I don’t consider any levels they add to retail actually content, but the original 1-60 leveling experience was getting to do new zones, new dungeons, new skills, new talents, etc.
I can see that. In your understand of what content entails, it’s the “tangible” stuff we engage with when we log in to the game, but it has to be new stuff? Because while I can def agree that the ability to engage with something sells me on content, I would imagine anything the player can engage with would be content, no?
Would getting new trinkets be the same as new skills? Or getting new synergies with set bonuses?
Ignoring the hypocrisy of “make number go up” for a second.
Coordinating with strangers and friends to overcome challenges is content.
Practicing to do better than I did last time, learn from my mistakes and improve is content.
Man, I can appreciate wanting new stuff, but I’m having an existential crisis: all those hundreds of hours I sunk into Goldeneye 28 years ago wouldn’t count as content today ‘cuz once you’ve played one PvP round with the AR33 in that moonraker base, it’s all downhill from there
I just remember doing stuff that was fun because I thought if I continued doing it, I would continue to have fun.
If you want to compete with people who put the effort in to do that, then yes you have to do it.
I think you just want the bar lowered so people can’t out compete you.
People asked for harder content and this what happens. And don’t pin this on blizzard when they are not the ones that promoted the toxic behaviors.
Maybe in a sense, yeah. But the whole in-depth stat tracking just feels intrusive. I do wish there was a way to opt out from that kind of thing.
Why are you doing mythic raiding, and or playing with a hardcore guild then complaining about the requirements?
Seeing that you are a rogue, you aren’t really doing much in the dungeons anyway beside your rotation. What are you so butt pained about?
Race to the world first also ruins the game, the raid has to be beaten within their budget time frame, the entire wow player base has to go with their direction, Liquid max said ret aura should be removed because Paladin has 2 raid buffs and shaman has non, it is too unbalanced for his previous raid comp, who cares! He is getting paid and getting sponsors who cares!!! Stop listening to these ppl trying to make a career out of the game we are paying to play, it has nothing to do with them, what they do don’t matter at all to the players. Let us enjoy the game as is without unwanted influence!!!
You M+ defenders all regurgitate the same hyberbolic reponses. Classic has debunked this statement a million times over.
The Classic devs talk at great length about how surprised they were seeing players play through dungeons and the older raids even into the next tier.
Get some new material here.
You are just like every other M+ defender, you defend M+ because you are a WoW addict, and you need a constant carrot to keep you busy every week.
I don’t see anything wrong with people reaching a certain progression point in a patch cycle, then having them raid log or play alts.
There are other things to do in this game other than just be coerced into grinding the same 8-12 dungeons for an entire expansion.
MMOs used to be about progressing through the content, now, Blizzard just keeps recycling the same content with scaling.
Scaling is the worst thing to ever happen to this game.
Classic also didn’t have catch up mechanics.
And people making new characters or doing them for badges (wotlk) doesn’t really count as playing through them.
Scaling is the worst thing to ever happen to this game.
Who cares that much about the leveling process?
Compared to when?
Been in a casual guild since BfA and at that point all you needed to do to get your max potential from the vault was one +10. And M+ in BfA was a lot easier.
So it was super easy to carry three inexperienced players through a 10 to get their vault and there was a lot of guild participation.
Then Shadowlands happened. After the first month of Shadowlands we lost all casual participation in M+. Now we had to do 10 keys and if you were trying to max your vault carrying inexperienced players through higher levels was a problem. Instead of a rough run that was eventually completed we started getting a lot of hard fails where we had to give up.
Now, we don’t even try to do anything greater than a +3-5 and only if we have a full guild group.
So over time we’ve went from a situation where it was super easy for two experienced players to carry 3 casual guild mates to max vault in one key, to now needing 3 to 4 experienced players to carry one casual guild mate in 8 keys.
Why do people keep comparing unequal things?
You don’t compare S4 bfa with S1 SL
I haven’t needed the gear that drops from M+ since week 3. I do it because I enjoy challenging content I can play with my peers and friends. Something this game sorely lacks in all other departments, as it probably should because the game shouldn’t be designed around people like me in its entirety.
However I’m not going to advocate for WoW becoming a game I don’t want to play, and that’s what getting rid of M+ would do. So it seems we’re at an impasse.
Debating this user is pointless, they’re a purist and anyone disagreeing with them is somehow to be insulted.
Not if it’s the same content you’ve done on 24 different difficulities, just with higher numbers.
It’s the bare minimum of content only an extreme minority finds fun.
It’s fine you like it and the content exists, but the majority of players do not have anything to do, at all.
All of the content in this game that isn’t full zombie mode is for extremely niche subset of players(raids, M+, rated pvp). The majority of players have nothing to do.
It’s why WoW is bleeding subs, they keep making the entire game for 1% of people.
They need to start designing end game systems that aren’t full zombie mode and pose a challenge for the majority of their player base.
source? Because by all means, it seems to be quite the opposite.
You meant you don’t like it. Others, a visible majority, do enjoy the content.
This is why no one wants to be in Mythic raiding guilds. They remind me of pizza places trying to mimic corporations. It’s hilarious. The sole purpose of it is exploitation and greed.
You don’t need to be a corporation to sell a lot of food lol.
0 achieve classic toon. Very trustworthy.
Because PvP isn’t PvE and it would be horrible to make people grind multiple sets of gear for raid and M+.