I mean if you’re a person who is still at 619 in all slots but has a supless of gilded crest then you’d just craft a few 636 to get you over the hump. But if you bring say your bring a hero track belt to 626 then get a myth track belt from the mythic row out of your vault, you’ve essentially lost a single gilded upgrade had you just wait till it comes out. If you do that with a lot of items that ends up seeing as it takes 75 to bring a myth track 1 piece to 6. You do wanna gear fast but if you’re smart with it can really help in the long run. I was dumb during this season and spent a few times when I really should and now I have a myth track trinket and ring at 626 and 629 respectively when I could have sent a few upgrades into em for that cumb of power.
Thinking about, it honestly baffles me that the last 2 upgrades for Hero pieces require gilded crests. I think it would have made more sense for up to Hero 5/6 using Runed and 6/6 using gilded since 5/6 Hero = 1/6 Mythic
I can agree with all that. The crest overlap might be there to encourage players to make that next step or just to make it possible to outgear the content from which it drops.
It could be what is driving some players to feel entitled to access to the crests. In it’s way it makes sense as an argument. “Why give me the gear if I can’t upgrade it?” No clue if that’s true, or whether it’s better or worse this way. Personally, I don’t think it adds much value so I don’t think I’d be disappointed if it was changed.
Why would you spend gilded crests on hero track gears when you can just wait for the weekly vault and mythic raiding loots? You could save 15-30 crests if you get normal loots and 90 crests if you loot super rare gears like Sikran neck and Rashanan cape.
The best gearing progression this season is waiting for the weekly vaults and getting myth track gears from raiding. In my opinion, 75 crests for 1/6 myth track piece to 6/6 myth track and 90 crests for 636ilvl are mistakes.
That never happens in the early season and many people hold their gilded crests for myth track pieces and 636ilvl crafted gears.
For now, gilded crest acquisition heavily discourages people from rerolling into something or playing alts. The current gilded crests cap requires 100ish dungeons (counting untimed keys). Gilded crest acquisition very quickly kills any desire to play anything but main.
Blizzard failed the gear progression, reward system and difficulty scaling. Even Blizzard said the jump from 11-12 is too much. Hopefully, they will change the gear progression, reward system and difficulty scaling next season.
I doubt you’ve looked but I have 1 (one) single solitary piece of mythic tier. Hands, that I got from Rashanan because it was finally my time. I won’t say I’ve been unlucky. I’ve received numerous rare items that felt too strong to pass up so I skipped a couple of pieces of myth track items from the vault.
As a consequence, I literally have a surplus of gilded crests. Waiting for the stars to align in the vault can be a trap. Ya, it’s worth waiting to see, but as I explained earlier, crests are unlimited in the long term. All you are doing by holding crests is reducing the overall cost of upgrading for the entire season. But at the same time you’re holding player power in your bags, just in case.
Like sitting on your dps trinkets in case a better pull happens. You’ll get more dps overall by just sending it on CD.
I think players think they’re being clever by “beating” the crest system to save 15, or 30 crests. It’s not incorrect to say that waiting to replace a 610 with a 613, or a 613 with a 623 can save you crests, but ultimately you’re just handicapping yourself “just in case.”
Finally, you can do most of this content at 610-620 ilvl quite comfortably. I think most players trying to scheme crests mistakenly believe ilvl is going to correct their mechanical shortcomings and think saving crests will result in some big ilvl payday that will take them to the next level.
Gittin gud will pay far more dividends than trying to game the system to save a few crests.
If you only play 1 or 2 characters you run out of content quickly anyway. I finished KSH at 618 ilvl, so any upgrading I’ve done since is just because I like running dungeons. I think people lose track of the fact we’re supposed to be having fun here. Lol
If you can do +10 for weekly vaults and mythic raiding, you are handicapping yourself by spending gilded crest on hero track gears unless it’s a trinket. Because 75 crests for upgrading 1/6 myth track to 6/6 and 90 crests for 636ilvl crafted gears. You would rather upgrade myth track pieces and use 90 crests for 636ilvl crafted gears. 619 to 623 is a “dead upgrade” because it costs 15 gilded crests. Hence I think Blizzard made a huge mistake with the gear progression.
You can do most of this content at 610-620ilvl but would you get an invite to +8 and +10? Probably no to +8 and 100000% no to +10.
It takes special logic to believe that upgrading gear will result in a handicap. It’s precisely the opposite of what is occurring.
The real impact is the amount of time it might take you to reach maximum ilvl. I say might because many of us won’t reach max ilvl, and even then you might not get the pieces to upgrade until you have plenty of crests waiting.
Sitting on upgrades in your bags is the actual handicap. As I’ve agreed, sometimes it’s the play, but for the most part, all the hoopla about saving crests is mostly people just trying too hard to be clever.
I don’t know if you remember, but people were being all precious with their weathered and carved crests and it barely mattered in the least. Once more, I recognize that there are times when you want to hold, but if you send it on some crests, the most likely result is that you wait an extra week to recover. Technically, you could catch up on a Tuesday and be one whole day behind.
Bottom line, most people are overthinking it by a mile.
It has been kind of a joke difficulty except for maybe DF season 1.
It’s still easier than raiding, especially the back half of…any mythic raid, but it’s not a snooze fest where you can time max power keys by your cat walking across the keyboard.
I’m always puzzled by this notation because I can tell you from talking with other raiders, we loath that M+ is relatively more difficult compared to previous seasons. If anything, we want it stupid faceroll easy so we can do our 8 +10s and then go do other stuff.
No doubt hoarding crests across weeks for that one myth track piece to show up isn’t the move but upgrading Hero track outside of trinkets past 619 kinda a waste. You’d honestly be better served week on week just crafting 636 pieces and the net cost ends up being the same relatively.
Is that surprising that you hang out and talk to other like minded people? However, that doesn’t negate the countless threads about raiders complaining when M+ was too rewarding and that they were being forced to do content they didn’t want to do.
…hence why mythic raiders would prefer the level required to receive max rewards from M+ to be easy and at a low level. Because if we have to do it, might as well not make it a whole involved process after it loses it’s new season luster after week 4 where its becomes dull from just overgearing the content.
You are still ignoring the fact that many players don’t want to be forced to do content they are not interested in doing period. If it’s easier then raids than that puts more pressure on them to be forced into doing it.
Mythic raiders are not the only raiders. The world doesn’t revolve around them.
Again, this is against the arguments we saw on the forums for years prior. Do we need to go back up to where I started about how your conversations with raiders are with like minded people that don’t represent or speak for the whole?