Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

I clearly pwned everybody in the early discussion here and ruffled a lot of elitist feathers in the process. The point completely sailed over all of their hall monitor gate keepin’ sweaty pumping heads. They want and like the challenge to be there and actually if you read what I am saying I am not even saying that the challenge needs to be nurfed I am saying that customization and flavor of the keys would be in everybody’s best interest.

I have no idea what’s to gain by picking apart my character and history and making ridiculous assumptions about the content I do. You’re literally in favor of keeping things arbitrarily bad and full of friction at the cost of players enjoyment and opening up the system for people to play the way they want to, when it makes absolutely no difference to you. If ppl want to play M+ without a timer and with backfills, why not? wtf? What a stupid hill to die on.

Not dealin with the best and brightest here.


Yup. To many, Faceroll is fun. To me, faceroll = suck. I hate facerolls.

If my 10 year old nephew could beat it, that’s a kid game to me. Not fun.

Thank God, M+ is not a faceroll.

You don’t see the problem with that?

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Different things are fun for different people. And what happens if what people find fun is mutually exclusive?

I HATED nightmare dungeons in Diablo 4, they did not have a timer, and had a death counter instead.

As a result, I quit Diablo 4.

No, I don’t. Because the alternative is not let healers heal through stuff. (Which, I guess, can work.)

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Disc isn’t there to babysit and spot heal in the key levels where they are meta.

Spot healing is for where people make mistakes, their kit is for reducing incoming unavoidable damage, not carrying people missing every interrupt.

Coincidentally, disc is only S-tier with a prot paladin because their kits work well together in covering the weakness of the other.

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People standing in avoidable damage and blaming the healer at low levels? Sure, but I’m not going to stop running the dungeon to chew them out.

No. Why is that a problem when it’s avoidable damage?

Also, do you remember what happened when healers in low keys didn’t need to heal? They were fighting on the forums for more healing requirements because they didn’t want to DPS as a healer.

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Bad luck. Not much you can do about that. I’ve run raid for four complete clears without a single drop. That’s a month.

You can do 60 m+ runs in one week.

Right but well…why?
It doesn’t seem like good design to me. Sure it was sorta neat getting 3 mounts one of them being the time walking mount but why is that level of rng needed?

Runs are roughly 30 mins. I dont see 1 loot per run being absurd.

Its hard to argue im progressing anything past run 20.

Increase raid drops to 20 items per boss if you increase m+ drops to 1 item per run.

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I don’t see how they are comparable but why not? People extend lockouts anyways

Loot per encounter. M+ is currently 2 pieces per 5 players per encounter, and raids are one per five per encounter.

Ah, sure then that seems fair.

Love your transmog, dude. Has a classic paladin/Stormwind/Alliance feel to it.

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Sounds like youre reaching. Trying to find an excuse to be upset or angry

Sure, if you ignore everything I say and all the rationale I pose.

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No because you are.
If someone doesnt enjoy something because they are obviously bad or doing it wrong and someone offers to help them so its fun for them as well thats called helping encouraging and being nice. You want to make it a negitive so you feel like youre on the moral high ground. Aka you are trolling

It took 200 posts after clearing his history for Varindral to make it clear he’s just bait posting.

Ok I’m being generous it was obvious after the 10th post.


I agree M+ is going the wrong direction but for different reasons. I don’t have a problem with the difficulty but if the devs make the game more difficult and have more mechanics that one shot you then they need to improve visual and audio queues to be able to react without having to rely on addons as well as improve hitboxes to be more accurate. They amped up the swirlies but didn’t give us the tools to deal with them. Class balance is also the worst I’ve ever seen it. You will have better results getting into groups and climbing io playing a meta class, but do you want to?
