Mythic+ or Raid, The Eternal debate

But depending on the tuning - turns out you only need like 10 to 18 people. (Out of 20 or 30.)

18 man mythic, prob lower,

10 man 30 man heroic lol.

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I am confused at your comment, could you help me understand what you mean ?

Carry groups can carry quite a bit. You don’t actually need everyone to succeed.

in raid ? M+ ? both ?

Different kinds of hard. I can’t comment on a +2 or LFR because aside from the literal first week I don’t do them. Normal and heroic are typically zero challenge beyond the first week, with the possible exception of the end boss.

Right now a +10 is significantly more challenging than the first 4 bosses on Mythic. The first 4 mythic bosses are easier than Heroic Ansurek. A +12 is significantly more difficult than Ovinax.

Generally speaking the highest end of keys is more challenging than the highest end of raid by the time you have reached the top gear plateau.

The biggest problem is that M+ rewards are significantly behind Raid. You should either get 1/6 myth track for timing a +12 or you should be able to pick 2 items from your Mythic vault, with 5 slots unlocked after a total of 15 keys.

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M+ probably only needs 3 of 5.

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Anytime someone claims this, usually they have not actually done mythic.


I cleared the first 4 bosses the second week, and my guild’s alt raid cleared them this week without difficulty. These are very easy bosses for mythic, with the second half of the raid being a significant step up.

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Sounds like you’re getting hard carried by your guild.

Often comparisons aren’t fair either. +10 with disorganized pugs, and mythic with a full guild group.

Mists of Tirna Scithe does exist, just saying.


But, not until after the dev team makes it past said encounter.


Anyone know if there’s a been a single complete pug of 4/8 mythic yet?

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The big difference is you don’t need to time a +10 to get mythic track vault, considering this I don’t think it’s hard to make a case with +10s being close to the first bosses. The same way you kinda can stumble your way to 4/8M (which Ive said before was a mistake in tuning for the raid) you can stumble your way out of +10.

Moreover they did buff affixes to make it much easier than early on same as they did massive nerfs to many mechanics in M+ so far. And then as far as mythic track vault go in M+ you can also choose to do only the easier dungeons, doing a mist or ara kara is not the same as doing a grim batol. I’m not sure I would say a mist+10 is even comparable to the first mythic bosses.


I did try pugging mythic ulgrax the same week I was doing no-leaver 10s. (Week 1) Didn’t even get close.

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Out of curiosity, do you remember in your Mythic Ulgrax pug:

  1. Were they tanking him on the edge?
  2. In intermission, was the raid parking on the opposite side from the egg spawn?
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20 is best for most loot possible on heroic/heroic without pushing failure rate. But also comes with the risk of people messing up mechanic too, which is why pugging sucks. Queen Ansurek heroic is one such boss, one person messes up and everyone dies.


Definitely not.

We “barely” lived to see intermission 1.

Never saw intermission 2.

Many people died to pull ins.


no lol. not even close.


Not having ‘big participation’ doesn’t equal ‘no participation’, and even if that were the metric we were going by, there’s still plenty of people engaging with the M+ system.

Which is why I said “if it were a feature no one used.”

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If I may give some numbers, there is currently close to 4k kills reported for the first 3 boss of Mythic raid fourth boss sitting close to 2.5k kills, for NA, on raider io less then 10% of player recorded have achieved 2500 Io for the achievement.

Why are you looking at kills instead of guilds? Every week the same guilds contribute one. Might as well look at keys ran instead of % based for m+.

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