grungy
- Headway
- Herd
- Homecoming
- Influence
- Knocked
- Lack
- Lid
- Lied
- Lot
- Mile
- Needful
- Onlooker
- Outta
- Patroller
- Phasma
- Pinch
- Pour
- Presence
- Privilege
- Pros
- Provision
- Rapid
- Rattle
- Reilly
- Relinquish
- Required
- Returnal
- Rubbing
- Ruck
- Salon
- Scarves
- Sector
- Shed
- Sico
- Staffer
- Steed
- Stem
- Substitute
- Supposed
- Swarmer
- Threats
- Tire
- Told
- Voter
- Wear
- Works
- Would
- Zoie
Illidan Names:
- Buster
- Debut
- Deceit
- Giver
- Herd
- Lack
- Lid
- Lied
- Lot
- Outfit
- Steed
- Voter
* Afflict,* An,* Aye,* Bamboozled,* Bend,* Blare,* Bizarre,* Bt,* Budge,* Bury,* Chucknorris,* Clicker,* Cobra,* Cyborg,* Daybreak,* Deadshot,* Ep,* Firebird,* Flightmaster,* Fluffy,* Fuss,* Gag,* Habit,* Half,* Hobby,* Icey,* Labyrinth,* Leak,* Mythical,* Notion,* Offset,* Outfit,* Palm,* Pass,* Peel,* Phenomenon,* Pork,* Ravenous,* Revan,* Samurai,* Snarky,* Sparkle,* Sparks,* Speak,* Spunky,* Taxi,* Torch,* Twitch,* Vault,* View,* Xenon,* Zee
Hello, just learned about this thread last night and figured I’d give it a go
There’s a few names I’m seeking on Moon Guard:
Ashirae (have been after this since I moved here in Legion)
Names I have to offer:
Moon Guard - Phanessa, Stormscale (I also have Laesel but it’d have a cooldown and it’s not the exact BG3 character spelling so I imagine it’s less appealing)
Wyrmrest Accord - Venomlash
Can find me on discord with wolfaelan since I’ve been sporadic on who I’m playing during the event. Lots to level and such, yanno?
Looking for the names:
Add me on disc: pathofheaven
Have names and gold to trade