Mythic+ or Raid, The Eternal debate

Sure but my main content is mythic raid not heroic.

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Hence to my original comment to show disingeuity of yours,
there are walls which blizzard consnatly removes in mraiding, not only in m+.

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Yes, Blizzard constantly nerfs stuff over time, but stuff in mythic raid is far more exclusive by comparison.

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Ok but please tell me how many month you would wipe on queen in its original difficulty.

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no its not

I would be content being in the same patch for a year maybe? So that people can decide to start at a later time perhaps and still have plenty of fun?

Patch for a year? naw.

You do know that’s like the biggest strawman you can make because it doesn’t even help your point. I’m totally fine personally if I could never kill a boss if it’s tuned to be fair.

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I will for once say that I downed queen on heroic BEFORE nerf and I felt bummed when they nerfed her the next week but I think my emotions were pretty selfish

this is rare argument (most people avoid on this forum)
what is fair?

What’s wrong with it?

Some original bosses were not killed for months, or rumored “mathematically impossible.” (Yogg +0.)

Now, bosses have a 3 week expiration date max.

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Doesn’t require some high level of class stacking and have mechanics which can be dealt in a reasonable time so it doesn’t feel like you need addons to solve them.


All I can say is that on warcraft logs the week before nerfs on queen she had like 1500 kills reported in NA but after nerfs we are close to 6k kills right now :slight_smile:

Talking mythic, not heroic.

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I would upvote this multiple times if I could.
Reddit readers would be fuming right now,
I support your definition tho.

Correct me if I am wrong but she was also nerfed in Mythic ? and the numbers of mythic kill tripled ?

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True but comparatively small number. 21.
From like… 3?

But more than a week passed.

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You are definetly right it is a small number but if we put it in % increase I think we can both agree that it give a perspective :smiley:

Raiding. You need to coordinate 10-20 people to do mechanics correctly or wipe.

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