Should prob focus on improving instead of trying to comment on content you don’t do.
you do realize that most people dont even clear Heroic right ? no need to be rude.
Liking a proper reward system has hardly anything to do with being defensive over pixels. I’m also a strong advocate for Blizzard mailing everyone their BIS.
I don’t need to. I’m happy completing 10s and doing heroic prog with friends.
Not being rude. I’m making an observation.
I mean if you’re happy getting carried knock yourself out.
Hey, if the important thing for you in raiding is securing loot, that’s totally fine.
What’s important to me is if my group gets the kill. People weigh the value of rewards differently, clearly.
Sure. I’m the tank. LF ‘carry’
Loot being useful is better than it being not.
Quite the disappointment in BFA when a prog boss dies, and NO ONE NEEDS anything.
How is that a disappointment? You killed a prog boss, dude. That’s an achievement.
Because if loot was useful, it would be more enjoyable?
lol at you thinking tanks can’t be carried.
In any case. I don’t understand why you started by being so combative. What was the goal of your original response?
Are you proud that you’re 4/8M or just in a mood.
bro you legit say that you arent being rude then you tell him he s getting carried XD ? if that aint rude I know nothing, and the way you wrote your comments felt like you were looking down on him and that is never a good feel
If it were an upgrade, sure. If I killed a boss on progression and it dropped an item that was equal to something I had in that slot already, it just wouldn’t be an upgrade and that’s all it would be - and that’s fine.
I will ALWAYS reach a point where other pieces of loot will not be exciting. It doesn’t make killing a boss any less enjoyable. But the point of raiding for me isn’t “Hey, we’re doing this for loot”. It’s been “Hey, we’re doing this to kill the big bad.”
Seeing a potential upgrade drop and the anticipation leading up to it is an experience - no one is denying that. It’s not the only experience that matters, nor is it the only important one.
Reading must be so hard.
Thanks for admitting the issue.
Good thing your feelings have zero to do with my intent.
That was your mistake not mine.
One thing I wish we could do away with is that feeling that people get when they can achieve something that other can’t and when blizzard want to make said content more available or gearing easier they are like’’ but I won’t feel so SpCiAl AnYmOre’’ and then go on to be negative on the forums.
I didn’t make a mistake. Your statement and comparison made literally no sense.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
I accomplish stuff in this game for my own enjoyment, not to compete for internet cool points with other folks.
To you because you didn’t understand it. I can’t help your reading comprehension.