Mythic+ made WoW Pay to Win

Oh hey, so you play casually and just got back to the game, did your dailies and your quests and got to 425/430 ilvl? Good for you. Except not really. You cannot play organized pvp, or enable war mode, or compete for a spot in any group content. Your gear is worthless because of mythic plus.
Also if your spec isn’t part of the “meta”, you’re screwed regardless of gear level.

Mythic plus became an easy, repetitive source of inflated stats that elevate your character everywhere else in the game. But since you will be turned down either because your ilvl is too low or your spec is not part of the meta, you buy a carry. But hey, you’re a casual, so you don’t have enough in game money, so then you buy a wow token. The carry seller is happy, blizzard is happy, and you’re happy. Right?

Wrong. This is creating a huge divide in the playerbase to the point that if you’re not buying carries you simply cannot compete. And if you’re fundamentally against pay to win, you’re always going to be behind. And since carries sell tokens, mythic plus is going to keep getting easier and providing more and more inflated stats. It’s a vicious cycle that will keep getting worse.
So the next time you’re out in the world with warmode on and get one shotted by another max level char, this is why. He bought his carry.


Start your own groups and host your own keys. That way you’re already in the group, and since you’re the one deciding who can and can’t join, you can be the one going against the grain by accepting off-meta players.

also, lol a DH complaining, never seen that before



The irony of a DH complaining about meta comps for M+.

It hurts. Laughing this hard.


What? Why? Just do low keys for a while until your gear improves, form your own groups, make friends with a healer or tank during one of those runs and tag-team dungeons with them.

Only someone who wants to get geared in a single week with the absolute minimum amount of effort would think that buying a token is the only way to gear up.

You’re a Demon Hunter.


It doesn’t matter. If you’re bad, you’ll stay bad.


Im an alt.

just how many people do you think uve just described? try a lot more than your initial thought.

What about guildies? I’m sure you’ve got some friends or something you can run some M0’s or low keys on to get geared? Or you can host your own groups in the group finder; your group your rules!

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This is another “I don’t like the requirements others are setting for the M+ groups but instead of making my own I’ll just pout on the forums” threads.



actually its more of a “this is a toxic game mode designed to fuel token sales that will eventually kill the fun of this game” threads.

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I don’t think you know what the general consensus of what pay to win actually is, OP.


Yes…you can, you just appear to be a little upset that people who actually worked to get to where they are in the game aren’t willing to hold your hand as they proceed to carry you through content that you chose to miss out on by leaving in the first place :rofl:

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Take off the tinfoil hat, man.

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How many do you think you’ve described?

Do you seriously think most players are desperately turning to buying gold in order to get gear? Its a laughable concept. Getting into M+ isnt hard. Stop signing up for M+10s when you’re at 415 ilevel. Do M+0 and work your way up, like everyone else did.


So don’t do it? Feel free to not run M+ if it’s so “toxic”.

Is it still Sunday? It feels like a Sunday with all these threads today. I swear I thought it was Monday…

I think at the very least the weekly loot chest should be removed; that would eliminate a lot of easy loot.

Yes. Have you seen the trade chat recently? Do you think that this much carry offers exist because there isnt a buyer market? Do you recall how it was when it started?

Weird because mythic+ didn’t get implemented until Legion…and tokens have been here since WoD

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If they brought back PvP gear though most of these issues would be irrelevant.

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What did you expect, honestly? Did you think a casual player who just got back in the game deserves to jump straight into end game content?

There’s a progression path we all followed organically. You either follow it too or “pay” to accelerate it. Nobody wants to carry you for free.

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I mean, OP is not fundamentally wrong. M+ has definitely broken the gearing process in the game, and in a way, is the primary reason why BFA had to try so many gearing systems every patch

Whether you believe that OP should make an effort and play M+ is irrelevant. As is stands that itself shows it’s a problem when M+ is required for everything, yet not everyone enjoys it.