Mythic + toxicity killing best social aspects of the game

You thick-headed numbskull.

Just to have an argument I have to convince you of reality. You are so tedious.

I was presenting to you the objective reality that these players believe, which is that tanks are dying far more frequently than previous tiers, in the face of statements of intent to the contrary.

That I have to try and convince you that this is actually happening make my skin itch.

Those people are doing top end content, pushing the limits of what is possible. Unless if your position is that tank durability should never be a relevant factor, I don’t see the issue.

Meanwhile, your scrub in local 10s? That’s a different game entirely.

My POINT was that Blizzard believes that there are tanking issues and are making changes to correct what they perceive to be pain points.

The changes are aimed at all key levels.

So do you think Blizzard is making a mistake? Because I tend to trust to the best tank in M+ over your ridiculously garbage takes on the situation you clearly have no clue about.

I think people at the top will do anything that they think will get them +1 to a key, despite playing in a place where the only thing matters is relativity. So it’s pointless nonsense pretty much.

And then you also have top end healers, that don’t want to heal, and just want to maximize dps.

Also content creation, engagement farming.

That’s because you don’t the intellect to reason otherwise.

Good luck out there and stay away from sharp objects.

Your conduct is appalling.

So is your understanding of the reality we live in, but life goes on anyway.

Prot warrior I played with in 17 Brackhenhide DF S4 pushed the wrong buttons, died. Clearly, we have a tank durability issue all the way back in DF S4.

Skill is absolutely not a factor nor the mobs pulled nor the buttons anyone else pushed. It’s just game imbalance that caused him to die.

Tanks were absolutely not immortal (in any real sense of the word) or experienced by common players. Nope, absolutely not.

Are you feeling ok?

You guys seem to be forgetting that milestones keep getting moved for said gear/other rewards.

Believe it or not, there were probably players doing their best to time 18’s and 8’s in DF. This season the mechanics got harder, and the bar was raised for acquiring said gear. (If I’m not mistaken doing all 8’s also used to be KSH, while it’s more like mostly 10’s now).

You think people who were used to accomplishing something don’t have a right to complain because Blizzard thinks so little of us all that they would take from them to appease you, as opposed to creating new milestones to acknowledge the extra effort you put into the game?

I genuinely do not know if 2850 is within my wheelhouse next season, or if I’ll even try, I’m pretty content with portals as a cool reward. But if I do try and fail I’m cool with it, as it’s a reward meant for over achieving players and that’s not how I play the game. I’m just fortunate that the difficulty scaling for 8-10’s this season isn’t beyond me, but if they made KSH timing all 12’s or 13’s or 15’s, why would I keep paying a sub to accomplish less without performing any worse than I was in previous seasons?

We’re no longer in a climate where people are begging for mythic gear from doing world quests, we’re seeing people who accomplished max rewards complaining that the experience is less fun for them, or that they can no longer include their casual friends into M+ nights because one dud can be enough to make the group fail.

I would venture to guess that 2850 will probably be top 6-8% next season just because people will push harder for a new reward, is that not exclusive enough for you guys to want to lax the grind for the tier below you so non-competitive people can resume fun at levels they previously played at?

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The large majority of the people complaining about not being able to get it anymore are the ones who only got it during DF S3.

Fun detected!

Man, I nailed the comparison between this and the arena forums so well. Over there it’s ‘you only got gladiator in BFA season 4, or Shadowlands season 2 so they don’t count!’ Lol

Just wait until you guys slide further and it becomes season AND what you got it playing as. ‘TWW season 1 was FREE if you played an Enhancement Shaman!’

But regardless of BFA S3 only people mucking up the place by having the audacity to complain about the bar being raised, it is still true that a bar was raised, and has steadily risen since it’s introduction.

It’s not a good comparison because you can’t act like each KSM/KSH across seasons are equal. The fact is that DF S3 was significantly easier than previous seasons. An outlier. That’s part one.

Part two is that people are arguing they they got KSH in the past and wording it in a way that implies or misguides non-critical minds that they were getting it regularly in the past. Some of whom never got it to begin with and are full out lying. I lost count of how many people I caught straight up lying this season.

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I agree with the first half of this. The bar was raised this season, and Portal level keys were more difficult than they were in the recent past.

However, it’s not true that the bar has steadily risen. There have been more difficult seasons than this one, and substantially less difficult, and it hasn’t followed any kind of linear path.

The reason the DF S3 callout is relevant is because that was, by far, the easiest difficulty M+ has seen. The raising of the bar since then should be seen more as a correction than as an arbitrary increase of difficulty. It’s disingenuous for people whose only portals were in that soft season to complain that portals were “taken away from them,” when they would never have completed them before if it weren’t for an anomalously low challenge in that one season.

While I always get KSH, I don’t usually finish it in 10 days. Stronger players may have gotten it the first week, which is especially wild in a time when there were different scores for tyrannical and fortified. Using DF S3 as a measure of appropriate difficulty is a flawed argument, and identifying that isn’t elitist. It’s just accurate.

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I agree, there were definitely seasons more difficult than this. People continuously forget we had to cover a 34 ilvl gap this season and were running straight to +7 (past +17) keys because of the terrible timegate of M+. People who got stuck were extremely quick to blame tuning and not understanding the relationship between ilvl, dungeon knowledge, and M+. After getting geared and understanding the mechanics, I wouldn’t even call portals this season harder than many other.

Like you said, there isn’t a linear path of difficulty increase. Instead it’s more like a wave where it’s always more difficult in S1 and gets easier as the expansion progresses because we are staying the same level but continuously gaining stats. Even with dungeon tuning, our stats hit important benchmarks and DRs.

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I think he’s referring to the rewards being pushed to higher difficulties. If you had to do X key to obtain a certain reward but now you have to do X+4 key to obtain the same reward, that is effectively a difficulty increase. In this manner, they have been effectively increasing the difficulty (or I guess you could call it nerfing the rewards) for multiple seasons.


Mythic track was a +15 when I first started, then moved to a 16, then 18 (now a 10/20) and in between scaling was changed to make keys above an 11 be like 1.5 keys harder in tuning.

These are all changes that were intended to augment the difficulty of reaching the same goal.


The numbers are arbitrary. It doesn’t matter what you call it, as long as the relative difficulty is approximately the same, which it has been, outside of a couple outliers in either direction.

Even the example here is a bit cherry picked. You show 15 going to 16 to 18, but you conflate the 10 and the 20. The actual numerical arc is 15>16>18>20>10.

They could make Mythic track at 5 or 100, and it doesn’t make a difference. The only thing that matters is how difficult that 5 or 100 is. They haven’t really made things harder overall, so much as altered the amount of steps between entry level and top tier rewards.

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When M+ first had the vault added, Myth track wasnt a thing. You got base mythic level gear which then had a chance to Warforge and Titanforge.

Im really doubting +16 vaults were ever a thing but when +18 Vaults were introduced in DF it happened after the removal of WF and TF allowing gear to be rewarded at a higher base level. The +15 vault was still the same reward.

When tracks were introduced in DF S3, max vault was +20, but were on Mythic track meaning it was finally possible for people playing M+ to be as geared as Mythic raiders as that gear was upgradable to max Mythic ilvl. No more of a need to rely on luck of compliment your gear with Raid (unless you wanted absolute BiS).

Difficulty wasnt increased, rewards were just added to the harder difficulties. Rewards that the players complaining neither understand the history of, nor what it takes to obtain them naturally. There was no pushing. We werent getting this gear from M+ prior to the track introduction. Period. The rewards arent the same.