Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

Ah yes tne classic nu uh reply. Thanks for confirming youre just a negitive troll.

Dude can you ever just like stop trolling? Like how and why havent they perma banned the most know troll in the forums.

Here lemme race change real quick to fix that.


NGL man, was doing 10s in like no gear at the start of the season for vault. If you’re on 8s rn it’s probably due to lower level of gameplay. I’d say that boss mechs are limited and easy, and that TRASH in the dungeons has too many mechanics + the new interrupt interaction where stops are useless feels bad. But I would never really say the bosses are hard…

Me and my group were up to TENS! TENS! Then Blizz decided “Hey let’s make it harder for those without a guild!” and decided to make a two as hard as a TEN!
Not only was it a new patch so we needed a few upgrades back when this 2:10 shtick started in DF, but we walked into a nightmare. We’ve been starved since this expansion began of Mythic+, one of our top reasons for playing cuz the rest of this game is meh so much so that most of the group and I are playing SOD!
Bring it back man! Let the sweaty and the guild folk have the 11s and higher, making it and completing a 10 with time was a big deal for us, we didn’t think all of a sudden that’d be the performance expected right at the beginning with heroic dung geared characters.
Sure, some have said I have good enough IL to do Mythic+ On my own. But…
Well, really the only reason I did it was for my group. Only reason for me to progress.


I’d say boss mechanics are just about fine.

This is true other than the fact that this is not a new interrupt interaction. This is choosing not to stick with what was a new interrupt interaction.

We had a few seasons of dazes, stuns, etc, activating the cooldown on casts because cooldowns began at the point of starting a cast and not completing it for trash mobs. Now we are back to the status quo.

I agree with this, the squishing of the keys was maybe okay, but then increasing the requirements for rewards on top of that left behind a lot of people in lower end M+ from the past.

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Sorry dude but you are what is wrong with WoW over and above anything that Blizzard has done or needs to do. I am mediocre and I know it but you sir are toxic so when you come hammering back at me know that it will fall on deaf ears. MMO does not mean “I am a superstar, you all suck and just need to get good”, it means help each other out, teach others, build a team and have fun with other gamers while making friends but you and your ilk seem to want some sort of medal for being a jackass just because you hit an interrupt or something. Enjoy yourself while destroying the community this game was built on. When the game dies and you superstars are all that’s left you will all turn on each other so fast it will be laughable…enjoy the cannibalism.


95% of wow players don’t want to be taught or to get better. They just want to nerf things down to their level.

He’s not wrong. What’s wrong with this game is people not wanting to accept personal responsibility.


We been hearing this for the past how many expansions? Seems to be going strong still.

There are points where “skill issue” is a valid argument.

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I said “when”, not that it “was or is” dying just to be clear.

I do not disagree that skill issues exist, only point was “get good” and dumping on people’s skill or opinions is no answer. If you want to be a pro gamer and only play with other pro gamers that is fine but why always go right to you suck?

You and I have disagreed before and here again you post on the side of toxic what a surprise. I said nothing about what people want or there not being some level of personal responsibility. 95% of people just do not want to deal with bogus, toxic “you suck”, “get good” comments, group kicks, failed keys, etc… if you tip n trick people rather than just post after post of “get good” the game would be better is my point, not that you will register that.

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The boss has 1 kickable cast. You have 5 people who can kick. You leave 1 range reserve to kick him when he jumps away. It’s wild to me that people are complaining about dying for blatantly failing a basic kick mechanic on a tyrannical boss. This isn’t even new.

It has nothing to do with wanting to be a pro gamer. Some people come here to complain and blame everything else except themselves for their failure. When people come here with genuine interest in improving the responses they get are overwhelmingly positive and helpful. Not when they are blaming the system and refusing to admit that it’s them.


This is exactly it. I’ll never understand why people claim to be casuals just looking to have fun, but then demand to be able to clear the hardest difficulty in the game without failing.

If difficulty were actually the problem, people would go have fun in lower keys that are easier for them.


Randall from Recess energy on the forums. Just a bunch of people who´s idea of a video game is doing homework.

Disagreeing with you != toxic
Calling everyone who disagrees with you toxic = toxic

And this is directly tied to not taking that personal responsibility. They don’t want to get told to get better to get what they want, they want things brought down to their level instead of just playing at the level their skill dictates.

As soon as people ask for help and not play the blame game I will. 99.9% of us (myself included) have room for improvement. First step is to recognize that and come to terms with it instead of blaming others or a system.

Once that happens, this happens:

Never understood this either. There’s difficulty levels for a reason. Play at yours and enjoy yourself. Not a hard concept to grasp i wouldn’t think…but here we are.

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While this is definitely true, I do have to admit healing requirements had gotten pretty ridiculous in SL. There were +22 keys in PUGs where 85% of my globals were DPS. Now I have zero issues with doing DPS when no healing is required, and it’s even fun for me to try to push my DPS higher than the last key since healing is pretty binary with the options of “group die/group live.” But the reason I signed up to heal in the first place is to spend at least half my time using healing globals; I don’t particularly want to be nothing more than a gimped 4th DPS that the group brings along because there are 6 damage events in the entire dungeon they can’t survive without a healer.

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I’ll give you that, I have not seen it but I do not spend a ton of time on here I just see thread after thread of garbage when i do but I probably just have bad luck on thread choices lol. Won’t be a problem anymore anyways as I am closing out my WoW career anyway…been a good 15 years but am over it, rather play solo games again where my skill only effects me or upcoming MMO’s without a 20yr jaded community that dump on each other more than have fun.

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Yet that is the reality of WoW. That is what happens.

It isn´t our fault you guys have an inability to grasp human nature. That is on you.