Name Archive

Updating my old post…looking to sell the following names on the these servers for gold.

Tipsy, Beef, Eve, Raven, Zap, Moon, Zoom, Pandora, Spy, Romeo, Juliet, Deceased, Rotten, Misty, Cow, Boomkin, Terminator, Hellhound, Hannibal, Mushu, Sabrina, Magma, Rescue, Agatha, Katana, America.

Moon Guard

Wyrmrest Accord
Carol, Nikita, Thena

Firestorm, Blaze, Titan

Thor, Tyrion

Bubbleboy, Alpha, Demonic, Rayne, Poseidon, Isis, Osiris, Shadow, Kai, Thor




Bullseye, Castiel, Falcon, Dragonite, Spyro, Tempest, Shazam, Earthquake, Charmed, Dracarys, Protector

Please feel free to send offers or inquiries on Discord at Mikio03 or add me on bnet Mikio#11494

I’m looking for the name of Ness-Moonguard if you all know who may have it! Message ven756 on discord!

Hi! I’m looking for the name Tori-Moonguard, let me know if you have it or know anyone who has it! I’m torinny on discord.

I’m willing to offer gold or other names I have.

Thank you for your time.

Sent you mail to Dusk!

Hiya MG friends! I’m in search of the name Espeon, either for gold or a potential name trade.

Means of contact:
In game mail - Disperse (Moon Guard)
Discord: valesaria (no caps)
btag: Vae#11182

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Heya, I have the following names for sale or trade.

Auctioned, Atsy, Bestname, Booted, Browhat, Capes, Coffeeholic, Combopoint, Divided, Douchebag, Droprate, Durwald, Evasionn, Executeable, Firewatcher, Lockout, Mythicraid, Nerfdart, Nicename, Nudgenudge, Numberfour, Numbernine, Onehanded, Overwhelm, Plausible, Prof, Pty, Punchme, Richguy, Soloist, Subscribed, Trillion, Undercut, Whyme, Winkwink, Wrists.

EDIT: Citadel traded, Soloist now up for grabs.

All the names are on Moonguard, and have no cooldown. Message me in game through mail or whisper to Up-Moonguard, or add me on discord mrnoobyy.

WTS mg names hit me up “bigblackkultiran” Is my discord

  • Sensei
  • Bony
  • Joker
  • Gladiator
  • Aang

Names for gold. Discord @ pbees
Moon Guard - Loft, Wtt, Cat

Looking for the names “Tums, Scarecrow and Yeti” if anyone has them and is willing to sell or maybe do a trade ^^

Looking to sell the following names on the these servers for gold.

Tipsy, Beef, Eve, Raven, Zap, Moon, Zoom, Pandora, Spy, Romeo, Juliet, Deceased, Rotten, Misty, Cow, Boomkin, Terminator, Hellhound, Hannibal, Mushu, Sabrina, Magma, Rescue, Agatha, Katana, America.

Moon Guard

Wyrmrest Accord
Carol, Nikita, Thena

Firestorm, Blaze, Titan

Thor, Tyrion

Bubbleboy, Alpha, Demonic, Rayne, Poseidon, Isis, Osiris, Shadow, Kai, Thor




Bullseye, Castiel, Falcon, Dragonite, Spyro, Tempest, Shazam, Earthquake, Charmed, Dracarys, Protector

Please feel free to send offers or inquiries on Discord at Mikio03 or add me on bnet Mikio#11494

This is a good example of what people were saying before. We’re in the Moon Guard forums and, of the 59 names you’ve posted, only one is on Moon Guard. Does anyone else think that this is just ridiculous?


Really think we should just start reporting posts that are over 50% non-moon guard as spam.


To be honest now with cross realm guilds it doesn’t really matter what server a name is on, but that’s just my opinion.

It’s more that you’re posting in a Moon Guard specific thread. It might be more prudent to post in the thread of the server you actually play on.


Hiya :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Dusk-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Trade Only: :gift_heart: / Gold: :purple_heart: / Only Special Trades: :cupid:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

💝Bovine       💜Lull          💜Oxen
💘Beastly      💜Zealous       💜Tied   
💜Toothy       💜Last          💜Surface          
💝Aye          💜Chomper       💜Surfal
💘Seethe       💜Sadly         💘Hate
💜Bearer       💜Druidic       💘Zeal
💘Spirit       💘Fatality      💘Cutie
💘Salt         💘Risk          

Moon Guard Names:

💜Surfal        💜Uhuh         💝Stray         
💜Tender        💘Stop         💜Tfw 
💜Vary          💜Worthless    💝Humor 
💜Screamer      💜Spire        💜Wealth 
💜Savvy         💜Mossy        💜Exiled
💝Slum          💜Wartorn      💜Boast 
💜Sickened      💝Hyper        💜Mourne
💜Slammed       💝Strain       💜Crushed
💝Quote         💜Wis          💜Quarrel
💜Paced         💝Sever        💜Grump
💜Trite         💜Hiss         💜Curl
💜Whacky        💝Alas         💜Barn
💜Groggy        💜Call         💜Aether
💘Ether         💘Haze         💝Tale
💝Realm         💝Loathe       💜Consume
💜Rank          💘Salt         💜Found
💜Hone          💜Boil         💜Co
💘Fatality      💜Glob         💜Vio
💝Sear          💝Filthy       💝Messy
💝Fever         💘Scythe       💘Elk
💝Spear         💝Hallow       💝Sunder

I’m seeking generally short names that fit with my naming conventions. Example, names with: :cupid:

:sparkles: Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! :sparkles:

Also, my girlfriend wants me to list her list, so here it is! You can reach out to her via in-game mail on @Wish-Moon Guard.

💝Grove       💜Whole         💜Sight         
💝Belore      💜Travel        💜Hurts 
💜Listen      💜Charisma      💜Peanut
💝Audrey      💜Sanctum       💝Carry
💝Juno        💜Pipe          💜Coral
💜Mesa        💜Foam          💝Betty
💝Faire       💜Magician      💝Trick
💜Earthy      💜Staff         💝Mood
💜Pine        💜Aide          💜Coma   
💜Neck        💜Chat          💜Check 
💜Auto        💜Fresh         💝Enchantment
💜Menu        💝Judy          💝Denise
💝Lori        💜Melis         💜Eco
💜Dandy       💝Mind          💜Agape
💜East        💜Theater       💝Blast
💜Sod         💜Craig         💜Moonwell
💜Regret      💜Foreign       💝Zest

:sparkles: Now actually have a wonderful day! :sparkles:

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I agree with you but I see the issue. Hardly no one goes to the forums of the other servers. Some haven’t had posts in months. They see a very active thread here and no where else so they post here.

if they dont go to their own server forums, why would they come here?

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I think you’re probably right. But I don’t understand why they would think this to be the better place to go, when it’s a thread for specifically MG names? Like I can understand Wyrmrest, to an extent.

I see what you are saying, but I feel like they would have better success posting in General than here if that’s the case.

I also get the feeling most of these folks are just opportunists who know a niche market when they see one. Most folks outside of MG don’t give a flip about their character name. Fortunately (I think it’s fortunate at least), most name exchanges around here are trades rather than overpriced sales.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I feel. A lot of folks are very opportunistic about folks like us wanting good names. It gives big ICK.

That said, I do notice an uptick in people selling more than trading. But, I suppose that’s just going to happen when there’s a community like this, and I, myself, and guilty for listing a lot of my names under the ‘gold’ category, but that’s for the reason I said above: because other folks would be quick to snap names up and sell them for ~3mil.

I feel ancient when I’m just like: back in my day we only did 1:1 trades and it was FUN!