Naleidea Rivergleam (voice acting) made me uninstall Dragonflight

It doesn’t sound like she’s uncomfortable saying it at all. She’s saying it with expression.


IT sounds uncomfortable to me. OR it’s terrible voice acting. Either way it’s an awkward line with awkward delivery.

Ok, I guess we’re just going to disagree.


Toddy’s fine. But she just sounds like a typical dwarf so I had no issues.

Now if we ever get a male dwarf that sounds like Varric I’m gonna just be very distracted in a good way


No? She doesn’t


if only you were capable of doing that every time. lmao


Okay. She does to me? The way this does not need to be a constant “WELL I THINK.”

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The voice acting is pretty bad this expansion.

But if you quit over it then the strand that held you here was probably pretty thin already.


So yeah OP’s post is kinda suspicious, but if you look at his post history the only thing I can gleam is that he honestly just hates this game, Retail and Classic, and will complain about literally anything he finds mildly annoying in WoW.

I genuinely suggest just playing other games OP.


Leaving because you don’t like the voice of a minor character is, to put it mildly, overreacting.
Personally, in DF, I haven’t come across a voice that has irritated me on the same level as Stinky Pete from BfA or that cringe-inducing character in the druid’s class hall who would respond when clicked on “How can I help?” from Legion.


Man don’t even get me started.

Thank you so much, there is a ton of love for this voice actor on WoWHead, and I absolutely cannot stand her character. The vocal fry, the stilted lines, ugh, no.

Sindragosa made blood come out of my ears. God that was horrible voice acting.

Just popping in to say I super duper love the voice acting on Naleidea :dracthyr_love_animated:


…this Sindragosa?

I’m straight up, honestly having a hard time figuring out why anyone would deem her smooth, soothing voice to be something that made “blood come out of their ears”. Like with Naleidea, it’s absolutely bog-standard “Refined female character” coming from a professional voice actor with a very long work history (the English voice of Ivy from several games in the Soul Calibur series, also the OG voice of the female succubus in Warcraft).


At least there’s an option to disable the speech so… ehh. :man_shrugging:

(I play with the sounds off most of the time)

That is literally not what he was saying. He’s simply saying you have the tools to solve the problems to a degree.

And tbh, you didn’t really explain what is bad about it. All you just said it’s bad (Or your “It’s nails on a chalkboard” point). Entertaining this point in particular, even if the VA is bad, it’s not “I’m going to quit the game over this” bad. Plus, a lot of other expansions don’t have the best VA sometimes either.

Clearly different tastes because that was legit when I knew she’d be my favorite character this xpac and she is, I really can’t do/redo enough quests or dailies with her voicing them because she’s the coolest. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Quiting over a voice actress that just says a few lines and do not even hear often for the rest of the game. I hope all petty people like you just leave. Seriously talk about being a snowflake.


She could read the Dictionary and I’d hang on every word!


These folks straight up have broken ears