[NA] [Pacific] CE Mythic Team Seeks Holy/Disc Priest, DH Tank/DPS, Warrior DPS, Warlock DPS ASAP!

Hey everyone, we’ve fully cleared our Normal, progressing on our Heroic and looking to get to 658 min iLvL before stepping into Mythic. We’ll be staggering progression between Heroic’s end bosses and Mythic’s first bosses for the next few weeks.

If you play the following and currently have 645 ilvl, do come into our Discord and check us out.

  • Holy / Disc Priest (can do both proficiently)
  • Warrior DPS (offspec tank for M+s)
  • Demo/Destro Warlock
  • Demon Hunter Tank/DPS (can do both proficiently)

Discord: discorg(dot)gg/HJDDS3E

Original Recruitment Post: