Honestly I am not that great at pulling up stats, so I just went with what was said on teh progress section of warcraft logs, if you have a better way and more efficent way to do this please let me know I would like to learn <3
A better question would be why we’re only looking at the first 4 bosses.
M+ rewards cap out at +10 keys.
2,390,070 characters have done a +10 or higher key.
Mythic raid rewards cap out at Mythic Queen.
70 characters have done Mythic Queen
And you’re actually asking which one is harder?
I only pulled thoses numbers because it seemed to be the focus of the conversation at the moment :), on how some people were making claims that the 4 boss in M raid were easy to farm and therefor easier then +10s, I was just trying to provide more infos to give a better view
Not “some people”.
An M+ player.
if I am not wrong the person claimed to also have cleared the 4 first boss ? did I miss something ?, also why so much hate for M+ man
Why are you buying into this nonsense argument that we should compare the END of M+ to the BEGINNING of Mythic raid?
Tell me why.
Besides “somebody said it”.
Seems to me there are about 4 or 5 threads discussing bugs in raids, and 4,000+ threads complaining about Mythic+. If you are looking for maximum enjoyment, and minimal BS, raiding is the superior option.
I did not buy anything ? so far I don’t think I made an opinion for either side ?
(Realized I wrote the inverse derp.)
Okay, let’s try this again,
I’m convinced anyone who says m+10 is harder than first four in mythic are being carried by their guild.
Or maybe my guild “sucks” and struggles a bit too much on Rashanan reclear.
I mean, if your guild made it to prog mythic and you already cleared heroic, I wouldnt say your guild suck
It’s all a spectrum though.
Guilds I’ve been comparing mine to have downed Ovinax, but then again, they raid 9 hours, vs six for ours.
(One week of roster issues doesn’t help.)
All I know about Rashanan is that it’s been many years since I had to fight for my life and call out externals the entire encounter, just to stay alive.
Sure, fights like M Fyrrak (seed carrier ) and M Sark (solo tank - had to become a dorf
) were challenging from an execution standpoint. But I don’t think this character has EVER been subjected to the raw damage beatdown that Mythic Rashanan deals out every 20 seconds.
I will make a statement tho, Since Mythic raiding was introduced, the participation levels have always been lower then 10% of the player base, is having a content in your game that only a minority of your player base get to experience a success ? Maybe yes, maybe no ?
Was thinking of using externals just randomly on Rashanan at some point… looks at blood dk damage taken.
100% hp 1.61 seconds earlier, dead later lol.
Don’t know how difficult tanking is, but running Vengeance DH and Blood DK.
Sometimes externals are called out but rarely. Then when they are, like eight are tossed on them.
No lmao
Mythic raiding has been in the game since vanilla. It’s the other 3 difficulties that were added later, first in Wrath, then Cata, and finally in Mists.
Eh, close I think.
Probably less.
wasn’t mythic raiding introduced at the end of pandaria with SoO raid ?
Mythic was rebranded heroic because people had to feel like they were improving I guess.
This is mine:
0:28 | Ironbark | Trinket |
0:43 | Pain Suppression | |
1:14 | Time Dilation | Dampen Harm |
1:34 | Diffuse Magic | |
1:48 | Ironbark | Trinket |
2:20 | Time Dilation | Stoneform |
2:40 | Fortifying Brew | |
2:54 | Zen Med | |
3:27 | Ironbark | Trinket |
3:47 | Time Dilation | Diffuse Magic |
4:01 | Pain Suppression | |
4:33 | Sac | Stoneform |
4:53 | Ironbark | Trinket |
5:06 | Dampen Harm | |
5:38 | Time Dilation | Fortifying Brew |
5:58 | Diffuse Magic | |
6:12 | Ironbark | Trinket |