[NA] [PACIFIC] <The Last Prophecy> Seeks CE & AOTC Raiders & M+ Pushers - T/TH & W/F 8-11 PM PST

GUILD NAME: The Last Prophecy
GUILD TYPE: Social Midcore
Heroic Team (AOTC): Prophets WED/FRI 8 PM Pacific to 11 PM Pacific
Mythic Team (CE): Olympians TUE/THU 8 PM Pacific to 11 PM Pacific
GUILDMASTER: Danitsia (aka Danilynn)
CO-GUILDMASTER: Cips (aka Easypie)
MAIN SERVER: Bleeding Hollow [US] (Cross-Server & Cross-Faction Welcomed)
COMMUNITY: [The Last Prophecy] A multi-gaming family established in 1997 in the original MMO, Ultima Online. We’ve played close to 50 MMO/MOBAs together.
REQUIREMENTS: Age 18+ & Discord Required

The primary thing we’re looking for in all our members is the ability, willingness, and desire to PLAY THE GAME. To be involved in the events we put out there and wanting to be part of it all is a strong draw for us to new members. We want our members to play and have fun and be active!

Secondly, we’re looking for adult players (age 18 and up!) that are serious about working on their characters with whatever time they have available. We do not require X number of hours per week, but we do require consistent activity and a commitment from our raid team members. We’re definitely looking for folks that can have one main spec, and are comfortable with a secondary spec, as well as have some experience in PvP.

Currently we’re most in need of the following, but do welcome everyone of any class, any server, any faction that enjoys a social guild. It is our hope to eventually build multiple raid teams for Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulties.

:orthodox_cross: For our main MYTHIC [CE] team (20m) with a future minimum iLvL of 658+ for S2:

  • 1 Arms/Fury Warrior (offspec Prot) (HIGH)
  • 1 Holy -and- Disc Priest (URGENT)
  • 1 Demonology/Destruction Warlock (URGENT)
  • 1 Vengeance/Havoc DH (URGENT)

:latin_cross: For our main HEROIC [AOTC] team (30m) with a future minimum iLvL of 642+ for S2:

  • 1 Vengeance Demon Hunter, Protection Paladin, or Blood Death Knight (URGENT)
  • 2 Holy -and- Disc Priests (URGENT)
  • 2 Preservation -or- Augmentation Evokers (URGENT)
  • 1 Restoration/Balance -or- Feral Druid (Flex) (MEDIUM)
  • 2 Elemental -or- Enhancement Shamans (HIGH)
  • 1 Retribution Paladin (HIGH)
  • 2 Fire -or- Frost Mages (URGENT)
  • 1 Beast Master -or- Marksman Hunter (HIGH)
  • 2 Windwalker Monks (MEDIUM)
  • 2 Frost -or- Unholy Death Knights (MEDIUM)
  • 1 Arms -or- Fury Warrior (HIGH)
  • 1 Havoc Demon Hunter (HIGH)
  • 1 Warlock (MEDIUM)
  • 1 Rogue (HIGH)

:trophy: We are also recruiting for static groups of guild-only players for our Mythic+ teams. We have the following teams that you can join:

  • Team: Oh That’s Cute: (M+0 to M+4) This team is made for anyone that wants to learn the routes, get better, and improve. No prior rating is required.
  • Team: Just the Cips: (M+5 to M+10) This is our mid-tier team that is looking to simply lock in their Great Vault achievements. A prior rating of 2000+ is required.
  • Team: Spillin’ the Tea: (M+5 to M+10) This is our mid-tier team that is looking to simply lock in their Great Vault achievements. A prior rating of 2000+ is required.
  • Team: Too Much Sauce: (M+10 & up) This is a high-tier team that’s looking to push past +10 to see how far they can go. A prior rating of 2500+ is required.
  • Team: One Rope at a Time: (M+15 & up) This is a high-tier team that is farming mostly 11+ dungeons for rating and titles. A prior rating of 2750+ is required.

:beers: For our overall guild management and PvP squads, we are looking for:

  • Recruitment Officers (to help us recruit the right people into our guild)
  • Guild Management Officers (to help manage raiders, teams, squads, media posts,etc.)
  • Raid Leaders (folks that know the raid mechanics and can lead raids)
  • PvP Raid Leaders (folks that know the battlegrounds and/or arenas very well and can lead others)
  • Guild Assistants (folks that want to help the guild with one or at most 2 specific tasks)

:pizza: Free weekly beer and pizza offered to anyone that takes on management roles! (LOL)

:heart: Some things we absolutely require from our members:

  • Rule number one: Don’t be a pr**k. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
  • Be mindful and accepting that we’re open to all kinds of people from all kinds of walks in life, from military folks to transgendered folks, to non binary folks, to the Polish (that’s a joke!), and to the Seniors! LOL We’re not kidding, we had a 76 year old grandpa (Pops, RIP 2020) that played with us for 13 years!
  • Hop on Discord even if it’s just to listen; socialize with us.
  • Stay away from any “double G” words. (One starts with F, the other with N.)
  • Participate in events we run often & provide feedback on what we can do better.
  • Use our website or Discord/FB/Twitter for offline interaction with each other, build that “family atmosphere”.
  • We focus on warring the bosses in raids, NOT warring each other. So, keep politics, religion, and other off colored BS where it belongs (in tells or in our :poop: NSFW channels).
  • No griefing, trolling in public, etc!
  • And… lastly… Rule number 46382658236: Don’t be a pr**k. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

:lungs: We are also doing a community drive in May (the whole month) for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation — cff(dot)org — as I was born with the disease and consistently contribute to help those younger folks like me. I have been fortunate to only have moderate symptoms and have been doing great with some of the latest medications and treatments, so we always help does that struggle far more with the illness.

:rainbow_flag::transgender_flag: In JUNE, we will once again host our annual Pride Parade for all our LGBTQ+ friends, family, and members as we support hand-in-hand the NOH8 Campaign — noh8campaign(dot)com — at a time where this is desperately needed.

:disguised_face:In NOVEMBER, or rather Movember, we support the American Cancer Fund — americancancerfund(dot)org — to raise awareness and support for all male-based cancers across the globe.

:turkey: Also in NOVEMBER, we make every effort to support the international St. Vincent’s de Paul efforts to feed the homeless — ssvpusa(dot)org — in an effort to bring solace to those in dire need.

Like what you are reading? :slight_smile:

To join us, we make it pretty easy. There are several ways to score that invite.

  • In game, search for “The Last Prophecy” and submit an application there, in the NOTE, leave us your Battle Tag so we can contact you.
  • Join our Discord Server: HJDDS3E
  • Message me directly on Battle.net: Danitsia#1308
  • Apply on our Website, do a Search for “The Last Prophecy Guild”.

~ Dani <3


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Thank you! <3

YUP… we got 3 new members so far and still needing a bunch more. Updating reqs.

<3 Dani

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Come on down and join, everyone here is pretty chill

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Come join us!

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Urgent need for a Augmentation Evoker, or at least one willing to play it. :slight_smile:

have top tier raid lead working on getting AOTC

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This would be a fact. :heart_eyes:

He’s cute and cuddly and single too — but only open to certain fursonas!

Oh and btw, updates to our Looking For List!

<3 Dani

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Looking for all types of classes and levels! Come and join the fun… we got a Town of Salem event happening on the 21st as our guild’s Christmas Party event! <3

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We’re staring our Mythic Team this coming reset! If anyone wants to join our raid ID and try us out for progression on bosses before joining us, let us know!!!

<3 Dani

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Still need DPS classes for our Mythic raid team!

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Come and take over permanent spots in our Mythic team… :slight_smile:

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Still recruting.

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Bump! Still have open spots.