Mythic+ requires changes

Gear is a major motivator in people running content.

It’s simply a means to an end though because gear will be reset next season.

Run content for the experience or you won’t be satisfied if you’re just chasing gear.

People have suggested a +9 have myth gear and 10’s are the portal prestige reward. I actually think you should swap those. 9’s are the presitge and 10’s remain the great vault Myth gear as that is where players who are pushing need to power increase.

Everybody hits a gearing wall based on the content they do.

The fact you think non high players deserve higher than 619 is lol.

But but but I can’t get grim or Ara Kara to drop my trinkets :sob:

Yea and I want changeling from mists.

(Cause it’ll help in mythic raid allegedly.)

You should do keys that way you can learn.

But to start of in 7s will more often then not yield bad results. Start off in a 3-4 then move to a 5-6 then go for 7s.

Really to be good in mythic plus at 9-10 keys here is a guide line to what you need

  1. 1 million over all damage
  2. Know you have an interrupt and know when to use it.
  3. Know you have hard cc and know to only use them when all mobs are casting or if you feel the tank or heals needs 3-5 seconds to catch up.
  4. Don’t stand in stuff.
  5. Dodge lines
  6. Follow any other mechanics deviating from points 4 and 5

Seriously the only part that makes this difficult is the over all damage. It’s the only thing you can completely goof that you have absolute control over

My issue is I got them from mythic zero first day. Used all my good luck.

Though I did get mandate last night so I’m I treated in trying that one out.

One thing to add to this is to use your defensives and don’t hold on to them. If you can mitigate damage by using a defensive it helps healers immensely.

Same for offensive CDs.

Don’t hold 2 minute CDs on a pack before a boss unless it’s a small pack.

This is what I’ve been saying for many days.

People just downgrade key to a 7 again to farm gear.

Yeah but even if you don’t use defensives you should be okay.

But that doesn’t make you wrong.

On my monk dps each pull I go into using diffuse magic ( if it’s not one group ) and the next group I will use fortifying brew, the next one I will use touch of karma.

At the start of something like 70% of pulls I have a defensive running by the time it wears off most of the stuff is manageable

Nope. Mythic+ is fine. Players require changes.

Look at Delves, you would be saturated with its gear. When it happens, you move to next higher difficulty content.

You may do Mythic+ after Delves. And you would be saturated with M+ gear too like what happened on Delves. When it happens, you move to the next higher difficulty content.

You may do Raid after M+. Destroy Normal Raid immediately with your high ilevel M+ gear. Then step to Heroic Raid. Boost your gear with Raid gear.

Now with both M+ and Heroic Raid gear, you would be more qualified to do Mythic Raid where gilded crests are abundant.

But no, players want an easy direct route to Mythic Raid quality gear. THAT HAS TO BE CHANGED. Mythic Raid loots has to be EARNED not abused from doing easier difficulty content.

Its just reverting it back mirror last season.

Though i wouls agree to it being M7 where you get a new “affix”

They need to make the loot even harder to get and either force players to learn their roles in dungeons or be baned from M+ so they stop ruining it for others so they can progress and problem solved its not the content its the player base thats the problem

1 million ain’t cutting 10s. That’s really low. 1 mil single target on bosses maybe. 1.4 overall is ideal. If I’m hitting 1 mil overall, there’s a couple wipes involved.

You’re wrong on a couple things here. First it’s not 1-9 that are invalid, it’s 1-6 that is largely invalidated by how easy delves are. 7 and 8 is where the lion’s share of hero gear is farmed and is how most people are going to gear up for the push to 9’s. Get your hero gear, pump it to 4/6, and then go for +9.

More importantly, if you can’t time a 9 for 12 crests or at least complete a 9 with 619 ilvl for 5 gilded… you just arent good enough to deserve the rewards. Blizz has changed the progression largely from get gear—> overgear content—> crush content to get gear—> complete gear appropriate content—> earn better gear. Kinda like how it was in the good old days before the social aspect (server and guild community/identity) of the game was completely ruined by welfare gear and group finder/queue. If you’re still trying to overgear and crush content that simply isn’t going to work anymore. You gotta adapt to the new paradigm and get used to performing at gear appropriate content. Learn encounters, use class utility and defensives properly, learn when to use tank cd’s and what you should be pulling… learn when to use healer abilities and how to keep your group up… mitigate damage as dps with personals and self healing while maximizing output. You know… actually play the game instead of winning via item level.

And if you really want to just be laid back and crush content with gear, just get 619 ilvl and queue into heroics. It’ll feel just as good as crushing 10’s with fully bis mythic gear. Probably better. But your progression treadmill for the season is probably over. As it should be. I don’t get why everyone feels entitled to mythic bis every season anyway.

People who are doing M+ for gear wouldn’t be doing it anymore once they’re in “full bis mythic gear.”

The point isn’t that people will wait until they have gear that lets them faceroll content. It’s still a challenge for them. The challenge for people, especially pugs, comes at a different gear level than organized pro groups.

Giving those people a path forward is smart for the game. Not having one simply means they’ll give up and leave and stop playing your game altogether.

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They have a great path forward… join a raiding guild that is having problems with the roster boss and soak some mythic boss loot… then they can use that to overgear the m+ content they supposedly love to do.

The m+ crunch and reward reorganization has been great for raid recruitment. Blizz has finally learned that welfare from small group or solo content only bleeds out larger more difficult content. You either have to restrict rewards or gate them behind relative difficulty to have a healthy game. You, my friend, are just pissed off that the pendulum has swung away from your preferred play mode. Simply partake in all aspects of wow and it’ll be fine.

The issue is that Hero gear is not better than Champion gear without guilded crests. You can’t “gear up for 9’s” until 9’s.

And I don’t get why you feel entitled to be the only player to be able to progress into 10’s easily. You do understand that if everyone had the same gear as you you would still progress further than them because of your “skill”?

Maybe you don’t think thats true.

So get better to push past then?

Do you honestly think the players who need more gear help to get through +9s in 619 gear are going to be viewed as a successful addition to most mythic raiding rosters? To say nothing of the players who prefer M+ at least in part because of the looser scheduling requirements compared to raid.

Even if I agreed with your overarching point that players who aren’t able to succeed in +9s 20 item levels below the seasonal max item level should be content with their effective content cap, your suggestion that they should simply join a mythic raiding guild to get higher item level gear from there is impressively unrealistic.