Name Archive

Looking to buy or trade for the name Serena, can refer to the replied post for names or inquire about others :slight_smile:

Looking for the following on Moon Guard:

🔹 Ann             🔹 Mary
🔹 Jackson         🔹 Mazy
🔹 Maggie          🔹 Will consider other common, real names

Able to trade the following (* denotes possible CD):

Moon Guard

🔹 Annabel         🔹 Mutant
🔹 Arcanite *      🔹 Neighbor
🔹 Bathroom        🔹 Noodlearms
🔹 Bilingual       🔹 Patio
🔹 Biologist       🔹 Precognition
🔹 Blogger         🔹 Priority
🔹 Buffing         🔹 Rooms
🔹 Columnist       🔹 Seastone
🔹 Dairy           🔹 Shrike *
🔹 Diega           🔹 Spay
🔹 Earthling       🔹 Sustainable
🔹 Flightstone     🔹 Teamster
🔹 Frugal          🔹 Titration
🔹 Hemisphere      🔹 Unclear
🔹 Homogeneous     🔹 Weslyn
🔹 Lowfat          🔹 Whack
🔹 Meteorite       
🔹 Motel           

Wyrmrest Accord

🔹 Bryan
🔹 Janet
🔹 Mazy

Trades only, but I’m happy to include pets, gold, etc., in exchange for the names on my wanted list. Please send in-game mail or respond here. Thanks!

Selling extremely rare name on MoonGuard

Kobe - 7m
Formal - 5m
Baboon - 3m


Hello. i am looking for the name Siyue. i know its held by a lvl 60 panda alliance. Its been my mains name for 17 years and i moved to MG and its taken. contact me in game on Boopthehelp alliance please if willing to trade gold for it in game! thank you ^.^

Currently looking for short, real English words related to the dead. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: Tomb, Crypt, Grave, Corpse, Bury. Exceptions can be made for longer words that are relatively common, such as Skeleton, Headstone, Funeral, et cetera.

Please send in-game mail to this character or a message to cryptidspeaks on Discord with the names that you have available as well as what you’re looking for. Thank you!

isnt every name technically a rare name


I do have Deceasing and Gravetend, not sure if you’d be interested/have anything I’m looking for however!

Anyone have the name Gwen or Gwyneth or Gwyn?

Gwen is seemingly active on a level 41, and Gwyn is also active too as a level 33 priest - both armory pages showing. Gwyneth however is defo on an alt or under level 10 :slight_smile:

Names for 20k-150k:
Abnormals, Berlynne, Blurred, Borrowed, Cautionary, Complicate, Complications, Desensitize, Fantasized, Foresty, Gloomkitty, Limitations, Mewfins, Monuments, Ollen, Overreact, Restrictive, Runway, Sleepier, Songfully, Sunsetta.

Pricier names for sale/trade below.

Botany - Offer
Creativity - Offer
Healjobs - Offer
Manic - SOLD
Sidney - Offer
Snail - SOLD

Trade Only
I will be picky with name trades depending on the name that’s in question

Mainly looking for the names Coffee, Galaxy, Gloomy, Sleepy, Soup, Spooky, Tea but will take a look at other names on Moonguard (let me know, I have other names that are not on my name list above that i’m willing to trade)

Names on other realms for 100k-1mil or trades for MG names:
Area-52: Slushy, Twofaced
Dalaran: Authenticity, Cautionary, Compete, Competitive, Lapcat, Lobster, Makeout, Seduct, Several, Socialize, Truthfully, Waystone, Viciously
Illidan: Blissfully, Colorful, Flightstone, Parol, Photographs, Pub, Tangy, Tincture
Mal’Ganis: Color, Confetti, Creative, Dramatic, Fantasize, Laggy, Nervous, Norse, Octavia, October, Planet
Stormrage: Eboy, Isv, Lapcat, Poetry, Ravenous, Scenery.
Tichondrius: Colorful, Tangy.
WRA: Blissed, Dispel, Dreamt, Dystopian, Geek, Lavenders, Obsess, Pendulum, Sadden, Stellular, Twofaced.
Zul’Jin: Blissed, Laggy.

Mail/Whisper “Boop” in-game on Moonguard!
Sleepy#17768 on Bnet

Looking for the name Solren if anybody has it. I’d like to pay gold. The only name I have worth trading is Shadows.

Looking specifically for the names POPPY and COSETTE. Please reach out!!


Briege, Covertly, Deftly, Adoringly, Flowerful, Bunnybutt, Sensitively, Gyromancy, Scapulimancy, Roomy, Hellokittys, Paltry, Quarterly, Eepiest, Reify, Fiendishly

Adoring, Purred, Preciously, Angelical, Sinfully

Contact me at bunny#14463 on btag for any enquiries.

Hiya :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Dusk-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Trade or Gold: :sparkling_heart: Gold: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

💖Bovine       💜Lull          💜Oxen
💖Beastly      💜Zealous       
💖Toothy       💜Last          💜Surface          
💖Aye          💜Chomper            
💖Seethe       💜Sadly         💜Tied      
💖Bovine       💜Bearer        💜Druidic    

Lore involved Names (WRA):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)

Moon Guard Names:

💜Steep         💜Sullied

Lore involved Names (Moon Guard):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)

Names marked with ‘*’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days)

Special offer: I really want the name Galahad rn, so if anyone knows anything about that name, let me know!

(I’m also seeking generally short names that fit with my naming conventions. Example names I have: Hate, Dusk, Spirit, Zeal, Cutie, Scythe.) :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

:sparkles: Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! :sparkles:

CONTACT: basicglitch [discord] or [sisterly] in game
PRICE: All names are listed with gold price! Trades/deals can also be discussed!

• Negotiant - 200k

[NEW] • Vinery- 100k

[NEW] • Geniality- 100k

• Spokesmen - 85k

• Indebt- 85k

• Tradesmen- 85k

[NEW] • Cryptogram - 85k

[NEW] • Necrolysis - 85k

• Albinism- 85k

• Tolvir - 85k

• Flautist - 50k

[NEW] • Snitched - 50k

• Shoppe- 50k

• Ocypete- 50k

• Sculptress- 50k

[NEW] • Ebulliency - 50k

• Memey - 30k

• Biomantic- 20k

• Cryomantic- 20k

• Dismancer- 20k

[NEW] • Necrotrophic 15k

• Predomiant - 20k

• Slaay - 20k

• Stuckup- 15k

• Necrotomic- 15k

• Bratted- 10k

Hello! I am begging for the name Stasia on Moon Guard (and/or Wyrmrest Accord), willing to trade gold or names. :face_holding_back_tears:
I am also interested in the name Sylvie for MG or WRA, though that is not nearly as important to me as Stasia.

I can be reached via Discord: Lyrisael, BN: Lyric#11505, or in-game mail on Lyrisael (MG and WRA).

Names that I have available for sale or trade:

Moon Guard:

  • Kittynn
  • Purrly
  • Yuy
  • Hiring
  • Cassael
  • Galexy
  • Valleigh
  • Kiraia
  • Liaya
  • Augustra
  • Lizen

Wyrmrest Accord:

  • Katsy
  • Sva
  • Kissu
  • Yiffe
  • Jiulia & Jiulie
  • Lizen

Emerald Dream:

  • Cathryn

btag: KEVIN#113701
discord: bigmankevin
in-game mail: Kevin

Boatload of new names so if it’s just looking, window shop away!
I prefer gold but do trades depending on the names. :fire:
Message anytime, I’m never busy.

:point_down: Names :point_down:

old list, updated below v v v

See latest post.

Just a little reminder out there for name sellers and buyers alike:

The process for releasing names has changed, making it much harder for names to be released prior to expansions. Before, names would be released if the WoW account hadn’t been active for two expacs, meaning that unused names on inactive accounts would naturally be up for grabs eventually.

Now, they are tied to the account itself meaning that even if the player doesn’t play World of Warcraft, but plays Diablo or Call of Duty occasionally; those names will never be released.


Names are sold however still on the lookout for Kat and Cloud (or Clouds).

Contact me via discord at adyne. (period included)

Here’s something to consider:

Now with all realms being on the same login screen, and the fact you can join any guild on any server, it might be better, and cheaper, to grab the names you want on dead realms then just join a Moon Guard guild.

Several of the names I was looking for I found on Steamwheedle Cartel and with MoP Remix, I was just able to delete alts on Moon Guard then reroll them on that server with those names. On my character screen I can’t even tell which character is on which server unless I squint.

Edit: You better jump on this, folks. I can’t be the only person who realized this. As an example, the only names I couldn’t get from my wish list:

Was Amelia, Mia, Grace and Victoria.