Mythic+ Key Leaver Solution

take responsiblity for your action and you’ll do just fine.

I think i’d rather play with my friends.

Thank god those pesky leavers are gone though.

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Again, you don’t seem to understand the implications of what you are suggesting.


I came up with like 10 problems in 5 minutes with this system. I’m sure it would go over great.


What can you expect from someone with a career high of KSC when making design overhauls.

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There is no “M+ leaver problem”. The problem is with people who don’t understand the risk assumed with pugging.


Only the easiest keys get done, system is now beyond broken.

Friend groups wanting to try a key and then having a back up is broken now.

So if someone gets bullied, they now can’t leave without being further penalized.

Not supporting or detracting from the OPs idea but I’ve thought for a while that having a system where someone can choose a dungeon once a week and once per dungeon would be fine. So they can choose the easy dungeon… once. That said I’m just evil enough to lock that behind doing a mystery key, which you don’t know which dungeon you’re doing until after you put the key in and it loads you in. Also choosing a dungeon would lower the key level by 1 and can’t exceed 19. So you can’t get portals with it.

For what purpose ?

That…isn’t a terrible idea tbh.

Gives players a bit more agency on which key they want to run, but prevents them from abusing it.

Would do nothing about leavers and the like though but at this point I feel WoW players just enjoy getting kicked in the shins.

Not if you want to progress. Last time I look, all the season’s dungeons need to be completed to progress.

What difference does it make? if you failed, you go back to the previous key where you can succeed. After which you progress to the next level of difficulty again.

Clearly, if you are failing at N Key, you need to go back and learn the run at N-1.

This is not how pushing keys works.

Maybe next time.



Progress what ? Most people will do 8 x 20 SMBG and call it a day.

Makes playing “safe” the default. Hey let’s not try the 22 HoV we have, let’s stick to the 22 SMBG.

For pugging, makes playing safe extra the default. “Hey let’s not try this 2400 guy’s 20. Let’s stick to people who have 2600 for 20s”.

Yes, but failing a 22 HoV shouldn’t downrank a 22 SMBG.

You forgot that you can’t pug outside of whatever your key level is.

And that you need 5 people with the same key level.


There in lies the problem. I’ve been kicking this around but I can think of a lot of why nots and the whys list isn’t very long other than “let’s players choose a key if they want once per dungeon”. The Mystery keys has more whys than why nots but has no incentives so it’s also pointless. I never said it was a good idea. Just an idea :rofl:

That said I’m a huge proponent of doing things based on actual value, so unless the whys can exceed the why nots I don’t see a point in implementing something. That also goes for the OPs idea honestly.

AT some point you’re going to need to do the 22 SMBG if you want the achievement.

But sure, there’s nothing preventing you from just running the easiest dungeons right now by using other players keys.


Thats why I removed the key specific bindings.

So you do it once in the season ? :dracthyr_shrug:

Except no one will invite you to those dungeons.

Then no one will ever run 22 HoV again.

Is there anything preventing you from doing that right now?

Why not? If everyone is just running the easy dungeons, why wouldn’t you get an invite to them?

I mean, what’s motivating you to run it now?

The fact you can’t pick keys and thus need good score to join pugs in a variety of keys.

Because I won’t invite a 350 IO guy to a 22 SMBG, even if his 350 IO is entirely from SMBG and he’s timed a 21.

Because in the current meta, that’s a sign of a carry.

In a new meta where everyone can just spam run SMBG ? That changes things a bit.

Score which is part of the current meta for running keys, as people are somewhat funneled into running all keys, not just the easiest one.