Name Archive

Moonguard Names - GOLD ONLY
Contact: basicglitch [discord] or [sisterly] in game
Always willing to make deals or do trades!

:scroll: LORE WORDS :scroll:
• Tolvir - 300k
• Sindassi - 50k
• Ravenspeech - 20k

:unicorn: MYTHOLOGICAL WORDS :unicorn:
• Ocypete- 75k

:feather: IMMERSIVE WORDS :feather:

• Nationalist - 300k
• Criminalism - 250k
• Albinism - 150k
• Toxicologic - 150k
• Flautist - 100k
• Shoppe- 100k
• Biomancy- 90k
• Biomantic- 90k
• Cryomantic- 90k
• Sculptress- 85k
• Indebt- 85k
• Tradesmen- 85k
• Pacification- 85k
• Necrotrophic - 85k
• Necrotomic- 85k
• Predomiant - 85k
• Dismancer- 50k
• Arithmantic- 50k
• Sophomoric- 50k
• Lunatical- 50k
• Eldered- 30k
• Fathered- 30k
• Stuckup- 15k
• Looneybin- 15k
• Hasbin- 15k

:rainbow: OTHER WORDS :rainbow:
• Slaay- 100k
• Prideflag- 75k
• Smolbaby- 30k

Hiya :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! It’s been awhile! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Scythe-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Trade or Gold: :sparkling_heart: Gold: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

💖Bovine       💜Lull          💜Oxen
💖Beastly      💜Zealous       
💖Toothy       💜Last          💜Surface          
💖Aye          💜Chomper            
💖Seethe       💜Sadly         💜Tied      
💖Bovine       💜Bearer        💜Druidic    

Lore involved Names (WRA):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)

Moon Guard Names:

💜Toothy       💜Uhuh 
💖Masque       💜Steep         💜Sullied

Lore involved Names (Moon Guard):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)

:sparkles: Special offer :sparkles::

I have some names on Wyrmrest Accord that I would like on Moon Guard. If you are willing to make the trade, you can have my name on Wyrmrest Accord. It would be a 1:1 trade.

Names in Question:

✨Zeal*        ✨Hate*           ✨Spirit*
✨Salt*        ✨Easy*           ✨Cutie*
✨Risk*        ✨Fatality*

Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘*’may have a cooldown attached. (30 days) Also, if you are specifically seeking to trade with me, please send me a list. I prefer short names with an edge or cute factor! Also, I would die for the name Rat. :revolving_hearts:

:sparkles: Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! :sparkles:

Special offer: I really want the name Galahad rn, so if anyone knows anything about that name, let me know! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Thought I’d refresh my listing since the new panda event is out and I’ve got some pandaren names people might be interested in.

Names I have:

Moon Guard:

  • Gui, cd

  • Suo

  • Cuo

  • Duan

  • Shuai

  • Huai

  • Diu

  • Mian

  • Piao

  • Deng

  • Abbie

Wymrest Accord:

  • Su, cd

  • Annie, cd

  • Cillian, cd

Looking for:

Moon Guard:

  • Morag

  • Aithe

  • Ulfir

  • Lucena (pls god)

  • Good pandaren names

  • Good dude names

Please send mail to this character if interested! I also have a bit of gold to pay for names as well if none of these interest you.

Happy Friday! Still willing to do exceptionally awful things for the names Jackson and Mary.

Looking for the following on Moon Guard:

🔹 Ann             🔹 Mary
🔹 Jackson         🔹 Mazy
🔹 Maggie          🔹 Will consider other common, real names

Able to trade the following (* denotes possible CD):

Wyrmrest Accord

🔹 Bryan
🔹 Janet
🔹 Mazy

Moon Guard

🔹 Annabel         🔹 Mutant
🔹 Arcanite *      🔹 Neighbor
🔹 Bathroom        🔹 Noodlearms
🔹 Bilingual       🔹 Patio
🔹 Biologist       🔹 Precognition
🔹 Blogger         🔹 Priority
🔹 Buffing         🔹 Rooms
🔹 Columnist       🔹 Seastone
🔹 Dairy           🔹 Shrike *
🔹 Diega           🔹 Spay
🔹 Earthling       🔹 Sustainable
🔹 Flightstone     🔹 Teamster
🔹 Frugal          🔹 Timerunner
🔹 Hemisphere      🔹 Titration
🔹 Homogeneous     🔹 Unclear
🔹 Lowfat          🔹 Urban
🔹 Meteorite       🔹 Weslyn
🔹 Motel           🔹 Whack

Trades only, but I’m happy to include pets, gold, etc., in exchange for the names on my wanted list. Please send in-game mail or respond here. Thanks!

Hello! Haven’t been able to reach you via mail. What’s a good way to contact you?

See latest post.

Looking for the name Celaire, I’d be happy to trade for gold, or any of the names I have on Wyrmrest Accord if that interests you! Contact me in-game at Navaet @ Moon Guard or Lyaena @ Wyrmrest Accord.

Looking for:

  • Eluvianna-MoonGuard

Been attempting to reach the Eluvianna on Moon Guard for a while but haven’t had a reply to in-game mail since I first sent one in BfA. Here’s hoping they see this someday and are willing to trade :slightly_smiling_face:

Try making a character with that name when the new expansion launches. They tend to do name releases then. If that player hasn’t been on that character since BfA or longer there’s a good chance they haven’t been playing at all. I’ve gotten some really good previously taken names right at expansion releases.

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Sadly, it doesnt matter if they’ve been on a character or not. The whole account has to be inactive, that includes playing other games that are from the Blizzard Launcher, for them to have names unlocked.
BUT! Isnt a bad idea to keep during every expansion lock, juust in case the account has been inactive.

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There’s a website you can use to see people’s other characters. Not to be a downer, but Elu’s main has gear from the Amirdrassil patch, so you’d be waiting a while if you’re looking to snag the name.

Yeah, every year or so they put a few levels on that character. I’m partially just curious about it tbh. It’s been my rp name for 6 years so definitely just keep checking. :slight_smile:

If it’s wowprogress or checkpvp iirc they have to do the content type, preferably current, to see anything like that.

Mind if I ask what website you’re referring to? I’d never look to hound anyone, but it’d be nice to try to sort out if I have a chance at grabbing a freed up name due to account inactivity in the future.

Wow’s armory covers that by itself.

That aside… blizzard last I knew didn’t track specific characters or game accounts but instead accounts for purposes of tracking activity.

That means that even if someone doesn’t log into a WoW account so long as they are logging into their account, even if not playing a game, then the names remain associated with the account.

Yep. That’s what I meant by account inactivity; their BNET account. I haven’t figured out a bigbrain way to use the armory to locate a main character of an alt that has no armory profile.

Gotcha, most aren’t aware of that from my view.

It’d be nice if the tracking was done on a per character level so names would get freed up more frequently.

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If there is a name I want and the character is clearly inactive I just cross my fingers the whole account is and keep trying the name. It’s really all you can do. I have around 50 characters and still will log into all of them at least once every month’ish so they’ll all show as active if you look up their names.

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The website is

But it’s not 100% up to date. I see a bunch of alts listed under your name like Andy, Frank, Lane, Nelly, etc. but when I search my name, only two of my alts show up and I have almost 60 leveled up to 70.

Thanks! That’s wild. I wonder how that site is pulling data. Some of those characters haven’t been logged into for a long while now while it’s completely ignoring (or not detecting) characters that I’m very active on. Weird.

Hey Kevin! I sold you that name! :smiley: Add me on disc some time. I’d love to trade again. @Astrowla

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