Mythic+ requires changes

They definitely released the expo in an unfinished state. The near constant 6 plus hour maintenances that have occured most weeks since launch proves that. Like most companies though, they want to get more money for less, so I dont see things going back to WoWs heyday during wrath.

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Not even that. Turn up the difficulty even higher, make it completion only. No more people leaving after a pull cuz score.

No because I am super toxic. I actually agree with the guy I’m arguing with.

I hate getting in a 9-10 key and failing the key. I hate that I play three classes tank healer and dps and I have zero problems getting them to 3k each season.

I do think that better gear should be capped behind harder content. And I think lots of people suck.

Like I said I’m super toxic, prolly more so than this guy. I leave keys, I link interrupts, hard cc if people are doing bad. Even if I’m in discord with you I’ll tell you you have got to do more or I’m not grouping with you. It is what it is.

But at the same time I also understand that the rest of the player base has a very valid point. We all want to play and feel like we are moving forward, even if it’s at a slower pace.

So I come at this from his point of view, but I sympathize with people who don’t share his point of view.

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Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for such a thoughtful post. I come here looking for exactly this kind of post and most often most of the stuff here is either trolling and complaining.


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So we get rid of the timer but score based on speed and lack of wipes? Did you even bother to read what you typed before you hit reply?

You are good example of why the M+ community sucks.

Like dude it’s so easy. Remove timer, reward score on competition. Solves every issue, even community ones.

Whenever I read these threads they don’t address how lower key levels were removed and there’s people with no incentive to do those lower keys that are also way overtuned.

Like yes you guys can’t get your mythic gear but I feel like there’s bigger problems with the system

They moved around crests badly. You can’t upgrade heroic gear passed normal without 9s, and normal gear can’t go past lfr unless 4-8.

As it is, I don’t even bother with Mythic 0 any longer. Some of the fights are more difficult that Heroic raid bosses (looking at you machinist). Plus, I really hate everything about Mythics from the toxic interactions with other players to the insanely fast “get it done” mentality. Then, the idea that you can brick a key. Why is that even a mechanic? Can’t they find a better solution than that? Finally, you can’t choose the content you like unless you want to risk bricking somebody else’s key. You have to rely on blind luck, and do a lot of content you don’t like, just to do the content you do like.

Mythics are a miniaturized version of what broke WOW for years, and they should be revamped for the new (very good) direction the game has started to take.

I assume you are speaking to me and yes I am part of the reason the m+ community sucks.

But is it really me? Should I be tolerate of bad players in my 9 key and try to teach them how they are doing wrong? Completely disregarding all the work and effort I put into getting where I’m at?

The only reason you get an invite to my group is because of your io, item level, and best key ran for that dungeon. Those are the only metrics I have to be able to take the best gamble I can possibly take.

If you get into my key and are terrible you effectively just bricked my key, which means I have didn’t get the rewards I was after not to mention I might have to run a key which offers me zero rewards just to get to another key that offers the rewards I am after.

To me you are the toxic one for wasting my time.

Blizzard is why the m+ community is toxic. Not you lol. They designed it this way. You’re just working with it.

You wrote a whole lot to simply say

“Change it back to DF Season 1-3”

Which is the correct answer.

I’d be okay with season 4

That’s because mythic 0’s are way overtuned for only dropping 593 gear you get from world quests. Trying to do mythic 0’s in heroic dungeon gear is a nightmare for pugs. Tanks are way too squishy now. I hear a lot of complaints from tanks that try out m0’s and then just stop tanking.

The leap from heroic dungeons to m0’s is huge

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So this is a matter of perception that i think is the root of most of these issues. People keep seeing the upgrade track and thinking “wow I cant even get full hero/normal/ w.e gear without pushing into content i cant do.” The reason that i believe this is a wrong way to look at things is because the max ilvl the gear can go to without needing the crests from harder content is essentially the actual cap for that gear. In other words, 619 4/6 hero gear actually is max level hero gear. The upgrades beyond that are mythic, regardless of whatever the track is called. If they juat ended the upgrade tracks at where they are actually supposed to be instead of pushing into the next tier i think there would be less complaining.

Yeah. I know. I just don’t do Mythics at all because of this. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.

What gets me is that the entire game has gotten SO GOOD, but Mythics are still stuck in the mindset that ruined WOW for a decade.

In BfA you maxed your vault doing a single +10, which in todays dungeons would be an M0 with extra affixes.

Having watched the continual ratcheting up of these requirements over the last 4-6 years has only served to drive people away from M+. First week of M+ in Shadowlands more than half the casual M+ers in my guild noped out of the system completely. And since then they’ve dropped off to the point there’s only 2 of us left in the guild that actually do them.

Well they should extend it to help people progress into doing keys. Like make m0’s way easier and then have an m5 be where m0’s are now at least and then pushing everything else up so that an m15 would be max vault

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Sounds like the first week of TWW too.