Talk about bad faith, sheesh. You don’t even complete LFR, have only done 3 of the absolute lowest keys possible, and haven’t cleared even level 4 delves, but feel good posting about the difficulty of the game? You’re the worst.
to prevent people from failing upwards.
And current reward structure design.
Maybe, but then you would’ve to completely drop the aggro mechanic for that, which would allow healers to be also target of bosses.
Because… well, have you ever thought why a boss just doesn’t look around and see – oh that one is healing the group, I shall kill him instead of hitting this dude that never dies? Sound pretty stupid.
Tanks shouldn’t be removed, perhaps re-worked.
Tank should be a role, but not a specialization. It could be perhaps an instance where that certain class will perform that duty, therefore anyone can be a tank (except maybe the healer). But I wonder if that isn’t too much of a change for World of Warcraft becoming less of a RPG and more of an action game.
Rewards cap out at 10. The rest is for score.
From a pug perspective, it’s such a waste of time and gold for consumables etc that people will just log off than start from behind again.
I love m+ and I’m very tired of depletion.
this summarizes about 95% of any suggestions that show up on GD
We warned ppl back in S3 when the S4 changes were announced. Then when warned everyone when the Warthin changes were announced.
Never seen LFG more dead.
Great success listening to elitists and class discord mods.
The irony is all these ppl do competitive M+ because they aren´t good enough to play competitive PvP games like Dota or CS.
So they gotta be kings of the casuals in a 20 year old MMORPG. Just sad rly.
Just make m+ like S3 of DF again. Easy.
Warned them of what exactly lmao
really not the case at all
this might be the dumbest and or oddest thing I’ve seen today
I too liked S3 DF and S2 for that matter most in comparison to recent seasons but the rest of what you’re saying makes no sense
Yes, and without depletion, people will fail upwards.
It saves people a lot of time.
No it is true.
It´s an ego thing, that is why they want to gatekeep everything. I was in the top 0.1 or 0.01 % of Dota players or whatever. Did I ever want to gatekeep cosmetics? No, in fact there were no rewards for being a top player in Dota. Because people played for the thrill of the challenge.
Meanwhile look at all the replies here: noooo only the best ppl should get the best gear and rewards
Anyone who is this obsessed with what rewards other people get is someone who only plays for epeen slash ego, and lets be real the only game they can do that is WoW in the PvE mini-games known as M+ and raids, a 20 year old MMORPG where the average is like 38 or something.
These ppl would all be smoked in actually competitive video games, instead of a game where only 10 000 ppl play competitively, or whatever the sad M+ top numbers are.
Why are you comparing a PVE skillset to a PVP game? And why are you throwing in an FPS to compare to a MOBA?
You mean something present in WOW since the beginning? Why are you playing a game where you vehemently hate the design?
You are not wrong! Don’t let the forum neckbeards get you down
You have never achieved KSH, so when was it not “sweaty?”
M+ accessibility was much better in DF season 3. I never get the M+ should be harder argument. Keys scale infinitely. More difficulty is always there for those that want it. More players succeeding in M+ is good for the game and M+ in general. Unfortunately there’s a small but loud group of forum heroes that don’t want their M+ accomplishments made less special by more casual players obtaining similar rewards.
The point is the gatekeeping.
There are ppl here who´s entire identity is clearly based on having better gear than everyone else in WoW, and it is very sad and pathetic.
I never had an issue when everyone got free r14 gear back in Vanilla. So please, don´t lecture me.
Facts are these:
The game is successful when it is easier to acquire the best gear in the game.
Sorry you guys have been proven wrong for 20 years yet won´t give up. Even in this absolute fail season you keep fighting and arguing. The debate is over.
Ya´ll lost.
Sure you were .01% bro. Sure.
It actually wasn’t.
We can lower it to heroic dungeon difficulty. If that makes you happy. Wouldn’t want to exclude anyone.
Keys scale infinitely, but M+ isn’t the sole thing setting the bar. There’s also raid. Historically, it’s far too easy.
Yes, like everyone complaining about how WOW is too hard. How many would settle for max gear being rewarded in heroic dungeons or LFR?
This has never been tested. It’s only a hypothetical.
I mean the comparison in general made no sense for the point you were trying to make
it’s like saying nfl players are only playing football cause they can’t make it big in soccer and thinking that somehow discredits the former
Most of what I’ve read here reflects the mechanics/difficulty and not gear/rewards
I am in the boat that we shouldn’t be dumbing anything down. Like the one priest said, you’ll get higher if you do better / get better. Don’t expect things to just fall over because you zoned in
This is, again, a really terrible comparison. The (very) high end of PvE (and ig PvP for that matter) is in fact competitive lmao
I’m sure “competitive” players in the games you mentioned would be “smoked” in the same sense if they tried competing here as well. It’s a terrible argument.
Agree to disagree.
Anyone that has ever found M+ too easy has always had the ability to push higher. That’s just how the system works.
That’s one sharp looking beard ya got there……
Thanks for sharing
Yes, but raids exist, and they also offer rewards.
I’ll offer a proposal: best gear will come from heroic dungeons and LFR. No more worries.