Name Archive

See latest post.

Good idea. I’m wondering how this would work for roleplay purposes though. If I grab a name on a low pop server, I won’t be able to login and wander around on MG even if I join a MG guild. I guess you could ask a MG guildie to party invite you so that could be a potential workaround.

I think this is honestly ideal for those that don’t care too much about the server, but as someone who is in a Moon Guard guild, but plays some Horde characters(one being my main) over on WRA, it’s quite rough not being able to just come hang out with them without needing an invite. (Don’t even get me started on being in an Alliance guild as a Horde character and being able to do nothing with them in general except keys and raid.)

You gotta remember, this warband and character creation screen is new. They’re going to keep improving it.

Who knows… they might fix it to where those in the same guild will automatically be phased with the home server of that guild. Maybe they’ll do something like more realm connections or just connect all rp servers together.

All I know is I’m glad I got the majority of the names I was looking for so I’m prepared for whatever they’re going to do in the future.

I’m anxious for the day that they improve that actual disaster of a character selection screen. Absolutely blows my mind that they thought this and the 5-second mount toggle was a good idea.



I am looking for 3 names

Bliss and or Blissful, and Khara

I’ve reached out to Blissful, just hoping someone knows where Bliss is.

Will pay in gold, battle pets, just about anything.

Adding “Manic” to the Sell or trade list ^^
Just note Manic will mostly go for 1mil + in gold for those who decide to offer in that way.
I’ll look over any names for those wanting to trade for it!

I have a couple names on different servers I’d be willing to sell.



Borean Tundra:


Hit me up in game, or here!

Looking for the following on Moon Guard:

🔹 Ann             🔹 Mary
🔹 Jackson         🔹 Mazy
🔹 Maggie          🔹 Will consider other common, real names

Able to trade the following (* denotes possible CD):

Moon Guard

🔹 Arcanite *      🔹 Motel    
🔹 Barb [new]      🔹 Mutant
🔹 Bathroom        🔹 Neighbor
🔹 Bilingual       🔹 Noodlearms
🔹 Biologist       🔹 Patio
🔹 Blogger         🔹 Precognition
🔹 Buffing         🔹 Priority
🔹 Columnist       🔹 Rooms
🔹 Corinne [new]   🔹 Seastone
🔹 Dairy           🔹 Shrike *
🔹 Diega           🔹 Spay
🔹 Earthling       🔹 Sustainable
🔹 Flightstone     🔹 Teamster
🔹 Frugal          🔹 Titration
🔹 Hemisphere      🔹 Unclear
🔹 Homogeneous     🔹 Weslyn
🔹 Lowfat          🔹 Whack
🔹 Meteorite       

Wyrmrest Accord

🔹 Bryan
🔹 Janet
🔹 Mazy

Trades only, but I’m happy to include pets, gold, etc., in exchange for the names on my wanted list. Please send in-game mail or respond here. Thanks!

CONTACT: basicglitch [discord] or [sisterly] in game
PRICE: All names are listed with gold price! Trades/deals can also be discussed!

• Negotiant - 200k

• Vinery- 100k

• Snitched - 100k

• Geniality- 100k

[NEW] • Sugarbb 100k

• Spokesmen - 85k

• Indebt- 85k

• Tradesmen- 85k

• Cryptogram - 85k

• Necrolysis - 85k

• Albinism- 85k

• Tolvir - 85k

• Flautist - 50k

• Sculptress- 50k

• Ebulliency - 50k

• Biomantic- 20k

• Cryomantic- 20k

• Dismancer- 20k

• Necrotrophic 15k

• Predomiant - 20k

• Stuckup- 15k

• Necrotomic- 15k

• Memey - 10k

• Slaay - 10k

• Bratted- 10k

Hey all! I’ve got a workaround name here on MG, but it’s driving me crazy that it’s not the same as my WRA equivalent I’ve had for most of the game. Now that this is my new home, I’m willing to trade gold, or negotiate a name trade for:

  • Bathildis
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See latest post.

Good evening!
Currently have the names Lucas & Zane on Moon Guard on no CD after tomorrow. Also have Neil, however that will have a 30 day cool down if interested, add my btag: Amanda#13362

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I honestly wish at this point that Blizzard would allow us to have spaces and/or first/last names, like in Guild Wars 2. While I enjoy having my fancy names on my favourite server, I’d kill for some other options like Saint Celestine or The Living Saint. (Kudos to those that get the reference. <3)

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In regards to this post, I also have the name Cohen available on no cool down. Please add my btag if you’re interested. Amanda#13362

Still looking for

Bliss, Blissful, Khara, Reed.

hit me up.

Names I am looking for:
Moon Guard:

:small_blue_diamond: Leia
:small_blue_diamond: Nathan

:small_blue_diamond: Jude
:small_blue_diamond: Veins
:small_blue_diamond: Skeleton
:small_blue_diamond: Lich
:small_blue_diamond: Banshee
:small_blue_diamond: Undead
:small_blue_diamond: Vampire
:small_blue_diamond: Gothic
:small_blue_diamond: Curse
:small_blue_diamond: Hex

Names I am willing to trade. (any marked with * will have a 30 day CD & probably are used by my alts) Looking for really good dark / spooky / floral / real names.

Moon Guard:

:small_blue_diamond: Fragaria *
:small_blue_diamond: Boolean *
:small_blue_diamond: Gloamy *
:small_blue_diamond: Furtim *
:small_blue_diamond: Ote *
:small_blue_diamond: Cozenage *
:small_blue_diamond: Poping (Po Ping kung-fun panda)
:small_blue_diamond: Aquagos
:small_blue_diamond: Astergos
:small_blue_diamond: Bract
:small_blue_diamond: Perenial

Wyrmest Accord

:small_blue_diamond:Indistinct *
:small_blue_diamond:Uncanny *
:small_blue_diamond: Luscious
:small_blue_diamond: Sparkler
:small_blue_diamond: Igria
:small_blue_diamond: Eternormi
:small_blue_diamond: Coralstrasz
:small_blue_diamond: Oneiricus
:small_blue_diamond: Brontosian
:small_blue_diamond: Starling

Khaz Modan




Will trade for Leia-MoonGuard or Nathan-MoonGuard:
(aka I like these and am currently using them for my alts but I’ll trade them for good names or good names pools.)

Moon Guard

:small_blue_diamond:Cosmogos *
:small_blue_diamond:Capsized *
:small_blue_diamond:Vrykul *
:small_blue_diamond: Charm *
:small_blue_diamond: Roger *
:small_blue_diamond: Eriq *
:small_blue_diamond: Animatronic *

Wyrmest Accord

:small_blue_diamond:Voidwitch *
:small_blue_diamond:Waves *
:small_blue_diamond:Archimedes *
:small_blue_diamond: Hoarders *
:small_blue_diamond: Gnasty *

You can reach me on discord at: Astrowla

Names for sale for gold or trade, open to offers


:small_blue_diamond: Autism :small_blue_diamond: Weaboo
:small_blue_diamond: Futality :small_blue_diamond:Chocoberry
:small_blue_diamond: Handie :small_blue_diamond: Stormale
:small_blue_diamond: Skillers :small_blue_diamond: Sinfilled
:small_blue_diamond: Transally :small_blue_diamond: Ology
:small_blue_diamond: Entitle :small_blue_diamond: Tunneler
:small_blue_diamond: Creamfill :small_blue_diamond: Wendigussy
:small_blue_diamond: Deviates :small_blue_diamond: Deviants
:small_blue_diamond: Justicars :small_blue_diamond: Vindicators
:small_blue_diamond: Vindicating :small_blue_diamond: Wolfbloods
:small_blue_diamond: Wolfbleed :small_blue_diamond: Gnollsblood
:small_blue_diamond: Equations :small_blue_diamond: Lustily
:small_blue_diamond: Stormbrewer :small_blue_diamond: Tasked
:small_blue_diamond: Introverts :small_blue_diamond: Indexing
:small_blue_diamond: Mentallyill

Wyrmrest Accord

:small_blue_diamond: Cheaters :small_blue_diamond: Pelvis
:small_blue_diamond: Sinfilled :small_blue_diamond: Timerunning
:small_blue_diamond: Cervical :small_blue_diamond: Jittery
:small_blue_diamond: Bwondaddy :small_blue_diamond: Inadequacy
:small_blue_diamond: Chaoz :small_blue_diamond: Divinite
:small_blue_diamond:Zwix :small_blue_diamond: Divinumbra
:small_blue_diamond: Sinfell :small_blue_diamond: Blightmoore
:small_blue_diamond: Dysorder :small_blue_diamond: Divinated
:small_blue_diamond:Slagbreaker :small_blue_diamond: Transally
:small_blue_diamond: Smither :small_blue_diamond: Butte
:small_blue_diamond: Crags :small_blue_diamond: Peaks

LF Arthurian / Warhammer / Human / House / GoT-ASOIAF / Paladin names

Castamere (Will do many things for this)
(Any names like that)

A list of good names / gold

Send mail to Vanquisher on MG
Reply to me here :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone! Just wanted to post and say that I’m currently selling these names: my btag is Amanda#13362
Neil (CD)
Balto (CD)
Malory (CD)
