See latest post.
Deleted to post an updated version below.
Biddidy babidi bump!
I am happy to pay whatever price you desire for the following, nothing is off the table:
- Bee
- Belore
- Bright
- Deer
- Joy
- Light
- Moon
- Nana
- No
- Noa
- Noah
- Phoenix
- Sun
- Sunny
- Any short words (3-4 letters tops)
- Any flower, tree, plant names (No scientific names: basic flower, tree, plant names)
- Any common names (IE Noa, Rene, Lea, etc. short and simple!)
Thank you very much!
You can reach me at Discord via 8w7. (8w7 is my Discord handle with the new system.)
Or send me an in-game mail - I would prefer Discord as a heads up to ensure quick communication.
Other Offers: I am also happy to counter on any current offers you have. Names mean a lot to me and would love to have some of these. They will be used and loved, and not collect dust.
Thank you. I am super elated to have some of my original MG names back, they are well loved.
Got an Alliance alt or disc I can message you on?
Willing to do exceptionally awful things for the names Jackson and Mary.
Looking for the following MG Names!
Bloodcrest (NEED)
Blackfyre / Blackfire (NEED)
Will pay a lot of gold for the listed ones above. Also have these names to trade (good chunk will be on CD)
Luke (will only trade for Blackfire or Blackfyre)
Send mail to Alexander or Constantine on Alliance MG!
btag: KEVIN#113701
discord: bigmankevin
in-game mail: Kevin
You won’t bug me, message away!
A: aardvark - antacid - apparel
B: baldurian - bayside - bpi - bugbear - bungie
C: colonist - congestion - corps - corridor - cpu
D: deject - devolve - dicaprio - diy - duane - dyslexia
E: earring
F: finnish - former - franchise
G: gein - gilgoblin
H: herring - hitpoints - hoarse
I: ifc - ikiss - imminent - individual - ingest - irate
J: jamel - jarring
L: labret - legislature - ligament
M: mky
N: nke - nerubian - nothin
P: plate - profound
R: radioactive - raspy
S: slc - smock - spotless - stevia - suitor
T: tarragrue - tedious - terokkar - thermometer - treatment - turn
U: ufc - unisex - unread - untidy - uptight
W: wildebeest
Z: zbd - zskera
Hiya Moon Guard ! It’s been awhile! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Scythe-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys!
Trade or Gold: Gold:
Wyrmrest Accord Names:
💖Bovine 💜Lull 💜Oxen
💖Beastly 💜Zealous 💜Holier
💖Toothy 💜Last 💜Surface
💖Aye 💜Chomper
💖Seethe 💜Sadly 💜Tied
💖Bovine 💜Bearer 💜Druidic
Lore involved Names (WRA):
💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)
Moon Guard Names:
💜Toothy 💜Uhuh
💖Masque 💜Steep 💜Sullied
Lore involved Names (Moon Guard):
💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)
Special offer :
I have some names on Wyrmrest Accord that I would like on Moon Guard. If you are willing to make the trade, you can have my name on Wyrmrest Accord. It would be a 1:1 trade.
Names in Question:
✨Zeal* ✨Hate* ✨Spirit*
✨Salt* ✨Easy* ✨Cutie*
✨Risk* ✨Fatality*
Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘*’may have a cooldown attached. (30 days) Also, if you are specifically seeking to trade with me, please send me a list. I prefer short names with an edge or cute factor! Also, I would die for the name Rat.
Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading!
Special offer: I really want the name Galahad rn, so if anyone knows anything about that name, let me know!
Offering 1 million gold for the name Tsuji. Send in game mail to Tsujii or add on bnet @ Krad#1204
Still searching for any animal/western inspired names! Thank you.
Looking to trade the following names on Moon Guard for single-word names, generally with a serious/fantasy tone:
- Comparison
- Ideate
- Promotion
- Backstory
- Sustain
- Pinprick
- Precede
- Topple
- Nostril
Please message me on Talonflare-Moonguard if you’re interested in any of them!
Selling the names Marcel (30 day cd), Niklaus, and Deucalion. Discord: slaptimus
Still willing to do exceptionally awful things for the names Jackson and Mary.
Looking for the following on Moon Guard:
🔹 Ann 🔹 Mary
🔹 Jackson 🔹 Mazy
🔹 Maggie 🔹 Will consider other common, real names
Able to trade the following (* denotes possible CD):
Wyrmrest Accord
🔹 Bryan
🔹 Janet
🔹 Mazy
Moon Guard
🔹 Annabel 🔹 Mutant
🔹 Arcanite * 🔹 Neighbor
🔹 Bathroom 🔹 Noodlearms
🔹 Bilingual 🔹 Patio
🔹 Biologist 🔹 Precognition
🔹 Blogger 🔹 Priority
🔹 Buffing 🔹 Rooms
🔹 Columnist 🔹 Seastone
🔹 Dairy 🔹 Shrike
🔹 Diega 🔹 Spay
🔹 Earthling 🔹 Sustainable
🔹 Flightstone 🔹 Teamster
🔹 Frugal 🔹 Timerunner
🔹 Hemisphere 🔹 Titration
🔹 Homogeneous 🔹 Unclear
🔹 Lowfat 🔹 Urban
🔹 Meteorite 🔹 Weslyn
🔹 Motel 🔹 Whack
Trades only, but I’m happy to include pets, gold, etc., in exchange for the names on my wanted list. Please send in-game mail or respond here. Thanks!
WTB names on Moon Guard! Looking for cute words/names, normal female names (i.e Anna, Kate), or descriptors/adjectives that are neat.
Here are some of the names I’m selling or willing to trade!
Softs, Briege, Covertly, Deftly, Adoringly, Flowershop, Flowerful, Bunnybutt (New!), Sensitively (New!), Vangelico (New! Lil gta meme hehe), Gyromancy (New!), Scapulimancy (New!), Roomy (New!), Hellokittys (New!), Paltry (New!), Quarterly (New!)
Adoring, Purred, Preciously, Angelical, Sinfully
Looking in SPECIFIC for:
Daisy, Poppy (Sentimental), Fawn, Tansy, Dove!
Please reach out to bunny#14463 on btag with any questions or offers!
Still willing to do exceptionally awful things for the names Jackson and Mary.
Looking for the following on Moon Guard:
🔹 Ann 🔹 Mary
🔹 Jackson 🔹 Mazy
🔹 Maggie 🔹 Will consider other common, real names
Able to trade the following (* denotes possible CD):
Wyrmrest Accord
🔹 Bryan
🔹 Janet
🔹 Mazy
Moon Guard
🔹 Annabel 🔹 Mutant
🔹 Arcanite * 🔹 Neighbor
🔹 Bathroom 🔹 Noodlearms
🔹 Bilingual 🔹 Patio
🔹 Biologist 🔹 Precognition
🔹 Blogger 🔹 Priority
🔹 Buffing 🔹 Rooms
🔹 Columnist 🔹 Seastone
🔹 Dairy 🔹 Shrike *
🔹 Diega 🔹 Spay
🔹 Earthling 🔹 Sustainable
🔹 Flightstone 🔹 Teamster
🔹 Frugal 🔹 Timerunner
🔹 Hemisphere 🔹 Titration
🔹 Homogeneous 🔹 Unclear
🔹 Lowfat 🔹 Urban
🔹 Meteorite 🔹 Weslyn
🔹 Motel 🔹 Whack
Trades only, but I’m happy to include pets, gold, etc., in exchange for the names on my wanted list. Please send in-game mail or respond here. Thanks!
WTB a few feminine real names (Sarah, Emily, Megan, etc.). I have some names to offer, and will offer millions of gold for anyone interested. Please send a discord friend to nek6663, or mail in-game to Hilarious-MoonGuard.
Out of curiosity, how much for “Festival” and “Snugly”?
As a side note: I’m looking for “Lore” or various celestial, monk, gemstone, pandaren, zodiac, and chinese/japanese names.
Festival and Snugly would be 45k gold each.
Noted, thank you!
Might get in touch closer to MoP: Remix release
Still sitting on technology? I have the name ‘Bai’ for trade, It’s white in Chinese.