Just because you “explained” it doesn’t mean it’s right. M+ is infinitely farmable because there is no limit imposed by Blizzard. Raid is a weekly lockout period.
Why not? You should get the best gear for your activity from your activity of choice.
Because that lessens the rewards of others for pretty much no gain?
Because it’s kind of stupid (to me)?
Tbh I think having PvP and PvE gear so separate is also bad.
I like the game as a large shared world of experiences not world of silocraft.
You asked why new players would quit. That is why new players will likely quit. My entire point is that the current m+ setup sucks.
- The starting difficulty is not new player friendly.
- It does not have as smooth of a difficulty curve.
- You cannot progress from normals > heroics > m+ like you could before.
- Rewards are not good compared with delves and raid.
- The affixes suck so far this season.
- Many players that i used to m+ with refuse to do them due to all of the above
That is the point of this thread and my posts on it. Mythic plus is in a bad place right now.
Just because blizzard doesnt set a limit doesnt mean there is no limit. Some people have other things to do when theh arent playing WoW
So you are ok going into pvp against a premade who are all 13 ilvls higher than you and probably much higher than the randoms that queued with you because they raid and you dont? Good for you
So is all gear but raid gear deleted or something lol.
This is completely irrelevant. The fact is M+ can be farmed on repeat as many time a player wants. That’s what infinitely farmable means.
Your arguments are getting weaker and weaker as you have to keep reaching.
Raid gives the highest level gear. It shouldnt be competitive in pvp because it is higher ilvl than you can get in pvp even if you play pvp 80 hours a week. That is why it is separate. It isnt fair for a raider who pvps an hour a week to have better pvp gear than the 80 hour per week pvper because they raid 20 hours a week.
Raid and mythic+ give the same max item level.
That could be be true from PvP as well ( right now they just scale up PvP gear)
Its not reaching to say the average player cant just run m+ infinitely. Maybe streamers can run a hundred m+ a week, that is not a good reason to nerf the 8 and done player’s loot ilvl.
Raid drops higher ilvl than m+. You also get the chance at multiple vault ilvl pieces per week in raid and they get the vault. There will be a disparity in gear.
You’re right there is a disparity.
The vast majority of mythic track gear and gilded crests in the game come from keys.
No one argued that the average player can no life wow. That’s just a strawman argument you created. The fact that someone can farm it infinitely is what we are talking about. Whereas someone can only get lot from a raid difficulty once per week no matter how many times they run it.
Keep reaching.
I’m still feeling frustrated with this season. Feels like the 10s I have left to time are on the harder side, so I am ahead of where I was in DF S1 yet it still feels so bad compared to the later DF seasons. Really hope they ease up on this next season because it’s more stressful than fun. I just really don’t see myself timing, for example, a City of Threads 10 with the current healing requirements. Maybe with more gear, I don’t know. But still feeling pretty unhappy.
Alright, i will concede that it can be repeatedly farmed as many times as a player has time for. There is no reason to argue what a player can do compared to how they will play realistically.
What a player can do realistically is still xtimes more than a one time weekly raid lockout.
Some 10’s look to be comfortably timed at 630ilvl.
Its just a crap season, they need to go back to either the DF S4 lay out of rewards, or just go back to DF S1-3.
This system aint working, and the 30% reduction in participation is showing that.
Also the elephent in the room, delves took away the need to do lower keys and even 1-5 keys at the moment, which gutted the learning process for M+ Right now i would say the biggest issues with M+ is that the content literally has no on ramp at the moment.
No one does low level keys, because everyone just goes and does delves for better loot for less effort, and then people end up getting funneled into 5,6 and 7s and it becomes an either do or Die for people just trying to get the ball rolling.
The season is scuffed and unfortunately the truth of the matter is, they cant fix this season, delves were a genie that was let outta the bottle and they cant put it back. They can restructure loot rewards of M+ but they broke the system and there is still basically no on ramp to M+ right now.