Naleidea Rivergleam (voice acting) made me uninstall Dragonflight

Don’t go talking bad about my buddy Naleidea. Her voice sounds like honey to my goblin ears,

Toddy, on the other hand, could spend a lot more time quiet.

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Wait, what? I just checked the characters voice to see what the fuss is about. It’s a beautiful voice, what’s the problem?


This right here told us everything we need to know.


Geev up de aeges! Oar dye!


I guess there’s no accounting for taste.

I absolutely love her voice and wish she had more voice acting in game. She has a sultry melodious lovely sound. Hope they use more of her in the future.


I want to love your post but I also enjoy Toddy’s lines. She cracks me up.

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I like her voice acting… unless you mean the writing for her but the actual voice I like.


Of all the horrible voices in WoW you chose THAT one to whine quit over?

That’s like swearing off ice cream over your dislike for vanilla.

Odd one to single out, but meh…it’s your choice I suppose.


I love the voice acting for that character, and I’m sorry that you don’t. But if a woman’s voice is enough to make you uninstall a video game, maybe the video game is better off without you.


" If you can’t do anything anymore without calling everything woke or fascist you have mental issues and need to lock your phone away."

So woke or fascist is bad, but marginalizing and demonizing those you disagree with as having mental health issues is perfectly ok… clown world.

When the views expressed are so extreme they’re completely nonsensical to the average person. Yes absolutely.

Its like the sandwichmen with a bell claiming to know the end of the world. Nobody ever took them seriously right? I see the extreme poles the same way.

Only difference now is that the internet gives them a megaphone and strength in numbers (still extremely small in comparison of the rest of the population.)

A real clown world would be one where personal feelings supplant any form of logical thinking.

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Voice acting is about more than just the way a voice sounds. Delivery, direction, and writing are all as important as the voice itself.

The job on the part of Naleidea is better than most of the DF voice acting, so I can understand why people are confused, but being the best of the worst isn’t really high praise.

I don’t understand why someone would single out that particular character to criticize when the expansion is full to the brim with examples that are much worse.


That would be the writer’s fault, not the voice actor. That’s like blaming the raid designers for what the class designers do. Oh wait, people here actually do that…

The voice actor is fine. Uninstalling for something like that is dumb. If you want bad voice acting delivery, look at Sindragosa’s “YOUR PATHETIC MAGIC BEEEETRAAAYAYAYAYAYAS YOU!” line.


Yeah people don’t really undeerstand voice acting as a job lol.

You’re given lines from the writing team and contextual guidelines from the producer that gives you the tone of the scene/situation. That’s it.

And often they give them really the bare minimum to reduce the chance of leaks.

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Oh that’s the one that made me laugh when a wizard popped up and they said “Arrest that handsome Wizard!” or something.

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The actress probably thought so too. You can tell because she SOUNDS uncomfortable saying it.


It just means it isn’t for you and you don’t get it, which is fine. When people who don’t appreciate/get something try to label it as universally, objectively “bad,” that just means that nobody ever taught you where you end and where other people begin.

Fine, you don’t like it. I love it, and that specific line was one of the highlights of the expansion for me, and no matter how you feel, it continues to be a highlight of the expansion for me, and I’d shake the hand of whoever wrote it, whoever performed it, and then I’d buy them the beverage of their choice.

Sorry you cringed. Try looking away.


He says while posting on a character from another expansion. Way to get the word out to the execs that their intended audience isn’t liking their current product. Reminds me of the people who go to school boards in districts they aren’t a part of to get books banned. (Just saying).

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You mean the hot blood elf who is fangirling over Dadghar?!


I am once again waking up shouting