Mythic+ made me quit

Alright, let’s not lie now

raiding ICC will be harder than running mythic+ and spamming AoE with your brain off.

The reason that M+ is hard is BECAUSE people come in and just spam AOE with their brain turned off.

People have this dumb mentality that M+ is easy so they don’t even try to do the mechanics, which makes pugging much harder than it has to be.

actually they should get rid of the part of the game you enjoy most

whatever that is

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Agree to disagree, Tuning > Mechanics. But we’ve been down that road, no sense in rehashing.

So… a Mythic dungeon?
Folks still rush through them

And an untimed key is still a completed key, nothing changes in that regard, so the removal of the timer from M+ would just require a whole load of changes that would completely and utterly destroy and ruin M+

Ah, so you are talking about the removal of enrage timers as well? Yah’ no that sounds like it’d be an absolutely horrendous gameplay loop

So… now we are back to enrage timers because … that would stop a “rush meta” … despite the fact that this “rush meta” has been part of the game ever since vanilla except folks just “tanked the floor” a whole lot more as part of a normal dungeon run

Or like how you had dungeons that had special rewards if you finished them within’ an hour?

Sorry but this whole “folks used to not complete dungeons as fast as possible” has been a false idea for as long as WoW has been around, the only difference is that a “fast” dungeon run used to be about an hour … compared to 2-3 hours, if not longer

And I will simply say this … no one wants to full-clear BRD anymore

Nobody can claim with a straight face that any M+ dungeon or encounter has ever been, or ever will be, as mechanically difficult as fights like Mythic Sark, or Mythic Nelth, or Mythic Azshara, or Mythic Jailer, or Mythic Sylvanas, or Mythic Za’Qun, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Even the people claiming they’re “just as hard” are not claiming it’s because the mechanics are on par. It’s an absurd claim.

That’s because it doesn’t

Most certainly not, but then again most folks who complain about “toxic M+” are also the ones who call folks for “m+ lovers”, “ignorent”, “shills”, and a near infinite number of different things
So I guess wherever you find a M+ “hater” you’ll find toxicity, but that indicates that something other than that M+ is toxic

Yes, welcome to MMOs, if you don’t like MMOs I’d highly recommend not playing one

There’s a reason why I keep pointing out that we are all rats who are looking for cheese and this is by design and what is the driving factor behind WoW’s gameplay loop and has been since its inception close to 20 years ago

Yes, mythic plus mechanics aren’t are complex as 10-12% of all of mythic raid bosses. Grats, you got so hyper specific you made a point I’ll agree with.

The rest of raid? pfffffffftttt
Are you talking about yourself?
because you’re terrible at the braindead content you defend so much…

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This is something I would do, then try to pass off as deliberate.

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Awww are you that angry you have to ad hominem to try and make an argument? :rofl: :rofl: Way to prove how terrible you people who do that content are.

Player skill is irrelevant to how awfully it impacts the game. M+ is a dumpster fire bloating ilevels and breeding more of that “go go go” mentality you hear people complain about that drives them away from running group content or learning a tank class.

But sure, call me terrible and enjoy the forum vacation. :wave:

I dont need to call you anything, people can just check your logs and see the face of people that cry about “gogogo” mentality and m+.
Go back to playing classic, buddy it suits you very well.

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If gear rewards were everything, Diablo 4 must be the best then? I hear it’s “dead.”

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What a troll you never even got a single aotc lmao. Mythic plus is not ruining your lfr clears bruh

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Even on easy bosses, guilds wipe way more on them than m+.


You are right. Current contents mechanics are 100% brainless. Especially compared to the holy grail of classic.


I noticed that as well.

Usually the loudest people on here M+ bashing, usually don’t have aotcs, or any substantial m+ progress.


Guilty as charged.

( I’m not opposed to such content existing. I’m just not a challenge seeker personally, so if you put challenging solo content in the game and say “you’re a solo player, go do it!”, I am probably going to look at you funny )

That doesn’t necessarily make them harder. Needing 20 people to do it vs. 5 doesn’t mean it’s a harder mechanic. The swirlie is a swirlie no matter what.

Only the loud potatoes on the forums.
You can STILL fly out to the mage tower and see people trying.

And you can still see a bunch of druids running around the world using the legion MT star kitty.

Only the whiny minority complain. The rest are out there doing the content, earning their rewards. Whilst the ones that don’t want to apply any effort or do it 5-10 times think they deserve a cookie and come here to voice it.

Honestly, I’m not sure I understand why this is an issue in an MMO? If my friends aren’t around or I’m not interested in dealing with other people or pugs or I don’t wanna hang in discord, I just go pop open Elden Ring or Cyberpunk or Baldur’s Gate 3 or any other number of games I can do on my own, and that’s fine. Games catering to different crowds is fine.