Name Archive

I believe lesser-played characters like alts won’t show up until someone searches for them on the site, where they’ll then be attached to your main until you unlink them yourself.

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Trading for OTHER good names:
(Some of these may be on cooldown.)
Contact on Discord: Astrowla
Poping (Po Ping - Kung-fu Panda)
Aquagos (blue dragon name)
Astergos (blue dragon name)


Galegenoh (stag in Cherokee)
Oneiricus (green dragon name)
Coralstrasz (red dragon name)
Tartarean (relating to or characteristic of Tartarus; hellish and infernal)


Infest, Softs, Briege, Covertly, Deftly, Adoringly, Flowershop, Flowerful, Bunnybutt, Sensitively, Gyromancy, Scapulimancy, Roomy, Hellokittys, Paltry, Quarterly, Eepiest, Reify, Fiendishly

Adoring, Purred, Preciously, Angelical, Sinfully

Contact me at bunny#14463 on btag for any enquiries.

Sent you a friend request!

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Three of the same post within 20 minutes. Mercy…


sorry!! for some reason none of the posts were going through on my end :((

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If the person with the name Sunlight on Moon Guard reads this thread, please add me on Discord (ayrenn) or on Bnet (Ayrenn#1949) I lost the name in a swap and I really want it back so I’d like to pay you for it

Sorry to see that :frowning: Same thing happened with me with the name Odette.

I hope you find that person and they’re helpful.

Still looking for the name Vinnie!

btag: KEVIN#113701
discord: bigmankevin
in-game mail: Kevin

I prefer gold but do trades depending on the names. :fire:

:point_down: Names :point_down:

A: achiever - antacid - apparel
B: baldurian - bayside - bpi - bugbear - bungie
C: colonist - congestion - corps - corridor - cpu
D: deject - devolve - dicaprio - diy - duane - dyslexia
E: earring
F: fiancé - finnish - flaky - forlese - former - franchise
G: gein - gilgoblin
H: herring - hitpoints - hoarse
I: ifc - ikiss - imminent - individual - ingest - irate
J: jamel - jarring
K: killzone
L: labret - legislature - ligament - liver - livestock
M: mindblowing - ministry - mky
N: neltharus - nerubian - nke - nothin
P: plate - profound
R: radioactive - raspy - rural
S: slc - smock - speech - spotless - stevia - suitor
T: tarragrue - tedious - terokkar - thermometer - treatment - turn
U: ufc - unisex - unread - untidy - uptight
W: wildebeest
Z: zbd - zky - zskera

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Sadly it doesn’t seem like I’ll be getting the name back, which is really upsetting since I had Sunlight, Daylight and Moonlight as matching names. It is what it is, though.

I’m seeking the name Ixtab btw! I think someone in this thread has the name :slight_smile:

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I find it hilarious how there’s someone in here that posted a while back about hating us ‘name scalpers’, and now they’re posting on an alt, acting like someone else that’s friendly. xd


Hiya :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I’m still aiming to make some trades/sells! You can either reply directly to me here or contact me via in-game mail @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord, or @Scythe-Moon Guard! Looking forward to trading with you guys! :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

Trade or Gold: :sparkling_heart: Gold: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

💖Bovine       💜Lull          💜Oxen
💖Beastly      💜Zealous       
💖Toothy       💜Last          💜Surface          
💖Aye          💜Chomper            
💖Seethe       💜Sadly         💜Tied      
💖Bovine       💜Bearer        💜Druidic    

Lore involved Names (WRA):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)

Moon Guard Names:

💜Toothy       💜Uhuh 
💜Steep         💜Sullied

Lore involved Names (Moon Guard):

💖Surfal (Love in Thalassian/Darnassian)

Names marked with ‘*’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days)

Special offer: I really want the name Galahad rn, so if anyone knows anything about that name, let me know!

(I’m also seeking generally short names that fit with my naming conventions. Example names I have: Hate, Dusk, Spirit, Zeal, Cutie, Scythe.) :face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands:

:sparkles: Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! :sparkles:

Ugh lame. I hope it’s not someone I talked to.

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Biddidy babidi bump!

I am happy to pay whatever price you desire for the following, nothing is off the table:

  • Bee
  • Belore
  • Bright
  • Deer
  • Joy
  • Light
  • Moon
  • Nana
  • No
  • Noa
  • Noah
  • Phoenix
  • Sunny
  • Any short words (3-4 letters tops)
  • Any flower, tree, plant names (No scientific names: basic flower, tree, plant names)
  • Any common names (IE Noa, Rene, Lea, etc. :wink: short and simple!)

Thank you very much!

You can reach me at Discord via 8w7. (8w7 is my Discord handle with the new system.)

:exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: Other Offers: I am also happy to counter on any current offers you have. Names mean a lot to me and would love to have some of these. They will be used and loved, and not collect dust. :exclamation::exclamation::exclamation:

Thank you. I am super elated to have some of my original MG names back, they are well loved. :sparkling_heart:

Still willing to do exceptionally awful things for the names Jackson and Mary.

Looking for the following on Moon Guard:

🔹 Ann             🔹 Mary
🔹 Jackson         🔹 Mazy
🔹 Maggie          🔹 Will consider other common, real names

Able to trade the following (* denotes possible CD):

Wyrmrest Accord

🔹 Bryan
🔹 Janet
🔹 Mazy

Moon Guard

🔹 Annabel         🔹 Mutant
🔹 Arcanite *      🔹 Neighbor
🔹 Bathroom        🔹 Noodlearms
🔹 Bilingual       🔹 Patio
🔹 Biologist       🔹 Precognition
🔹 Blogger         🔹 Priority
🔹 Buffing         🔹 Rooms
🔹 Columnist       🔹 Seastone
🔹 Dairy           🔹 Shrike *
🔹 Diega           🔹 Spay
🔹 Earthling       🔹 Sustainable
🔹 Flightstone     🔹 Teamster
🔹 Frugal          🔹 Timerunner
🔹 Hemisphere      🔹 Titration
🔹 Homogeneous     🔹 Unclear
🔹 Lowfat          🔹 Urban
🔹 Meteorite       🔹 Weslyn
🔹 Motel           🔹 Whack

Trades only, but I’m happy to include pets, gold, etc., in exchange for the names on my wanted list. Please send in-game mail or respond here. Thanks!

Looking for (Moon Guard only.):
Devil, Doe, Moondust, Female, or Frost+Flame.

(NOT accepting gold for these names. Only trades.)

Contact: Artemis (Ally/Moon Guard)

Edit: I am no longer looking to trade. Thank you!

Looking for the name Celaire on Moon Guard! I’d be happy to trade for gold, or any of the names I have on Wyrmrest Accord if that interests you! Contact me in-game at Navaet @ Moon Guard or Lyaena @ Wyrmrest Accord.

Hey, there. I’m not sure if you’re still active, but I’ve sent Lydia in-game mail. :two_hearts: