Mythic+ or Raid, The Eternal debate

I picked six weeks because that’s the BLP limit for Fyr’alath on mythic. Could extend to heroic on 14 weeks. (But I think raids already fall into this category anyway?)

After 14 weeks, who needs gear?

Would it be more fulfilling if gear were more about cosmetics rather than stats? I feel that’s almost the case nowadays sans trinkets - you can get plenty of comparable pieces from different sources of content as it is today, but other games like GW2 seem to make it work perfectly fine.

People scorned challenge modes because it was just cosmetics. And you want to go back to that? lol.


If it goes up a bit it would be fine, but it’s not like it would stop you from doing M+. Same as it could help to lower the vault in term of M+.


What do you think about automatic vaults?

Say, as long as you have done 8x M+10 , Now every week, you get an item?

(Don’t think it would be gamebreaking cause it’s a return to the ancient mission tables of free loot.)

Your comparison still doesn’t make any sense considering heroic doesn’t even drop myth track gear.

I mean if you think having 31% overall logs is fan worthy lol

That fact you think I use anything in this game to validate anything is just further proof you

please for the love of god, stop bashing this person for no reason. it look really bad

I haven’t even begun to begin bashing them.

If they can’t handle observations being made then they shouldn’t start things.

Stop white knighting because it’s already been proven you

I would, honestly. I enjoy unlocking transmogs and I had a BLAST doing CMs in MoP dude. :joy:
Hell, I thought they did an even better job with that angle in Legion

One of my favorite achievements is having Mistwalker on my Druid. Getting achievements and titles means way more to me than gear. I think gear should only really be a means to an end and nothing more. :person_shrugging:

There are no CMs in Legion. Are you talking about cosmetics for artifact weapons?

Transmogs haven’t gone away.

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LFR is comparable to Heroic Dungeons.
Normal raid is comparable to M0.
Heroic Raid is comparable to +4 keys.
Mythic Raid is comparable to +9-11s on early bosses or 12-14s on higher bosses.

That is without the logistics part of managing more people which adds extra difficulty to raid. When it comes to vault/gear, M+ will always be the easier route between the two, and while content for +10s and CE always gets easier over time, title range for M+ only gets harder because people constantly pushing further and raising the bar.


Not really, the better way would be for me to cap M+ like challenge mode because it seems to be M+ people that dislike the long term gear progression. But then people might not want to push higher level of M+ if gear is capped at lower.

Yes, I’m talking about the cosmetics for your weapons.

But that aspect hasn’t gone away.

We have more weapon models.

We’re talking about if the reward structure was more about cosmetics and less about gear with stats.

Sounds reasonable.

I’d also say hall of fame is the raid equivalent to the 0.1% title since there are limited spots you are competing for.

But the cosmetic reward structure remained, And the stat reward structure didn’t disappear.

Not when challenge modes existed.

One aspect I liked from M+ is that it gave an alternative to thoses that can’t raid, because they can’t commit to a raiding schedule or other reasons, it give thoses players a game mode that can be competitive but you don’t need to spend 4h per night raiding D:

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Yeah I like to play relatively competitively but I have kids so it’s hard to do mythic raiding which often requires a 3-4 night/week commitment.

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