Mythic+ Key Leaver Solution

Yes but the point is that people will do these huge pulls over and over and reset until you nail it and then time the dungeon.

We don’t want that on live.

If that’s the only way to “play for score” we end up with a Tourny realm situation.

I never implied that he did. Is it because I didn’t ask something about the other suggested metrics that it made it seem like I only cared about one? All the suggested metrics sounds good, I just dislike when people cherry pick single anecdotal examples and treat them like they are the definition of any particular interaction.

The other issue that will pop up will be “I was kicked for being bad”. Keys that don’t degrade will have more leavers because there is less at stake and perceived under performers being kicked.

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Bad players need to stop trying to hold the rest of us hostage in failing groups. If this were implemented I’d just afk and make someone else leave first, that way they are punished.

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Yeah, whether they think they do or not they have dungeon balancing to do still. We still have a few months left in the season given 10.0.7 isn’t out yet.

You have no idea. I am malding, seething, I am gnashing my teeth into powder rn, totally. :roll_eyes:

Your metric ideas are good btw, I think more information is always good, but your cherry picking examples and treating them as universal facts is low effort.

It’s because you’re failing to realise I’m facetious : I prefer the status quo.

Bad keys will happen. But they don’t often happen and we don’t need to fix things.

All your suggestions are terrible and it’s not your fault because all suggestions made to address this non issue of leavers are terrible.

No, it’s unneeded. You can already get it by using WCL and not inviting peeps without M+ logs if you want to go there.

There really doesn’t need to be more information on players.

You pick who’s in your group and if you end up with a crayonmuncher it happens.

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I prefer an in-game solution that is built in and readily available versus having to do a wikipedia search for someone’s “earlier life” biography to know if they are worth running a key with.

Well, that’s almost all games with a score work, If I know i won’t do the best timing in a race game, I just restart it. That’s why this approach will be used for premade groups and not pug groups.

If you’re in a pug group for score and someone left, nobody lost a key level. At least this idea allow players to keep progressing score without depending on the key providing the wrong dungeon and the level, target goals for those players that only want score besides gear.

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Yes but live M+ is great because of the fact that you’re forced to do all the keys in the game to progress essentially.

I know it sounds odd, and if you’re passionate about m+ maybe you’d personally enjoy TR gameplay, but it just wouldn’t work like how you think it would on live.

We already have a key rerolling system, you don’t even need to do horrible dungeons anymore if you don’t want to.

you’ll still do all the keys in order to progres because you need score from each dungeon, now you can target a specific dungeon instead of running extra keys that you don’t need in order to change the dungeon, I’ve run several keys only to use the npc that changes the dungeon for my friends because we don’t have the key that we want to run that week, the key rerolling system is just more RNG.

Blizzard has never nor will ever list dps figures. And there’s no point in maintaining a list of started but unfinished keys either.

Maybe the issue is you’re too afraid to fail to go with the limited info you have.

The problem with your suggestion is it makes getting score a chore to do to get the Vault done.

The current set up is best : you get score while getting credit for your vault. It’s nice, simple and elegant.

Your proposal turns keys into CMs, where you first have to crank up your score in dungeons that people will never finish as soon as 1 pull goes a bit south, and then you have to actually do more to get your vault done.

You’re making the gameplay loop worse, and massively more hardcore, for no possible gains or good reason.

I often call myself “allergic to pugs” I do just about 90% of my keys with my guild exclusively, so in a way you are on the nose with this one. :+1:t2:

Elegant? the current formula has a RNG component that just waste players time, there’s key depletion, so you have to run an extra key to reach back the previous level and it’ll change to another dungeon, there’s runs that you don’t need gear at all just to change the key for members of the group, so you can target a goal. Once you’re into reaching new scores, the game provides a lot of issues for players.

If you want vault progress, then do runs with a key, Vault provides gear based on the keys completed that week, a lot of players do more that 8 dungeons per week, then you can run dungeons for score if you want just score without vault progress, there’s not like pvp that you reach a score and then that determines your vault loot ilvl, you still need to run high keys for a high piece.

There’s already a lot of pug groups that goes south at the start of a dungeon…that’s even more notorious at high keys, then you’ve a downgrade key without any gain…

As much as I would love to slam my head into the first pull of HoV on a high key over and over with lust until we do it perfectly I would rather not do that all week. And that’s what grinding score would turn into.

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Not really no.

The RNG is needed to keep the key pool healthy.

Which is needed and healthy for the key pool. Allows the lower brackets to always have options for keys to run.

M+ isn’t about EOD gear so that’s fine.

Which you can’t get into without score, which you can’t get unless you decide to buckle down and run a dungeon like Challenge Modes : reset every bad pull and start over at the beginning.

It’s a bad suggestion. You’re trying to fix a non existent problem by creating a huge problem and basically killing the content for anyone that wants to just hop on and do a key.

And usually they pick up and go through it still, because you only get 1 try. Vs resetting 50 times because you had 1 death and people want max score or nothing.

It’ll still be there for players targeting a M+ for a specific gear, I mentioned that Keys will function like now, the only change is target runs for score that doesn’t provide gear or vault progress.

the low brackets will have runs because there’s going to be runs without key for score and runs with key for gear and score.

You don’t need a score for running keys…that’s a requirement from the community depending on the level

:man_facepalming: They don’t pick up, someone left and that’s all, it’ll benefit premade groups and pug groups at least for this kind of run for score, you won’t feel punish besides the time wasted.

Hot take: There is nothing wrong with people leaving depleted keys

And I’ve already addressed how this is a bad idea and just makes the gameplay loop much more hardcore.

You need score to get invites.

I can promise you they pick up.

Literally my 2900 mage ? First pull of HoV, he did tank damage, everyone saw it. No one left. We did the best we could to try and salvage it because you only get 1 try.