Mythic+ made WoW Pay to Win

let me guess you tried to gank a higher geared toon as got your as s whooped. Let’s complain to the forums

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PvP is scaled gear doesnt mater in pvp. TMpikaboo was doing 1900 rating 2s on his rogue with a free boosted 120 with no essense (just the first 1)

I dislike you and everyone like you severely.

Ah yes, the meta comps that don’t include demon hunters… all 2 of the them

take wow token price over the last 2 years in a line graph. create another axis and put stat inflation over ilvl increase. come back here and if there’s no correlation,ill give you my stuff. (fyi: wow token price is at its lowest ever).

This is my worgen druid. Feel better now that its not a horde dh complaining?

Not so subjective now, is it?

This is a whole new level of trolling

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2 words
git gud

Guys i know its fun and So easy to just crap all over this guy but on the topic an easy solution: how about just using your own key for mythic so you are in charge of making the group? lvl your own key?

Uhhhhhh??? Gear is so important it’s ridiculous in PvP wtf are you talking about? Yes the guy who played at Blizzcon playing 1000 rating below where his main is is not a good indicator of gear not mattering

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Correlation does not equal causation.

Its pure fantasy.

Also lol. You’re 421 ilevel. You literally havent even made an effort to gear up in LFR, let alone M+. You dont even know how hard it is to get gear in M+, and you make a thread whining about how people think its too hard so they’ll just spend gold on it.

You know what, I’m pretty sure this is a troll thread. I’ll admit, you got me. Well done. 7/10. Have a good one.

Mythic+ is awesome. Literally the best thing added to WoW since I started playing. And now, holy hell, gear is accessible through challenging, small group PvE! Used to be, only those that can commit to a raiding schedule would have this gear. M+ equalizes that, a little bit. Raid gear is still better and you really need to do both to gear efficiently.

Rereading your whine post again, it seems like you just don’t like playing at the end of the expansion. Are you mad that some people have more than 430 item level? What even is this? Are you mad that you can’t pug a +10 in leveling greens? What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Should raiders be the only people with high item level?

I think you need to calm your own soul before you look to change your environment.

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nah, not very…
heres a link to explain scaling by the dev twitter

Mate you need to think about more than ilvl when talking about gear. A 430 isn’t going to have a 475 bike and drest is he? Cause those 2 trinkets alone win more matches than probably 90% of the abilities on your bar.

Oh last thing mythic dungeons aren’t repetitive compare to back in the day, pathing and different approaches every week or so its actually pretty awesome if you actually just push through, there gonna be alot bad team though

Dude, you’re hopeless. Honestly. Still believing I’m complaining because of my experience with yet another alt, and missing the bigger picture and the point of the thread entirely. But I give up, its late and im cranky so ill go to bed. But keep believing mythic+ isnt responsible for token sales for carries and there’s nothing wrong with 1 gamemode setting the gear pacing for everything else, despite all the evidence i presented. It’s easier to judge my alts by their gear and assume im just whining cus im lazy.

How do you know? From both the characters you’ve posted on it looks like you havent set foot in a M+ in literal months. You have no idea what gear pacing is like when you havent even been getting gear.

You’re coming up with wild claims that people are buying WoW tokens for M+ carries when there are a great many more equally likely explanations.

Off the top of my head, maybe people are getting back into the game because of Shadowlands hype and are buying tokens to resub. Maybe they’re buying tokens to pay for the Uncorrupted Voidwing carries. Maybe they want to get the Brutosaur mount before it goes away forever. Or maybe this is just a continuing trend that has been going on for many months if not years and nothing unusual is happening at all.

Your personal beef with M+ has absolutely no correlation with token prices or the reasons why people are buying them. If the point you were trying to make was that M+ is ruining the gear pacing of the game that would be an entirely different discussion, but its like you’re simultaneously trying to say that the gearing system you’ve barely touched is negatively influencing the WoW tokens whose price could be dropping for any number of reasons, and the only evidence you’re supplying to support your theory is “Really bro? You dont think they’re related? Lol come on bro just think about it bro”.

Your arguments are flawed, your complaints are weak, and you still have yet to make a case for why M+ is bad in the first place. Have a nice nap.

Never paid for a carry or anything, my class/spec isnt t1 for raiding or mplus yet still do my 15 plus without any worries and raid at a mythic progression lvl. Not sure where you get the idea that everyone buys carries is from. If that was the case you wouldn’t see them spamming chat competing against each other

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OP your post is complete nonsense and you know it.


Hey I don’t sell carries but my boys do and they have a really difficult time actually finding people who want to buy. Theyve sat in trade chat for like 8 hours before and not sold a key. This idea that everyone is buying carries to get free gear is very very false. Even if they did get gear, inviting people off of ilvl in 2020 is incredibly stupid. If you’re not inviting based on io or checking their progress for raid kills on io you’re trolling

Which DH spec are you running that isn’t “meta”?