Mythic+ or Raid, The Eternal debate

? Why do you have this point. It’s about loot enhancing the experience, not it being the only reason that makes content fun.

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You mean confidence?


Imagine being so wrong.

Has been confirmed.

Nah. My comprehension is fine.

You literally compared acquisition of myth track in keys to heroic raiding. They are apples and oranges.

In all honesty you shouldn’t talk about anyone’s comprehension when your heroic logs are lol.

Because you seem to be weighing way too much importance on the role loot plays as a motivating factor for the game.

It’s not the most important part of the game’s systems at the end of the day, dude.

The thread is about comparing our experiences in both types of content. I’m only going to be talking about the content I do.

Read it again and then talk. Also looking at prog logs lol? I’ve got a fan <3 I’ll take that as a win, cya later

Loot existing adds to the fun in the current structure.

Mailing everyone their best in slot gear at level cap would also be okay. Just a different experience,

Like diablo 3 style, season gave you a set early on, then you could finetune your gear or seek out alternate sets.

nah, I would call it pride in the wrong place. and the need to feel superior to validate your life :frowning:

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So what’s wrong with people getting loot from M+ then that’s equivalent to raider stats?

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Nothing wrong with it, it just has to be equal in difficulty or allegedly equal. Not vastly out of balance.

Only reason m+ loot doesn’t improve after 10 is because raiding is sacred.

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It’s more that everyone wants progression to feel good and for a good amount of people that means doing harder challenge and progressing through content not simply grinding the same content. That progression used to be mostly raiding and they compromised by adding m+ and with the goal to remove raid loggin which is also why you’ll see many raiders disliking M+ the same way people hated Thorgast because it’s been imposed as a chore.

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yea I can totally see that, do you have an idea how it could be improved for both ?

Walling it off is one option. making raids drop more loot is another.

Removing lockouts can also work, but each approach has different benefits and downsides.

I for one would really be interested in raid lock out being removed or more loots that is for sure, would make raids way more interesting for me, I normally only bother to raid to help myself get 4set at the start of a season, after that if I clear AoTC or if I prog in mythic is just a + if I get there.

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There’s no compromise that would feel better than this one imo, a compromise tho means that often not everyone will be happy with it.

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Sorry, I am french canadian, what does the term imo mean ?

Who gets unhappy if the number of loot drops in raid goes up?

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What do you think about raids dropping enough loot so that EVERYONE has everything by end of six weeks?

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I dunno, the forums seem pretty up in arms about mythic+ loot being too hard to reach.

Which is weird, like why do they even care about the loot?

Probably because it enable them to pass certain hurdle and naturally help to nerf the content that you are doing?

I like slower progression, making gear irrelevant is certainly a way to balance it but for me that’s not fulfilling.