Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

A charge system to start would be welcome because you’re not wrong with it favouring organized groups due to the nature of the system in general.

Anything that can protect people from playing an LFG simulator would go a long way.

Making friends is the best solution.

Youre missing the point.

You can still finish the key and get all the rewards. Cant do that with a raid.

Or i can join someone elses key

So is being stuck on phase 3 for 3 houes and never getting a kill

Once you get past reward levels, sure

We’re going in circles here.

I’d love to be able to do that with a key that doesn’t deplete. If you needed to run 5 min back to the raid from a graveyard outside the instance then wait for an arbitrary timer to finish before you could pull again, or possibly clear the trash again because you took too long, would you tell people to be ok with that as the price of failure?

Because you keep acting like its black and white and m+ has the grey area of failing and still being rewarded. Raiding doesnt. So you can’t compare the two.

Sign up for another key. Theres no shortage of them.

They do not get rewarded upon failure. Thats their price of failure

If you’re 630+ geared and 619 loot drops for you, do you feel rewarded? Is that actually a reward? Nobody is staying to compete 12+ keys because it doesn’t give score, which is the actual reward for pushing keys.

You keep talking about rewards when the entire point of this conversation is the punishment of your time being wasted.

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Oh we moving goalposts now? Blizzard is already making making pushing easier with not letting keys deplete below 12 next season.

Because m+ encompasses more than “push keys”. In fact the majority of m+ falls in the reward range. So a sweeping change to the system for the 5% now encourages degenerate style play from the other 95%

Youre a prime example of whats wrong with GD and their suggestions. Youre so narrow minded you only think of yourself amd your wants without thinking about how it affects an entire game mode as a whole.

Depleted key is not wasted time for 95% of m+ because theyre still being rewarded for it. Thays why i keep bringing it up. Try to keep up cupcake.

Im also pkay with the idea of taking away key depletion. So long as you get nothing and are teleported outside the dungeon as soon as the timer hits 0. No free practice runs. Your key doesnt deplete, you can try a new strat from the beginning of the next run.

Moving goal posts? What are you talking about.

Their solution doesn’t change much. It just keeps you from falling below the range considered key pushing, which is fine, but you’ll have the same frustration trying to push 13s and the whole problem starts again.

Would surely be a bother to deal with consequences of failure huh?

So then you’d be fine going back to long graveyard runs, arbitrary wait times and trash respawns?

Keys are so easy right now we took a fresh 80 healer into 10s and clear them a little over time. I also carry dps through 10s daily just gearing up guildmates’ alts. You’ll have a much better time if you play with better players, and you’ll find those better players by adding people you like playing with instead of never talking to anyone and treating your party like a group of NPCs.

Huzzah, can’t wait for the next build.

Where are all those people saying M plus participation is at an all-time high and that everything is just fine?

HMM Clueless and out of touch like I thought. I’ve been running keys on various characters since it was a thing in legion but more so BFA on.

You do not know what you are talking about if you think Mythic plus is in a good state and we just need to " get gud"

Now get out of the thread with your nonsense and trolling if you going to just malign those of us who want to see mythic plus mode prosper.


Haven’t done any mythic+ in a couple months. Every expansion the mobs get more and more annoying. Now you enter a pack and each mob has a mechanic that does passive aoe and another that threatens lethal with every cast. It’s not fun to heal.

This is the direction they went with and I hope it backfires

That’s something totally different. Keys depleting in M+ would be like failing a mythic raid boss and then having to re-fight the previous mythic raid boss just to regain the right to fight the one you lost to again.

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The problem is focusing on pushing and IO, instead of focusing on gearing.

M+ scales infinitely. WoW is an MMORPG. The game will always have terrible balance. A solo queue will be just as toxic and silly. In fact it will be worse, because all the non-meta specs will be pulling each other to the bottom in solo queue, while meta people stay in grp finder.

The focus on eSpoRtz from Blizz would always inevitably fail, as indeed it has done in all games from Overwatch, WoW mythic raiding, WoW PvP to WoW m+. Don´t focus on pushing, ignore the top 1 % of players completely. Instead just make sure that the rest of the people, who primarily focus on gear are having a good time.


Perish the thought! This isn’t a game and it’s not supposed to be fun for the majority, only fun for the 1% with a million weakauras and 5 dedicated teams of raiders and dungeoneers

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These people don´t realize it but it is over now. Even competitiveWoW subreddit just had a massive thread where people complained about Mythic raiding. The sub used to be full of ppl telling other ppl to gitgud. Now suddenly even those ppl aren´t good enough anymore, and have started revolting. Blizzard have gone way way too far, and to make matters worse the player base has basically reached a geriatric state.

Worst part is, the ppl who defend this season don´t even do so by saying it´s fun. They´re just happy that gear is being gatekept from the masses.

Just bring M+ back to S3 of DF, it takes zero effort. It isn´t even my preferred vision of m+ (which is Legion or BFA S2 or S4). But it easy to do, and universally popular.


Things that already exist? Not putting up much of a fight

No one said it was an all time high. Just that its line with previous seasons and it still is.

Theyre also comparing 65% of a season drop off to week 3-4s drop off of other seasons, and they never took the squish into consideration either

They said they expected the drop off because of delves, but also dont take that into consideration when looking at the overall either.

This is what healers asked for. So looks like its backfiring already.

Theres 37 specs in the game. M+ only allows me to take a group of 5. So its not really a “problem” much less “the biggest problem”.

What you experienced was you competing with 100 other people for the same spot. But with much less experience than those other 100