Mythic+ or Raid, The Eternal debate

For you to claim that heroic raids in wrath and 40man raids in vanilla are to be compared to the diffculty of Mythic raiding today, seem a bit wild ?

You obviously haven’t been raiding for 20 years and don’t understand the history.

You would be assuming wrong. please stop assuming you are top dog bro.

It’s people claiming mastery over old content so classic isn’t a true representation of Vanilla.

We were in the dark ages of “Onyxia Deep Breaths more.”

And people not knowing how defense or expertise worked.

Then later on at some point, defense cap became a thing.

Brewa is a troll. I’d avoid that at all costs. As for this topic, you can see the term “Mythic” makes people’s brains fall out and tempers flare. Hopefully raiding treats you more kindly than Mythic dungeons.

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Mythic was just a challenge mode in Pandaria, but was not formally introduced until WoD, and not fully fleshed out til DF Season 3 which was arguable the best given the ability to just kick back and vault farm. I gave it up in SL mostly due to individuals like the posters in this thread.

its ok, I get he hate M+ and blame it for alot for raiders having to M+ to be competitve, we can clearly see the guy is passionated about raiding and that is ok but there is no need to act in a protectionist way and bash M+ like that :slight_smile:

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Eh, sweaty degens on the internet will be sweaty degens on the internet. What can you do? :person_shrugging:

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Challenge mode isn’t mythic plus which didn’t come until Legion.

Not sure why you feel the urge to correct me. I was implicit about not adding the “Plus” in my comment. Maybe stalk someone else for awhile.

Because why would you associate challenge modes with raids?

It didn’t exist or it was introduced towards the tail end of SOO.

Mythic raids are a rebranding.

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Is terrible and incorrect rofl.

Nah. Don’t like it don’t do it.

I already do

Rofl so full of cope.

Nothing at all, I just think that we are a community with alot of passionate people that like diverse content and that it is ok for some everyone to not like all the same area of the game, live and let live right ?

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Yup. Since people keep forgetting, they renamed things for WoD:

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But they also start at ulgarax. You can get a full mythic set from the first 4 bosses.

Imho, mythic raid should be like high keys — for the clout. End rewards at heroic. Trying to mix prestige with progression is a bad idea.

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The problem with WOW is when the parts of the game intersect.

For content that people run, that doesn’t at all affect them, people don’t really care for rewards whatever they may be.

Delves, raids, m+ all affect each other and not everyone likes all of them.

PVP largely doesn’t affect PVE so people don’t really care what happens there.

PVErs also don’t care for pet battle rewards because it doesn’t impact them.

Reason why people care about rewards is because it affects them. Wall it off, and no one will.

People do higher content, better gear drops. This suddenly stops applying to delves and m+ because reasons.


And imho your opinion is awful.

Passion I can understand, but where I think it gets ridiculous is when folks begin to do what you see on the forums, making calls to remove content or say ridiculous things like “you don’t deserve x loot because you don’t run the same content as I do.” At that point, they’re just being pointlessly negative.

For them, ‘live and let live’ isn’t enough. For some reason. Best I can do is just ignore them. :yawning_face:

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Always good to see one of my fans.

But this is important for the game to retain a proper reward structure.

If you’re willing to play a game where rewards don’t matter, state that. (But that game isn’t WOW and hasn’t been since the past two decades.) Why don’t those people find another game instead that caters to that philosophy?