Mythic plus ruined this game

Oh good. This thread again.

Yes let’s go back to dungeons being wholly irrelevant 3 weeks after an expansion launch. Great idea.


What you all fail to understand is that it doesn’t matter if a piece of content is extremely popular among the majority of players.

I, specifically, do not enjoy this content, so it is ruining the game and should be removed.


To be clear I don’t think a fix is healthy, I’d just like it to be more readily acknowledged it wasn’t like this before to anywhere near the same degree and people who do or would enjoy progression raiding mythic don’t do it because of expectation on tuning that players run mythic+ for their gear and crests.

Honestly the aspect crest part annoys me even though I do enjoy mythic+. The fact you can barely cap aspect crests full clearing a raid on mythic and instead have to do keys for them during progress for the first 3+ months is a little silly. They should drop 30 or so each from the second half heroic raid bosses.


The amount of crest you get doing content in general needs to be increased. As it is now, its already a slog to cap out the crest you need to upgrade things assuming you are putting in the effort every week. And if you fall behind, it feels so much worse actually trying to catch up.

Nah, im pretty sure there are legit thousands of casual bg’s compared to the few hundred raids being done on a daily.

I think you should at least earn lower crests in tandem with higher ones, not have an overflow system.

This is the answer right here. If the OP can’t find 4 friends to do a Mythic+ they are never going to find 19 to raid with.

The main thing ruining raiding is raiding. I know there’s varying opinions, but as long as massive raid walls like Tindral exist raiding is going to take massive hits with non-HOF guilds with wider ranges of skill present.

Then you have the non-flex raid size. Then the ID lockout. Sure these are probably extremely good for the top end of guilds, but you can’t ask for those and expect tons of people to want to do it. It would be like inviting someone to do something fun but then making them jump through hoops just to participate in it. There’s a good chance they get annoyed and peace out.

As far as gearing, it needs to be looked at for raiders, but ultimately all you’re doing is shoving players into raid who don’t wanna be there if you make it raid or die for others. Just like raiders don’t wanna run M+, which read above, I said it needs addressed.

You mean revamping the entire m+ difficulty in back to back seasons?

Then surely you’re aware that m+ is the most popular form of endgame content that had ever existed in any MMO by every single metric. Playtime, feedback surveys, everything.

My bathroom isn’t the only reason I bought my house, but I’d probably not have bought it if it didn’t have one.


It takes an organization to raid successfully. This is 2024. They need to make raiding more accessible if they want it to be successful. For raiders, you’re either capped below max item level or you have to commit 20-40 hours a week to playing the game. No amount of personal skill is going to get Joey to log in on time on a Thursday night in December to pull a boss 50 more times when you’re still 75 pulls away from a realistic kill.

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Sorry not sorry bub. You wanna raid? Then raid.

My favorite part of the game is m+. For me it is THE end game activity. I have no interest in raiding.

You want your endgame to be raiding then raid. It’s just one kind of end game activity and the game is no longer built around it.

The idea that m+ should be deleted so you don’t feel “forced” to do is silly. You and your raid group should be purists and only raid. Make a pact that all of you will only raid so no one is “forced” To do anything else. Your team will be the envy of the entire raiding community.

Finally your snobby “hardest content = raid” just makes you come off as a neckbeard.


Super low grade trolling lately.

“Take the rewards from M+, and no one would play it” is such a weird point to try and make, considering the game we’re talking about. You can make that exact same argument about pretty much any activity in a game like this.

Are you SURE you’ve played MMOs for 20 years? That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing someone who’s played an MMO for more than a minute would think is a solid argument.

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Right, which is why no one does keys above +10.

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Or like, 50 times when you’re 750 pulls away and it’s unclear if your guild is even capable of it.

I also think aspect crests and filling vault slots up to cap should be possible during prog. If you are spending your entire week progging the second to last boss of a mythic raid, some algorithm should exist that will allow you to open up all 3 raid vault slots and the full allotment of aspect crests when you open vault the following reset specifically from that prog effort. Guilds that put 200 pulls into mythic Tindral all week after extending put a lot more effort into the game than I did running 15x +10 keys, yet they will have nothing in their vault and have received no crests from all that time while I will have 3x max mythic raid item level pieces waiting for me, and I will have gotten to aspect crest cap during the week.

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Honestly, the way the vault works in general needs a bit more effort put in to it to make it a bit less of a pain. Some way to accommodate guilds that are focused on prog instead of just killing farm bosses, maybe even an option to let you choose from raid pool and dungeon pool regardless of if you did keys or raid content that week to fill vault. The way it is now makes sense, but feels like it lacks any refinement.

The days of raid logging have been gone since Legion, you are going to have to come to terms that the game will change overtime.

I think this is the main issue with both types of gameplay, the amount of effort needed to get the same level of gear between raids and M+ is gigantic, these days i don’t even bother going into raids until i’m fully geared through M+ and that’s just to get the achievements and appearances

Even during Shadowlands it was raid or die for the most part. Yes, we had the vault that gave Mythic raiding equivalent, but that was limited to 1 per week if you got RNG for a slot you needed. Valor was capped easily and upgrades cost a lot. Throughout the entire season you would only upgrade a few select slots.