Yeah, +10 is faceroll if you invite 630-635+ with 2800-3000+. Everyone will surprised at how many 630-635+ with 2800-3000 will queue up for +10 on LFG.
Pugging first mythic bosses is still easier than +10 by a good margin. You can do first 2-4 mythic bosses at 620-625ilvl but you can’t get an invite to +10 at 620-625
I haven’t flipped on anything. Literally restated my original point.
You are trying to say your “talks with other raiders” backs up your claim, but countless threads can’t be used to counter your anecdote? Lmao. You’re clowning.
Which is why content shouldn’t be balanced around your desires.
Look, if mythic raid gear required a +20 key to unlock in vault, (right now.) Mythic raiders wouldn’t care for m+ (because it would be mathematically impossible until way later.) There is a point where mythic raiders wouldn’t care about m+, the question is where is that point?
I have a better solution: mythic raid now drops heroic gear. And mythic track is deleted.
Whatever truth this has is gone now that the crest cap is where it is since you have more than enough to upgrade everything and craft all possible items.
Honestly fine with it. The gear is relative to whatever the last boss is killed with. Makes no difference if Mythic queen was killed with 615 gear provided the fight it fun.
Edit: provided the difficulty curve makes sense.
Statement was more so talking about the first few weeks of gearing. At this point crests are just made up fun money.
The problem with mythic plus and raid is some raiders abhor mythic plus and would rather gear come from vendors instead because that’s the fastest way possible. And that’s no way to balance content.
A realm with all gear unlocked could be fun though, and max level char creation. As a permanent thing instead of just ptr.
The same issue comes in reverse with M+ player feeling a need to do some form of raiding to help with pushing early. It will always exist unless they make gear that is mutually exclusive to each form of content and unsuable in others (i.e. raid gear only works in raids, M+.
I think that would only work provided they actually made raids perfectly tuned to you having max level gear and I actually don’t think people would enjoy that as much since there is some fun from meta gaming your gearing for your raid. Raid design has also seemed to not favor gear advantages since fights like Silken Court and Ovinax are down to WA setups and everybody knowing what do for every position. Fights like Fyrakk and Tindral also showed that progging bosses where gear is neigh irrelevant is not as fun.
Plus as much as I and my guildies hate farming M+ for rewards its led to some pretty enjoyable times with guildies and the raid team during the first few weeks doing keys together. We still are making memes about our RL farming like 70 GB for his trinket for his DK. Peak moment is when one of our tanks brought his Blood DK he was gearing for Ovinax and we all told him to set his loot prio to Frost/Unholy because it would be funny if he looted Mark because he wouldn’t be able to trade it…and you can guess what happened . It sucks but theres still value to find from it, though that enjoyment value drops as the season goes on.
I think you need to take an anecdote as simply an anecdote instead of a personal attack or as some form of proclamation that aims to invalidate others perspective.
You also attempted to use your anecdote as more than simply an anecdote.
The only one making sweeping generalizations based on anecdotes here is you. I made a statement stating that your discussions with some raiders doesn’t represent the larger community.
This is was my original address to you. What exactly is “wrong” with this? Nothing.
You are entitled to your opinions, except you tried to state your opinions as a fact.
So the thing you literally do in every post you make. Which fine, since we will always do that since all opinions and self-held truths are relative to one’s own experience. But you gotta stop taking things personally mate. My self-held have no impact on yours but it’s very cringe when you act like they do.
How am I taking things personally? I made a simple rely to you about how people in general surround themselves with likeminded people. Thus, more likely to hear and talk about things in agreement with our own beliefs.
The second part of it was bringing up historical analogy to state that your anecdotes are counter of that on forums. Again, forums are not good data, but they are on par with anecdotes.
There was nothing personal here or anything that was incorrect. You are the one who decided to argue for the sake of arguing. Did you forget that you claimed that I flip flopped for the sake of an argument, but when asked to show where you dodged?
I don’t have the time to scour across 5 different threads you complaining about people being able to get gear from different forms of content inter mixing. The bait ain’t worth it.
Not really. Given what I’ve seen you post here and in GD you state a lot of contradictory things. This is what I surmised from you reading you winge on the forums for the past month.
Again, all of this is irrelevant. “What I’ve seen here and in GD” has nothing to do with:
I asked you what part of my statement was incorrect and you dodged.
I asked where I flip flopped my argument and you dodged.
I asked where I made personal attacks and you dodged.
You are the one making and taking things personal because you can’t even acknowledge that my original post was correct in that you were wrong to use your anecdotes to make generalizations. This didn’t need to go past 3 posts total.
Instead you felt the need to bring up past topics, threads, and posts with other people instead of addressing the topic.