Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

See, your true nature is revealed. M+ players love flexing.

I looked over your armory and it is just crazy to me that you haven’t stepped foot into one mythic raid and almost all your gear is mythic.

If you can’t see a problem that 5 man dungeon content being this rewarding, then I don’t know what else to say.

I get why you’re so adamant about defending M+ in it’s current form. You’re getting geared out in Mythic raid gear for 5 man dungeon content.

I know M+ high keys are hard and 25+ keys should defiantly give good rewards, but having people just faceroll +15s for Mythic gear is just crazy.

I would be totally fine with this system as well, if Blizzard started making more dungeons or shifting their focus to 5 to 10 man content for their end game, but that is not the reality of WoW currently.

Raiding, which gets a ton of development resources has been completely undercut by M+.


hmmm, wonder why i answered how i did

anyway thanks the convo, you actually just sparked a genius plan for me to sell some boosts in game. thank you!

btw this character was made this season, so yeah, no wonder I don’t have any mythic progression yet LOL

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I do mythic + for the vault not because I enjoy it. Seems to me people in this thread being nasty isn’t going to convince anyone to give mythic + another try.


Where did I say this? I think you got the wrong poster mate.

The problem with M+ defenders, is that they think this content is universally loved by the player base, yet they can’t provide any data to actually back this up.

I think most people just run M+ because of how lucrative the rewards are. If you curtailed the need to run M+, I bet a lot of people would stop running it.

That is my primary beef for M+, the rewards are way to generous for how easy it is to organize 5 player dungeon runs.

If the rewards were brought into line with the rest of the game and the focus was shifted away from M+ almost being mandatory, I would be completely fine with the system.

Yea, I trolled you some :stuck_out_tongue: Probably was over the line, but it was all in good fun mate. I get why you like M+ though, it is your primary form of content in the game based on your armory.

You just need to remember, that there are many different player types that have always played this game over the last decade, and many of these players have been left behind in order to cater to competitive players.

read into bfa season 2, you might see some interesting posts on the forums, and how much everyone LOOOOVED m+ loot being worse than heroic raid gear. this was literally hated as a PvE community.

Tazavesh, obviously. All that RP and the Oasis event were obviously designed to keep M+ players engaged. Pulling mobs and killing them is boring, it’s much better to spend a bunch of time messing around day trading.


We already tried the whole heroic raid gear better than the highest loot drop from M+. it was a disaster as you pretty much expected, from raiders and m+ers

i barely m+'d back then, and i even hated it. i just raided.

So, it is about the rewards then?

apparently, I don’t know and honestly I don’t care. I’ll always be in dungeon BiS. I don’t really have any skin in this convo

Yep, being hypocritical doesn’t really help, does it?

The person you’re telling to block posters tried to make it seem like on their server, no one is allowed to start their own groups without being asked for payment to carry them.

And I think this would be a mistake. M+ is popular content. It’s where the 10man beer night raid players went after they burnt out on raiding/started a family/got old.

Last thing they need is to knee cap areas of the game doing well to bring them down to the misery everyone else is enjoying.

They need to double raid drops and buff the raid vault. Probably even keep the dinar system going.

Solo world content needs a look at to not just be a log in and collect 5 bear butts for 2 months gig - while also not repeating nazjatar (bis bonus stats)

Blizzard should bring everyone else up to m+ levels of contentment.

Same argument goes against people who want lfr loot nerfed or removed.


But, then they won’t be up until the fortified boss is at 50% HP!!! I can’t use any CDs until the first boss, this is my general rule of thumb.


i once had a little mage in my group who didn’t combust until GD first boss :slight_smile: at higher keys bro i tyrant like 20% hp mobs those dudes are juiced

pls start using ur cds on the mini bosses in streets yall

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Better save shield wall for the fortified first boss too and not on the double pull prior :sunglasses:

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tanks at lower skill levels / key levels should just use defensives off cd. they’ll get more value that way.

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Tbh I think m+ introduction is what taught me to use cds on things other than bosses. But tbh, before that, all I did was raid and heroic dungeons prior to raid release that didn’t really require cds on trash.

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Like. What are the reasons according to you? Just a statement, that’s it? lol

This game’s on its last legs being propped up by m+ anyway. Tbh I’m okay with them trashing m+ so that we can finally say that wow is done for. Everyone (I know) can quit and we can go play or start off with a new game. :grin:

This pure speculation. Present some actual data to back up this claim please!!!

Couldn’t agree more, but what can you do. It’s here to stay. It scratches an itch on both sides. The developers get more miles out of content, and players who are looking for an instance-only game can sit in a hub and never go out into the world.


This is an outstanding, evidence-filled argument with which nobody could possibly disagree.

M+ defenders don’t have much in the way of evidence either though.