Maybe I’ll try some more. I didn’t have good experiences to start off, but perhaps that’s just bad luck.
My first one was with guildmates on voice chat. It was easy for them, only +10. But they apologized in advance for not speaking much, because there was a timer to beat. Perhaps that’s colored my impression too much.
Still, that run didn’t require much strategy. If I got up to +30, would CC and interrupts start to become important?
That wasn’t my vanilla or BC experience at all. I still have really fond memories of chatting with friends in the middle of BRD on how to pull a particular group and CC it without pulling the whole room. We weren’t thinking about time at all, much less as a cost-benefit analysis (e.g. we weren’t thinking that if this goes over 2 hours it will have wasted my night).
That’s because the game was different then. I’m not saying it’s a good thing, but that’s how it is. Although, you can get a similar experience by running normal - m0, they don’t have a timer at all.
This feels like the ultimate you think you do but you don’t. At the highest level you’d literally just be sitting around for CDs for every pull. Would anyone really have fun in 1-2 hour dungeon runs? I think not.
Yeah, kicks/interrupts will be very important even in high teens during fortified weeks. Things like the dwarves that cast Hail of Stone (i think it’s called) damages the group and requires a hard cc/stun. The vortexes (vortices?) in vortex pinnacle that can cyclone cc players needs a kick.
I would argue kicks are always helpful, regardless of content difficulty, because it means the group isn’t take damage, and/or the player that was hit with the enemies stun is still able to attack. Or, further still, the mob doesn’t spawn a nasty totem that 1) requires dps focus on a trash mob to burn it down, or 2) adds an extra mob to a 5 pack pull, and now the AoE abilities of some players (which are generally capped at 5) start doing wonky things like reducing the damage to the main target (the mob[s] that summoned this nuisance totem that has now become the priority target).
To be fair, first impressions really do matter. Speaking only for myself as a tank in these things, I usually enjoy having some side chatter going, beyond “I’ve got next kick” or “I’ll lock down the wurm (underrot thingies)”. I remember one VP, think it was a 16/17, where I failed to use my Bubble Taunt ability correctly.
So, I see there’s 1 mob up in a trash pack, and, knowing that that mob was on death’s door, I moved to the next mob - a pack of 5 with two cloud punchy dudes, and two vortex guys and the big shield mob - a painful pack for me on fortified at the time. I used a pre=emptive bubble taunt, thinking myself very clever. But…I failed to account for my distance from the 1 mob that I left behind…the bubble taunt only taunts mobs relatively close to me. Well, since that 1 mob wasn’t, it essentially reacted to the usually ‘aggro wipe’ property of a paladin tank bubbling.
Next thing I hear on disc is “hey we got a guy back here punching us to death.” The tone my friend used was so benign but the verbiage struck a chord and I was laughing uncontrollably, almost in tears, as I’m trying to control the next pack. as my poor comrades were dying behind my newly made front line of the new pack. Their anguished cries for help went unheeded as I was laughing at their misfortune and my impressive failure.
Anyway, those kinds of moments are still very much available at higher keys once you get enough exposure to that content.
By comparison, going into arena in BFA, I’m a nervous wreck and barely got 1400 rating, i think?
It’s what M+ would turn into with no timer. Why bring dps or heals when tanks are sturdy enough to clear the instance themselves. Maybe bring a shammy for heals and lust, but who really needs lust when you have all day to do the instance…
Yeah, I hear you. I’m starting to realize that this might be a silver lining, haha. Once I catch up on other expansions I’ve missed, I can actually put this game down for a little. Rather than getting into the rat race of higher and higher keys, I could just play another game.
I’m not saying that spitefully; that actually could be a gift back to me. Kind of like the collectible stuff; at first I was upset everything was such a time sink with different currencies and reps, but now I’m realizing that this system allows me to say, “woah there, that’s not for you”, and so I’ve directed my time to other parts of the game I find fun.
I think many expect socialization to be prepackaged for them and do not want to contribute to growing it.
People socialize a ton. They just socialize differently. And some do not want to adapt. Rather they want their version of socialization forced upon others.
I am fine with untimed dungeons if they give a fraction of the rewards. The issue is people pretending that removing a timer somehow keeps difficulty.
I think this is a pretty jaded take. No, this is not what I want at all. I would be rather upset if the difficult version got nerfed, because we already have easy untimed versions in normal, heroic, and M0.
bingo. these are the people who go to a party, stand against the wall all night waiting for somebody to introduce themselves, then go home early and complain everyone there was unfriendly.
stop expecting everyone else to take the first step! say hello. ask how everyone is doing. if the run is good, say something like “feel free to add me if you want to run again”. it doesn’t happen overnight but lots of people want to play with others. i’ve got 60+ friends online at all times. most of the time when I log in I’ve got whispers within a few minutes asking if i want to join a key.