Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

Hello, I see you replied to my post. I’m not sure about others but I don’t, I avoid that stuff like the plague!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

I thought the general consensus was that it was LFR.

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the cata heroics were by far the most fun ones, for me. really enjoyed nearly all of legions as well. the difference to me is that they were designed to be FUN as opposed to be puzzles to solve. i love puzzle games, mind you. but not in dungeons in wow. i don’t like jump puzzles in this game either despite platformers/metroidvanias being some of my favorite games since i was a kid. i don’t like vehicle quests for the same reason. i think ToC would’ve been a lot more fun if it had had more trash/lore. essentially, i want wow to be wow. not D3 or hollow knight or mario or anything else. wow had very strong very specific strengths for a while and M+ is the big turning point, for me, where they tried to be all things for all people. and i’ve spent more time unsubbed than subbed in the last expansion than any point since the game came out.

you didn’t ask me but i felt that an actual explanation might be useful in some way. lol


i’m sorry but like this glorification for cata heroics is way misled.

i don’t think we remember how bad we were back then. nothing was difficult at all, it would be incredibly boring with how good people are now. no one wants to tank and spank 1 mob at a time through a dungeon. it’s the most mind numbingly boring experience ever.

there’s a reason why junkyard and gambit are the most fun dungeons.

i didn’t say anything at all about difficulty. i couldn’t give less of a flying kek about something being hard. i thought they were fun. if you didn’t find them fun that’s fine but i did. you guys that sit around /flexing to yourselves about how difficult and how much you’ve pushed, and whatever else. that’s not why i play video games. i play to relax and enjoy myself. the two AOTCs i have my wife bought me. i didn’t get enter the arena until mid to late bfa. i mostly have done really low keys (think highest was a +9), lfr and normal raiding, and random bgs in terms of group content. i much prefer world content though. as it was fun. i don’t like to feel stressed out by a game. regardless of which game it is.


sigh could’ve just left this part out of this paragraph and i would’ve agreed with most of it. no one is doing this who is actually decent at the game i promise you this.

anyway yeah see that’s why blizzard doesn’t want to go back to that cc mob stuff, because people who are good at the game anyway will just not CC and pull as much as they feasibly can. nothing will change. we saw this even in cata

Nothing would change for YOU. Y’all would still do what you want but other people would be able to do what’s fun for them too. This is a game that started out much easier than anything else at the time and was by far the most casual MMO in existence. Baby’s first MMO honestly. But people whined and cried and decided that in ye old wowe that the game was ultima online and have pushed and pushed to make wow into the game it is now. It wasn’t always this way. You guys won. The vast majority of the player base has left. The more they just cater to the crowd they have been the more likely the rest of us will just leave and not come back. Then they’ll really have the player base they deserve. They’ve earned it at this point.


how do they cater to m+ players. give me some examples because i think i’m playing the wrong game and i wanna start playing the game ur playing

i’m lumping yall together. people who want to beat their heads against the wall to get anything done at all. i do a lot more dungeons than i do raids because at a lower level they are insanely better use of your time to get rewards that far outclass anything else you could get with the level of skill required. that doesn’t make it fun. it just makes it the path of no resistance.

okay but give me some examples because no one ever has any. i want to know how IM catered to.

for one. the fact that they could make world content actually FUN and decent to do. the set at the beginning of the expansion made all other content including lfr (and all early dungeons) useless. they could’ve made it a patch long thing and gave casual people something to grind on long term and supplement with heroics, 0s, lfr, etc. maybe even go into normal if they were feeling frisky. do you know what happened instead? you got a few weeks on your main and then everything was insta unlocked on an alt where you could yeet the entire set into the moon because they wanted to push people into HEROIC raiding. that’s just one example of them pooing stuff up for the average player.

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none of this has anything to do with what i asked for.

do you think that yall whining to get your alts into M+/raiding asap has no negatives on anyone else at all and that yall exist in a vacuum where you touch nothing and no one else, cuz uh

re read this and figure out why this could be good for a casual player who wants to dip their toes in PvE.

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I don’t have much of a full opinion on it, I think it’s pretty boring and probably too unrestricted which is probably why most people don’t like it.

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See this is the problem with a lot of these comments about how the top whatever% is catered to. no one has examples, they start typing some irrelevant stuff that wasn’t what I even was talking about, or they just bring up social issues and not system issues.

reread it and understand that we know where to go to get gear if we want it. yet, if we want to spend most of our time out in the world but also get decent rewards long term from it that we literally CANNOT do it because yall cry if you have to put even a tiny bit of effort into gearing pre-end game.

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Dude, no one cares if u get 278s from a world quest. i promise you literally nobody cares. again, not what i was talking about.

stop typing all these irrelevant stuff and just give me examples on how we’re catered to specifically. i don’t care about all this whataboutism

you got literal heroic raid gear from doing emissaries last expansion. and get heroic gear from doing a few 0s this expansion. pls take several seats if you cannot think critically about how that effects others.

people are complaining about heroic gear right now… are you even playing the game bro?

solo content and m+ ARE NOT related in the slightest, i’m sorry. stop bringing it up. both can exist on their planes and be enjoyable and fun. one doesn’t have to ruin the other.

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