Mythic+ requires changes

If I’m doing lower end content for some reason, I pull stuff as a dps or healer.

can tell, have a good night/day/morning where ever you are :slight_smile:

How’s it feel to know blizzard agrees with me?

Just checking in you see the changes…. Oh how the mighty have fallen

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good god you are annoying. I wish I could block you.

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I think the bigger issue here is blizzard has given everyone this idea they should be at max end game gear within the first few weeks of the expansion with very little skill required. Mythic +s feel exactly where they should be and this is coming from a player that has only timed 6s with a 615 item lvl. I expect as a casual player I may not see 9-10 timed right now. I think it was kinda wild that casual players with lfr gear on were clearing 10s/20s with ease last expansion

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Not all casual players are low skill. Needing 80 hours game time a week to play content does not create a healthy game.

Who said anything about 80 hours a week? Does it take you 80 hours a week to do a few mythics? That might be a you problem.

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450/12 is not a few, and that’s best case scenario. Like why have an opinion on that content when you don’t do it?

I don’t know what 450/12 means but I do the content. I also just had a kid so I play when I have some free time. I’ve tried a few 8s and I’ve timed everything else on 5-6s. So to say I don’t do the content is wrong. I do the content and I also understand that playing the little amount I get to means maybe…I won’t be as geared as the sweaties out there pumping through content. Which was my entire point. This idea we should all just show up, get maxed out gear, and be bored of the season a few weeks in is all around dumb and harmful to the game itself. It’s an ideology blizzard started pushing to players a few expansions ago. I mean Im sitting at a 1923 raider io, 615 item level, and timing 6s with ease and I played maybe 12 hours per week, with 3-6 of those hours being in raid (depending on if I can make the 2nd night). So this idea that you have to put in 80 hours a week to do a 9 is ridiculous.

You get 12 crests a run, the current cap is 450, it’ll go up 90 next week. Bare minumim just timing 8s, instant form groups, no time between dungeons. 30 hours. Better than can’t even see the end goal like it was, but still a very long grind.

So that cap is “season cap”. That doesn’t mean you are getting that much each week. I was capped on rune crest by Wednesday. If you were getting 450 in 1 week I guess you could make that argument …but you aren’t.

I’m not, others sure hell are. No one is talking about runed, we’re on gilded.

You can, it’s on the page you’re directed to if you click “View Activity” after clicking his character name. It’s in the upper right portion, right over the “View Profile” option, opens up a dropdown menu and clicking “Ignored” opens another menu asking how long you want to ignore them.

Personally, I just scroll past most people I don’t think offer much to the discourse. Think I only have like one person ignored on these forums.

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Yah and it’s the same concept. You get x crests for x content. Either way you’ve moved the goal post so it’s not 80 hours it’s 30 hours… So how much do you think the average player plays per week. Especially the hardcore players? 30 hours seems pretty small. Tons of people that call themselves casual hit 30 hours easily. So… Should blizzard take it down to max out all content in the first season with only 10 hours/ wk, 5? 3? How much easier do you need it to be is what I’m asking. By your own logic it seems like it’s already not that complicated. We didn’t even bring up delves yet

I had a 6 month sub but I canceled it & my 30 days with the epic edition runs out in 3 weeks. I wont be renewing until m+ rewards mimic the Dragonflight model. 2k and Aotc every season during dragonflight & was subbed the entire time. I am not having fun with the current model, smert enuf to figure out whats broken & have come to the conclusion of /raises middle finger. poe2 beta soon, other games and older games on file have been keeping my attention while I raid log. being a gate keeper only work if people stick around otherwise it kills your game.

Lack of proper reward structure also kills the game.

Seeing as you’ve never tried a 9, it’s a night mare, if you’re pugging idc if your freaking peekaboo, or towlie, you are gonna fail. These changes were so freaking needed.

correct. reward structure in the DF model (2,3&4) remained unchanged & functioned well. the fact they have already lowered the crests this early when at no point did they modify older seasons mid/launch is telling of the current situation.

Lol? there were changes, many changes.

We can have disagreements, it is fine. it is the freedom of speech but this guy is just a freaking troll. He always tries to set aflame. Thank you for teaching me how to ignore him.