Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

Its not making stuff up… Specially since I’ve lived through it and played very hard in legion… Quit mid Argus cause it didn’t feel like WoW anymore.

But again believe me I’m not making this up at all. its the current norm and I hope it doesn’t continue. Its biased per server where other servers are better than most but my 2 main horde/alliance servers respectively had this issue when I came back.

If you’re not in a good guild you are screwed if you dont fork over gold to carries to get your Anima.

Pugs are out of the question because there are people who grief keys still lol.

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let me guess you got declined to a +15

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My 2nd 60 on a new server(moonguard) I got freaking declined to a +2 for not having a legendary yet lol

Even though I can clear it fine, I’m a prot paly for F sake xD

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Yeah, nah, you’re talking porkie pies mate.

The pug life is the best it’s ever been. There is nothing stopping anyone from forming a group and running any content they want. I’m finding it very hard to believe anyone would even bother wasting time trying to scam anyone out of gold for a 2+ considering my experience this season.

I dusted off my 250 rogue this season and was beating 280+ players off with a stick forming my groups. Even if some tool had tried to extort me, there were 20 others behind him who would do it for free.


I mean it’s not hard to get a legendary, you should have one… but as a tank, I’d have taken you either way lol its only a +2, I wouldn’t have an issue healing you.

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M+ for me is more so just hanging out with friends and slamming a 15 key when my friends are online. It’s chill, it’s just something to do in the background while just talking to your buds. Minimal effort, still fun, and with ya friends.

Just giving you perspective from my side of my experience. You have yours but yours just like mine isn’t absolute in everyone’s experience. I’m just putting my side out there and explaining how things look from my end.

Others can definitely relate when asked but most people that have ran into this like me dont even bother posting because the majority so to speak just shut them up or flag them for trolling.

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Exactly but just like with Duff here I am just giving my experience being back… and yes getting legendaries is piss easy but I dont feel the “need” for them because I have very little interest in shadowlands as a whole due to the lore and zones. I just want flying soon and leave it at that.

Im in older expacs doing achievements instead waiting to go hard in DF.

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yeah but like what’s stopping you from making your own +2 key, keeping it there, and getting gear and valor while you learn dungeons / improve? gear will come along with it? then by the time you push your key up you’ll have some score, gear, etc.


Nothing stops me. I’m not here proclaiming I CANT get it done. I’m giving my experience. Simple.


yeah but doesn’t that just solve the issue of not being invited to stuff? lmao you can pug anything easily right now

In your perspective.

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Best content.


what do you mean in my perspective? you’ll get gear ?! this isn’t an opinion lmao it’s a black and white solution to your problem you can implement right now lmao

Did they say that? Or is that just the reason you think you got declined for.

In either case, worrying about getting declined from a single key is silly. Even if you’re overgeared, overexperienced and playing a meta class/spec, you’ll get declined. The pug life is all about shotgunning applications to any group that looks halfway promising and then asking what dungeon you’re doing when one accepts you.

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I’m not saying I have a problem… I gave my experience. You okay here?


bro lmao i’m done. no point in explaining anything to yall

i don’t care if you have a problem or not. i gave a solution to the issue you made up in your head about not being invited to things.

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He explicitly said “no sockets and legendary sorry no” then was booted.

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Plus you’re like ilvl 220… they kinda made a good choice.

That was their requirement for a +2? lmao