Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

It was the top of your reasoning for not having fun. You had fun being able to self sustain indefinitely in +26 keys. You are not having fun because you can’t self sustain indefinitely in +10 keys.

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I don’t enjoy needing to rely on tanks to push buttons. I say we should remove tanks from the game.

(I’m also fine with removing healers, but I think that leaves the multiplayer aspect a bit empty.)

It was an example, not a limit. The problem is the lack of control over my own survivability.

given the variance between survivability of the best tanks and the worst, I think you have too much control over your own survivability.

You do have control. Claiming you don’t at +10 keys means it is a skill issue. Sorry, it’s just the harsh reality.


Anyone who plays Disc knows something is wrong because your spot healing is non existent but you’re still S tier lmao.

Healers already know whats up, that’s why you keep seeing people make threads to take action, like reverting tank nerfs for one.

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These are stupid suggestions. Blanket nerfs because you’re not good enough do not solve anything.

That’s because proactive % damage reduction is better than reactive healing. That in addition to the damage they can deal.

Other than that Shamans are still very highly represented because they can out heal a priest for sure.

What’s wrong? damage is predictable, and disc can preemptively prepare for stuff.

Try to play disc as one does holy, and one will fall short.

Well you either get proper RIO for key or carry. If you chose to do it hard way…

Mistweaver can out heal a Shaman for sure also. That’s not the point of it.

You lot are like talking to a brick wall. Is English not your first language? The key level is irrelevant to the point.

I don’t think you want to understand. I think you want to argue.

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“If you don’t interrupt the cast”

Sounds like a very basic, easy thing to do.

You should get one shot by basically any avoidable mechanic at that key level.

Key level is entirely relevant.

Aren’t tanks strong enough to solo a +2 by now if given infinite time?


Then what is the point?

It seems like that because you are the stubborn one who can’t admit that it’s not fun for you because you can’t “self-sustain indefinitely”.

Yes the key level is highly relevant because even you used it in your reasoning and labeled +26 and +10.

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This isn’t Diablo. M+ is already very generous with loot.

Healing feels extremely bad. The spot healing is extremely bad, even on an S tier healer. That was the point.

You have to be told twice in a row that you’re missing the point. You’re head is in outer space bro. You play pally and barely scrape by as an LFR hero and think you know it all but can’t even grasp talking points.

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I don’t agree but it comes down to taste. I don’t think 60 runs to collect 2 bis weapons was generous in df

Again, Disc is not meant to be a spot healer. They are meant to be played as proactive healers.

Healing “feels bad” because people are ignoring all avoidable mechanics in low keys.

There’s a reason why +6 keys HPS is higher than a +12.

Really? Nice job cherry picking that one. Are you saying that I wouldn’t easily be able to get AoTC or CE if I wanted to after getting 3160 IO in M+?

Nice track record. /s

So you’re playing disc as if you’re playing holy. Coming up short as a result. Why is this a surprise or a problem?

Don’t play disc.

Just bribe some youtuber to list holy priest as S tier.