Mythic+ requires changes

Translation: “I will tell you what to like and you will like it.”

So, the reason why Myth track from EoD isn’t there, is because you can spam them.

Now, if you wanted to add on an extra point:

  • Mythic+ at level +12 and above now only drop loot once per week from each dungeon

then maybe.

As to your point, the current expected value for M+ is 2 items from every 5 dungeons.

It does not need to be doubled.


Gilded and hero gear at the end of 6s. Revert the squish.

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Also add a universal lockout so you have to do all 8 dungeons with the same 5 people.

And do them in the same order, every week.

Fair is fair.

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You could pug up there at the end of the season. Complain again in … 4 months?

I hate having 2k+ ratings apply for 4 and thinking they are god and be like GO FAST. BIg PULLs. Like. Some of the people in 4s need to be there. Not just farming for crests… nothing stresses me more than an arrogant 2k+ rated in a +4 demanding everyone go their speed.

Waaaaa the games to hard waaaaa i dont get inivted to keys waaaaa im hard stuck at 619 waaaa where are my free myth track gear at i do just as much work as mythic raiders waaaa make the game easy because i think its to hard waaaaaaaa, If you are “hard stuck” at 619 and cant get 9s done (now 8s) to get crest that is not a game issue it is a skill issue or a personal social issue and one questions if other people can do it why cant you?

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blizzard is hilarious. they honestly think that changing m+ the way they did to 9 for crests and 10 for mythic vault that they will extend sub time. lol, wow, no wonder the game is falling apart. complete, unadulterated delusion. if that was their intention.

bringing it back to the way it was with 6 for crests and 8 for mythic vault will not only increase participation, but it will also extend sub times for the simple fact that more players will be inclined to play their alts then. it is really not hard to see.

the game is dead. m+ group finders, while there are groups is also dead when compared to the amount of groups from previous seasons.

raider io got both shadowlands and dragonflight season 1 week 1 with nearly the same amount of keys completed as the 1st 3 weeks combined of tww season 1. that is pathetic and a serious drop in numbers. like freaky, “oh crap” scary.

if they were to change it back lets just hope that the thousands upon thousands of players are willing to return.

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don’t invite them then??? YOU CHOOSE YOUR OWN GROUP MEMBERS.

Got some numbers to back this up? More importantly, do you have a comparison of how many subscribers play M+ versus any other form of endgame?

In what way did Blizzard ignore 95% of their subscribers, exactly?

You know this rings about as hollow as the people who insist on telling you how popular something is…

You think the only reason play M+ is because it’s competitive? That all competitive environments are interchangable?

How is M+ ruining WoW? What was lost by its addition and continued support? If you don’t like it, don’t play it. By your own admission M+ isn’t a priority, so it wouldn’t really hurt you at all to not engage with it.

Your argument is mostly sound and cogent, but this quote is weakly started,; it’s normative (like premises that begin with a ‘should’ or ‘ought’)
Normative premises/arguments are the weakest arguments are the weakest in both philosophy and rhetoric.

I’ve gotten into the habit of waiting 5-6 weeks into a season instead of grinding my teeth immediately like I would have in SL seasons, and had forgotten why I decided to do this. But ty for the reminder, which is: the caps are stupid and frustrating.

The valorstone cap is a bit weird, and I’m not entirely sure why it’s there, but the crest cap should absolutely stay.


At the outset, I would like to thank everyone for taking up the discussion - as you can see also our topic could probably be a building block for small changes - which I hope will continue.

Since I have come up with some theses in the discussion that have been criticised in some way by some users, I would like to address and explain my point of view on these issues.

Let me perhaps start at the end. I perfectly understand your concern that a certain group of people could get BiS in a moment. On the other hand, I brought up the droprate reduction for a reason - and I will stress here - the droprate reduction would apply ONLY to M+12 keys; all other M+ keys 2-11 would have exactly the same droprate as Capslock corrected me - 2 items every 5 dung.
I have given an example of a double reduction in droprate - but an even greater reduction could be considered. Why do I continue to think this is a good move?

  • In Mythic Raid you can also make a move where you decide to donate all the loot to one player which consequently makes it possible for that person to get the inventory in a relatively quick time. Sure - this is not a frequent occurrence, but it still exists. In the case of HC raids there are even dedicated boosting that offer this kind of service as the transfer of the entire loot (PS: I do not support boosting).
  • Dungeons on M+12 are really already very strongly challenging - on the level of Mythic Raid. Of course they can be repeated indefinitely - but they continue to take time. The question is how many people are able to play 12h a day to get the entire BiS eq within a week (remember - you are still limited by the reduced droprate, you are still limited by random items [you can go trying to get your BiS trinket, and out of spite after 24 dungeons there will be drops of 3x feets which are no upgrade for you], and you are also limited by the Glited Crests cap).

An option to consider that could also limit loot acquisition and boosting too quickly - eliminating the ability to trade items with M+12.

I think appreciating high key players is the way to go, but we need to figure out how to do it in a rational way - reducing the droprate on M+12 and removing the ability to trade seems like a good direction.

There have also been these types of posts which I think have very strange logic, so I will try to put a very abstract counter argument.

If equipment doesn’t play a role for content completion then why don’t we have a completed HoF within a week or two of the WF?

Well, it does matter. Very much so. People who do not have the highest skills can make up for certain things with equipment. By taking away their ability to get this equipment, it also takes away the part of the game that they would be able to realise after getting better equipment. These voices are the classism of people who want to feel elitist. If you need to have better equipment in a game to feel like a better person then definitely a therapist would be the way to go. Gaming is there to provide entertainment, to bring people together - not to divide them and create division.
I know people from one of my earlier guilds who are able to complete Mythic Raid, they usually get to 4-5 bosses in a season - but to get that they just have to get the equipment beforehand. At the same time, a lot of them are now struggling to realise M+9 with that 619ilvl.

Moving the Glided Crests to M+8 is the first step to revive this key level which seemed to be pointless to implement, while I believe this limit should be moved further down and return to the level from Dragonflight

Because Blizzard nerfs content over time. And, people below the top 10 or so don’t literally play all day.

If guilds were limited to raiding six to nine hours per week, RWF might take a month or more.

I’ve seen suggested that maybe halfwayish into the season (say 2.5-3 months) during a content patch Blizz adds mythic track to higher keys as EoD rewards, maybe even with no lockout. Or at a minimum once chance per dungeon per week for say keys 12 or higher (not additional chances for going higher, 1 total chance).

The idea being that since you can only get 1 mythic track per week no matter what, the later it gets in the season it becomes impossible to catch up. Raids at least cam funnel gear to a new members or alt reroll.

thinking - even if mythic track were farmable, what would change?

It would be like if people had infinite sparks.

Ilvl would remain mostly stagnant.

Unlocking the power of the best item is probably too big of a power increase though.

Not if its not ur key? lol

Can always leave group after joining.

Some of them are great, helpful even, others are jerks but its like that with everything, also why did u need to caps in ur first response x-x. Unless your a person who harasses +4s to GO FAST?