Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

I like how you added the “no sockets” part to make it look even worse when i bet you this never happened. LMAO

Seeing a DPS with that yes I’d agree. Tanks, specially paladins can hold their own very well even under geared. You should know this.

Well maybe get gear and a leggie and you won’t have this experience… I understand why they kicked you though, I say like ilvl 240 you start doing mythic+ on the low end but I rarely make groups, I just get invited.

I didn’t “add” anything. I quoted what the guy said. The legendary bit was more concerning as it was a whole item I was missing. I doubt a few sockets matter more than a legendary so not worth mentioning it initially…

You’re really trying to start something arent you?

Ah well, man was obviously hoping for a carry.

I rerolled BDK this season and at the low level most people were just looking for that little shield icon next to your name.

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anyway i just said how to get gear in a black and white way you seem all there, so i’m gonna go now have a great day :slight_smile:

Are you enjoying it?

Fair enough in your eyes. Like I said before, just giving my experience. This never happened to me in Legion ^^

Hoping DF is better about M+ overall. But seeing how world quests are in DF this isn’t going to be the case.

Yeah, it feels pretty great once you get your 4p.

Being able to keep DRW at near 100% uptime is insane.

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Dude, I understand… you don’t need to constantly bring up “your experience” we know already. I’ve read enough to see what your experience was… M+ isn’t the problem… so nothing is gonna really change, just dungeons are being added.


Some people choose to. There’s tons of people in the game who do nothing but LFR/Norm.

There is zero gate keeping in M+. Like literally z-e-r-o. How do you get gate kept from content where you’re required to be present for your personal key to be ran?

I’ll tell you the type of players being ‘gate kept.’ I post a 15+ key, and they try to sign up as a 275 ilvl with 1100 IO (or whatever). Then they get declined 500 times because they’re delusional and think they’re entitled to be carried, as opposed to putting in the effort to level their own key/valor farming.

Not sure how this is relevant to your argument, but prior to ‘link achievements,’ it used to be "come to AH for inspection, or “checking Armory.”

I’ve pugged everything since ICC. M+ is a much better deal than relying on the mercy of RL’s to bless you, by letting you into their run, my countless hours of sitting in LFG can attest to that. But once again, still, PUG raids are formed 24/7, 365.

Ohhhh, so you want Tiranforging? You could have saved paragraphs of time and just told us that you don’t do challenging content, and people getting gear that you can’t makes you mad.

But keep it for raiding? Lol

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Yep, the people that tout as the savior of Wow live in an echo chamber of their own making.

Show me the data that M+ saved WoW if you think this!!! SHOW ME THE DATA!!!

I don’t know how you have time for anything in game, looks like you spend the bulk of your time posting on these forums.

I’d love to see this change. I never understood why 5 man dungeons would give access to Mythic raid rewards.

M+ gearing and the rewards are a huge problem for the game at the moment.

This is probably one of the primary reasons it has any popularity at all. WoW since the end of Legion has just had a huge lack of content and M+ was nothing but a bandaid fix for a lack of content problem.

M+ is probably one of the most boring systems they have ever devised. There could have been so many different avenues they could have taken to make dungeons challenging and fun for the life of the expansion, but they picked the most lazy and boring approach.


Anyone that does end game content plays for M+. What else are you going to do for gear outside of raid?

If i have to go back to raid logging id rather just uninstall and play something else.


It was amazing doing dungeons like 2 times ever per character, what a blast.


220 no previous experience no lego. And you wonder why you got decline lol.

Just block these people responding to you. There is like 10-15 posters that just sit on these forums all day long just attacking anyone and everything that doesn’t align with their views on the game. I wish Blizzard would cap how many posts you can make in day on these forums. I’m so tired of seeing the same names over and over again with the same regurgitated responses.

They completely drown out any kind of discussion and feedback on M+.


yeah like that’s a good thing and all, but like you didn’t answer my question. funny how im able to be decent at the game while posting on the forums all day :slight_smile:

your response added nothing to this conversation just for the sake of attacking my person have a great day :slight_smile:


Paying for boosts is good at the game? :man_facepalming:

lmfao bro i dont think people can buy boosts at a +23 level man, i’m sorry

and god bless the team that has to carry someone in a 23.


I’m guessing anyone who disagrees with you or that other poster.

Oh, you meant yourself. Carry on.

But seriously though. You’re always on here talking smack about m+ and the players who enjoy it; now this other person is on here trying to push the idea that normal people can’t even start their own group for +2s without being extorted while hiding behind “well that’s just my experience, sorry” when they get called on it.

It’s no wonder you think people are making attacks when you get push back for arguing for the neutering or removal of content people enjoy.

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