Mythic+ made WoW Pay to Win

That’s what people don’t seem to like. They see people at the end of the progression path while they are at the start and get jealous.
They don’t realise that literally no one starts with gear or io or experience and that they earned it by doing things.


This sums up the whole hatred for mythic+,, logs and parses, and all that stuff.

Many players feel entitled to be able to join any group they want to. They get bent out of shape when they are declined and refused a handful of times. And then for whatever reason they decide the whole system is trash since they refuse to take some personal responsibility and initiative and start from the bottom and work their way up like many of us did. This attitude is not only an issue in many video games but irl also. I feel it can be immediately linked to the age we live in now.


I want to play for Manchester United but they insist of looking at my lack of skill and experience Ability and gate keep me from doing so. How toxic of them.



I think the fair part to take from this is that m+ is too good versus the rest of the game as far as loot drops. But at the same time, if they would nerf them then what? Raid carries become the next thing? Because of how you can funnel loot in it.

The wowtoken also takes a big part in it, lot of carries are bough with wowtoken. Which is also for me a reason why they don’t want to reduce the amount of carries much because they make money out of it.

Also the reason you get overpowered by other players is not only gear but all the borrowed power systems coming in. Having the right azerith gear, essences and corruptions will make it way unfair for new players than if it was just gear.

So they would need to reduce those, but they are the reason why people have to do dailies basicly. So they won’t.

I’ve gotten into plenty of zeroes on a 420 hunter before. Just keep trying until someone gives you a chance.

Or ask your guild to help you. That’s what they’re there for. My guild has people who love running dungeons and they don’t mind if I bring a 420 alt to guild runs and I brought a 350 healer to zeroes and fed them gear.

Indeed. It’s almost like playing the game gives you the rewards you want to earn…

i actually think Achievements and now iO made the game pay to win.
People gate the content behind Achieves and iO score.
Alot of people, and i mean ALOT arrive late to expansions and dont have these Achieves as a result and in BFAs case players came back to realise theres also a new addon gating them from content, iO.

lets take myself for example.
Know all the content 12/12 Heroic
and all the M+'s i WANT to do.
pull high numbers, and past high-end game experience in both raiding and pvp.

But i cant even get into a M9 Kings Rest without paying for it.
Solely because of iO.

Pay to win is when a form of character power is only available to get through the ingame store with real money only with no way of getting it through the game.

“I have no idea if he has bought carries but he must have because he killed me! Stupid carry buyers, if it wasn’t for them I’d be on top”


I’d disagree with you here. I do +20s and I cant get better gear to do higher keys unless I were to Mythic raid. Considering +20 and up are harder than most mythic bosses I feel like I should get better loot from them. Mythic raid is still far and away the best way to gear, although the drops are more plentiful from M+

No, if we’re talking about something being pay to win, as in it gives you a huge advantage over someone based on your wallet, then that would be BOE gear.

The good corruption going for millions or close in gold means that you’re either buying tokens or you’re already in the 1% of players that have millions of gold. This insane amount of power that you will get instantly, and directly, being tied to how much you can buy…

At this point I’ve been doing keys for fun and to push my io, but have I gotten any upgrades from them? No.

The gear I wear either came from raid, vision guaranteed corruption, or a 475 piece of the weekly lootbox.

you dont have to be a part of the meta to do 15s


The problem with people who don’t do high keys is they think they could do them too, if only they had the io, or if only they had better gear. They probably can’t. It’s not just extra damage, because in higher keys mechanics that would tickle you in low keys will one shot you. You have to pay attention to literally everything and tiny mistakes can cost the key. You have to know stuff is coming that you didn’t even know was there in lower keys. It requires an incredible amount of coordination and skill. Every kick, every stun, every defensive, knock, disorient and cc has to be perfectly timed or else you’re dead. We check raider io because it shows that you’ve paid your dues. You work your way up and learn the mechanics by wiping to them. If you have low io then I don’t know if you’re going to know the tricks that are needed to succeed at high levels. I don’t know if you’ve wiped to hunting leap in KR yet and know to knock or avoid it. If you’ve arrived late to the expansion then you’re damn right I’m not inviting you to my key. I’ve slogged through all the dungeons and wiped to probably every single mechanic in there. Now I know to avoid them. I also know to avoid the things that you don’t know are mechanics yet because you haven’t done a high enough key. You’re damn right I’m not going to invite you without io. Go through the grind and learn, and earn your stripes.


I believe it was MLK who said “I hope that one day we will judge one another not by the color of your class, but by the content of your io”

Idk people in our guild offer help to each other nonstop , alongside the pugs we bring when we cant fill , we dont charge them , even if we are carrying them …

Sometimes i’ll go out of my way to run lower keys , even tho its 100% sure its pointless for me to run them , same way i will go run normal on my 472 rogue …

Its actually the playerbase that made wow pay 2 win in the sense that it all started with 1 player asking a group to tag along and would pay … its just became even more trendy once the wow token came out in wod , because then those runs actually means paying your sub and gearing up alts with carries …

If the tokens to paid carries makes the content easier, wouldn’t it eventually cancel out the need for paid carries?

Also, I think them taking away the AH Dino was a scheme to boost token sales. Look at how low the gold cost is for tokens now, means the market was flooded with tokens.

this is me.
But i only buy the carries because i’m too lazy to know the fights/dungeon.
i lasted a month


I started playing again in March, got to lvl120, completed pathfinder and my ilvl is now 462.

Did this by making my own groups, I joined a friendly guild. When my ilvl reached 430 they brought me into normal nyalotha, did my visions and dailies. 2 months later I’m almost caught up and near 470+ ilvl.

Just put in some effort and you’ll be fine, don’t need to buy anything.

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I was on my orc priest and would get declined for mythic 0s. My I level was 429 and the gear is 430 that drops so I dont get it.

You have to make your own groups for m0s. Gotta remember that a decent amount of people Q up for those, most of which are probably at least 445 or 450.

Edit: not to mention you get like 475 guys carrying their friend, which is always worth getting cause it means you’re going to smash the dungeon

I always find it staggering how many people complain about pay to win when they clearly have no concept of what pay to win even means.