Not to mention keys being random, take longer for reward than any raid boss, require vault to maximum item level rewards, and is much harder to target specific items from.
There are honestly a lot more differences between raid and M+ that people don’t consider when trying to do a direct comparison between the two. While I 100% agree M+ rewards need to be moved up the key scale to better align the difficulties, the people trying to reach a conclusion of which one is harder usually miss many of the differences that come into play.
This is a double-edged sword though. If I look to PUG my key, I am putting at stake 30 minutes of my time using an item that is random and thus I may not see again this week. As the key goes higher, the requirements for my party to meet in order to complete the key, much less time it, go up exponentially. At some point, giving me information to try to find the most likely group to be successful makes for a far better experience for everyone than for me to have to take a flyer on the first 4 people who sign up of the roles I need.
Yes, it is information that many use to tear down others, and I do wish there were a way to avoid that. But to not make the information publicly available will greatly lower the realistic level that even above average groups will be able to reliably PUG. Many of those players that might get declined from groups that are above where their history would indicate they could succeed in won’t have a key to sign up in the first place as more key communities where membership requires some amount of vetting would pop up for players that want to push higher but don’t have a steady 5 to always run with.
They don’t do this because 95% of the players would absolutely hate this idea. They actually like that they can do different things to achieve common progression.
It ruined the game. Nobody deserves the gear or rewards they’ve obtained through m+ since Legion. Garbage system, reinforced the garbage community to be even more garbage.
I mean we saw the alternative for 12 years, which was nothing but raid for PVE players. Why is there any reason to believe we would have gotten something different if Blizzard did away with M+?
by nature of what m+ is, we need to be judgemental. if I’m building a key for a 12, I need to know that the people I’m inviting have relevant experience.
is io perfect? no. but it’s the best metric we have for making those decisions on who to invite from a sea of faceless strangers.
why though? m+ is fun. probably the best thing to happen to wow in over a decade.
Because increasing a useless number(m+ score) is “content”.
Because increasing ilvl (another useless number) is content.
Because doing the same content, but with bigger numbers on 15 difficulties is content.
WoW has never, and never will, have content.
This is content:
No, 100% of WoW’s end game(even PvP now…) is just “make number go up XD” besides Mythic raiding(which I don’t like, but is at least content).
“Make number go up” isn’t content.
M+ wasn’t fun in D3, and it’s not fun in WoW.
It’s the bare minimum content you can possibly put into your game, catering to an extremely small minority of people who have a fascination with making a number go up.