Mythic+ Key Leaver Solution

We need a “days since last leaver thread” timer or something.

Seriously, not a single one of these has been good.


So what happens if someone DCs? Everyone is screwed?

That’s a /thread for all threads about the “Leaver problem”.

“if u see a lot of leavers look in the mirror bro”

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I dont.

But I’m also not a buttwank that abandons keys on those very rare occassions where I PUG.

I think part of the problem is that keys go up too quickly and people get keys they shouldn’t have. If you barely time the key, maybe you don’t need another level yet. Additionally, if you were very close to timing it, you probably don’t need to go down a level. There needs to be a ±0 if you were only <3% under the timer or up to 20% over.

I looked in the mirror and WOW, this person’s hot


delete gnomes.

You’ve got to understand that most people who complain about constant leavers are themselves the reason whether they realize it or not.

Theres no reason to change a system that works for 95% of it’s participants.

Secondly, you’re suggestion isn’t an original idea. This topic has been discussed to death over the past few years and theres no change suggested that wouldn’t be either a) highly exploitable or b) unfairly harsh. Yours falls into the latter catagory.

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I’m okay with participating in a system that is “harsh” but I don’t at all agree that it is unfair to promote the requirement of accountability in the PUGging community.

Azeroth One TV has an entire series based on the topic of Keys gone bad so I think 95% is a pretty big over estimate on the problem.

Metrohaha literally goes out of his way to find these situations. Also you literally quoted Metrohaha to make a point.

It’s like watching a Crime reporting show and thinking you needed a bullet proof car to go out at Walmarts.

The reality is no, you live in a nice quiet suburb, your Geo Metro will be fine aside from the fact it’s rusted out.


So you probably shouldn’t make terrible suggestions to fix a problem that really isn’t a problem.

Hand-waving the problem as non-existent despite it being a topic everywhere you look doesn’t provide for a good counter argument.


I drive a Hyundai Kona. A modest but good little car if you want the opinion of someone whose last car was a more expensive Volkswagen. That said, its currently being targeted by car theft gangs, even in the sleepy suburbs (though I’d hardly call where I life the suburbs, its very urban here even if it is pretty sleepy and quaint).

Trying to create a problem out of thin air where there isn’t actually one, and then coming up with cures that are worse than your imaginary disease is worse.

Yes, using national level statistics, your insurance company justifies a hike in your rates based on a risk factor that is still nil in most cases.

Exactly like you do here with this “leaver” thing.


Talk about drama for drama sake…

You mean your OP ?

I agree.

The problem your suggestion would absolutely kill pugging keys.

Firstly you’d have to find 4 other players with the same key level, which greatly reduces the amount of players you can recruit for your group which increases the time it takes to form a group substantially.

Secondly no one would recruit anyone for a key unless their score far surpasses what would be appropriate for that key level due to the huge risk involved.

To be fair this is one of the worst suggestions I’ve ever read on this topic.

And that’s saying a lot.


Gee that sounds kind of horrific.

Doesn’t affect a lot of people who don’t care about their key. Also these can just join groups and brick 4 keys instead of just one.

so you want to kill m+ we get it.