Mythic+ requires changes

I would go Gilded Crests to +8s and Mythic Track Loot to +9s. So essentially the middle ground between “this loot is too free!” and “the other 95% deserve nothing compared to us!” arguments. The way it’s currently designed is going to drive a substantial number of people to unsubscribe so inevitably the changes will be coming it’s just a matter of when and how much.

this would be a disaster. Having the best track gear dropping on farmable content is not a good call. people would be mythic track BIS in a matter of a week.

What I would suggest is

6 = heroic gear
7= heroic gear and 12 crest, along with like 2 gilded crests
8= heroic gear and 12 crests, along with 4 gilded crests
9 = myth gear and 8 gilded crests
10 = myth gear and 12 gilded crests

This way you are gradually increasing difficulty while also giving a reward for the increase


lol sure.

Have you done a twelve…… like the difficulty from leaving an 11 going to a 12 is about equal as going from lfr to mythic raid in heroic dungeon gear all in one day.

you need to take a step back. This game has 5 forms of content when you boil it down.

Leveling - Once you are done, its over.
Casual content - Farming quests, tmog, drops

Saying M+ was a mistake is a dumb take. You dont wanna do it, then dont do it?

First off, half these people have extended subs, either 6 months or a year long that they usually get at the start of an expac, so them unsubbing after they hit a wall (we are one month in right now) wouldnt affect blizzard’s bottom line all that much. For those that do do it month to month, they try to rush gearing anyway, so if they unsub aftet two months instead of three because their gear path stops commensurate with their skill level, still no great loss. And thats not even accounting for the fact that a huge amount of blizzard’s revenue now comes from micro transactions. You know what does affect my everyday though? Pokemon trainers bricking keys because they want gear that they dont even need for the content they enjoy so they can feel as accomplished as people who try challenging stuff.


Wow that’s a world salad of assumptions.

I pay month to month, according to you I am a unicorn.

One thing is true, in your statement above though, it’s all about you.

  1. You have an ego
  2. You think you should get the best because you are good at pressing buts even at the expensive of hurting yourself.
  3. You don’t want brain dead people in your groups…. Seams like you should get a set group.
  4. You. You. You.

Go play god of war on super extreme hard mode or something. At least then you can play a game where it can be all about you.


I mean, you are kind of being the same way.

Yes I think people who are the best at something should get the best gear. That isnt all that controversial of an opinion. The rest of your post more or less amounts to a personal attack on me, some random dude on the internet you dont even know. And talk about assumptions? Woah bro take a step back and look at what you just posted. Your lack of couth aside though, the debate about whether or not “casual” players deserve the same gear as mythic raiders has been going on for over a decade. I dont believe they do, you disagree. Only one of those camps is threatening to quit the game in spite though, something that hasnt stopped the gaming from contining these past 20 years.


I am making an assumption based on your texts. Everything you have said is about YOU not the game over all.

And yes they agree with these arguments, if they didn’t why would they add the items to help defeat all mobs in heroic raid.

If they didn’t agree with these argument why wouldn’t we just have 3 keys

0, 5, 10 because apparently that is where the player base should be stuck too based on skill level.

Really the threatening to unsub is the only thing left to do. They have reach the end of what they are capable of. Just like if blizzard completely removed mythic from the game. Raid and keys. You would likely get max gear, create and alt or 20 then you would go player something else, maybe even unsub. The reason you don’t say you would unsub is because there is zero fear they will do this.

But you need to feel better than other people. You have dps meters so you can already say you are better, but now you have to rub it in because you don’t think they should be able to get the same gear as you. So really the only reason you are better than them means you either get carried, or because you have better gear than them


the man literally said he pushes 9s and 10s but can see where the OP is coming from and agrees M+ gear progression to difficulty ratio is way off for many OTHER PLAYERS, get out of here dude.

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Hi, I tank pugs in M+ for the last 6 seasons, I unsubbed from my monthly and won’t be reactivating until I see changes. I will have enough time to get some 20th anniversary tmog then I am out. I never bought and will never buy 6 month or 12 month subs, thanks.


Just get rid of the timer and it’s fixed.

Alright i have clearly stumbled across a crazy belligerent man, who based on his recent activity, is compulsively replying to multiple theads angrily arguing with people. Have a good day sir.

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Best of luck with your future gaming mate. Hope you can find something out there you enjoy.

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Are you doing Mythic raid or Keystone level 9 and higher content? No? Then you don’t need Gilded Harbinger Crests nor item level above 619.

I am, and it’s too time intensive and pretty much impossible to pug. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

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Thanks, enjoy this game going on maintenance mode, which you could argue it already is, TWW is a DF patch with nothing great, all the bugs and dying game modes.


Get rid of the timer AND score the run based on avoidable mechanics avoided, speed, wipes, etc. System solved.