Mythic+ Tormented Hero Details

hahahhaha it’s a title , a title , nobody even care about title

What have they given the high end community.
This is 2 words after thier name. What else have they given?

For the thousands of hours of ptr testing and guide writing etc. What do high end players get? I’ll wait.

I would 100% support that if we had cross faction play and didn’t need to faction change so often to play with people :wink:

I don’t mind the title or the rewards for M+. This is good news.

However, can you please balance the specs a bit better? I love Prot Warrior but they just don’t stand up in ultra high keys like Druid or Pally do (damage and defense wise) unless it’s ToP.

Also, if you’re going to make WWs delete packs so quickly, please consider buffing the AoE throughput of other classes too.

as a casual for me, the big one is letting you stroll into pvp and do random bgs and faceroll

thats just off the top of my head

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Yea they could just do that. That’s for another thread though I guess.

So you want to have the same gear as people who farm mythic weekly as a “casual”

(in quotation marks because everyone has different parameters of what makes someone casual)

is that what i said

Imagine being upset over a string of words that is a meaningless title in the real world? Let people have their fun and stop worrying about what others have. Mind your own business.

wiggles toes


can i have the same achievement point as you ? but i don’t want to put any time on it ok ? I want all your mounts too

this is not fair , elitist game !


When this was first announced and raider io did the estimate a couple of streamers on a pod cast looked and literally every spec in the game was in the bracket to get it at the time…

This is still true today. Across EU and US, there is at least 1 character of every single spec who has a score high enough to get the title. And when one say of “every spec”, what I mean is that if your R.IO score only counted if you did the run as that spec, there are people who achieved a high enough score as every single spec in the game to get the title counting only runs completed as that spec. Demonology warlock, Ret Paladin, Survival Hunter, Holy Priest; all of them are currently represented in the title bracket between US and EU.


I’m glad a title will be awarded to .1% of the players. It’ll make it very easy to identify who the no-life elitists are that I don’t want in my groups.


Pretty much Yea.

Please correct me if I’m wrong but I said

And in response you said

The ability to walk into content and be geared for it is because of the time spent earning gear in content.

How is that not this?

What am I missing here?

Everything in this game is achievable by every single player. If you can’t do certain content and can’t get certain rewards then the fault and failure falls on you, not anyone or anything else.


i will dodge any guy with 25K+ achievement point , he must be really bad at the game to farms such things :nerd_face:

we get everything else cool in the game. it amazes me people freak out that ONE reward is for the top .1%.

one out of hundreds of thousands


the part where you straw manned. you wanted an example i gave you one

Look at that salt!


I love how fast people are to come out and say something like “hur dur everyone can do it you’re just bad” man, I don’t care what you have to say, I just want something cool while playing casually. And, as a paying customer I’m entitled to wanting that. Shrug

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I didn’t call anyone bad. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Go earn it then.