Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

Yes it is. That is why I said “my problem.” I know that I am not others and opinions vary.

And I did not say to the contrary.

I never claimed otherwise. I just stated my personal dislike…thats it

You enjoy it…good…continue with your runs

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Disagree. keeping 20 man raid sizes in 2022 was the worst thing to happen to the game.

It’s not 2004. WoW is the only MMO that still keeps such big raid team sizes. Actually cringe.


Mechanically the only thing I hate about M+ is the timer. It just causes so much toxicity and it really doesn’t have to be that way. The timer puts a lot of focus on DPS and thus pushes people into the highest DPS specs instead of specs they find fun. Sure all specs can do a 15, just as an off spec you’ll spend 10x longer trying to get a run and if you do you might not time because of the poor DPS balance. Then there is the obvious raging at not timing, raging due to a DC, and flat out anxiety due to a timer(some people won’t understand this). Take away the timer and suddenly all specs are welcome, a DC doesn’t end a run, people aren’t ditching 5 minutes into a run because “we won’t time”, and no anxiety from a timer. Now points wise they could have a hidden timer for bonus rating points, but just completing the run should reward a base level of rating points regardless of how long it takes.

Design-wise it really hampers what designers can do with dungeons/designs as we can see when they try to bring in dungeons that weren’t designed for M+.

Outside of mechanical/design, M+ is just immersion breaking. It doesn’t make much sense in-universe as to why there are suddenly affixes, keys, or a timer. At least in classic with the 45 min baron run it was because baron was executing a prisoner. It’s just super arcadey, which is fine in isolation, but as part of an immersive world not so much. WoW has really moved away from immersive world though so /shrug.


This seems to be the issue around here. We give our own opinion and nothing more, but suddenly doing so is considered negating others and people wish to fight about it.


can you explain how m+ is immersion breaking because it introduces new elements, but heroic vs lfr is not? heroic has more elements to it than LFR after all.

stop being toxic smh

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i just want ret paladins to kick more. idc if they’re not meta.

Then only thing you don’t get after not timing a run is the rating. You still get the loot and the vault so not sure how you are using that against you. The rating is so people can gauge if you are actually able to complete things in time so no you should not get that full rating just for completion.

You should only be sorry because of how wrong you are.

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The only problem I have with it is that I want to play an alt and I cant immediately take my druid from 188 to 260 to be able to get into mythics. I have to waste a bunch of time getting him to 260.


Agreed mythic+ is hot garbage and I always get supreme joy when the people who love running the same exact dungeons over and over and over for months on end get angry when the system is called out for what it is, boring trash. They need to raise the requirements for mythic level gear to at least a +25 per week for the vault that way all the clowns who pretend it’s so great can see how many people actually like it vs how many only run it for the easy +15 loot.


Hey dont ask logical questions to illogical people! Every commoner from here to org should be able to defeat a god and save the world!

Opinion noted.
I think M+ is one of the best things to happen.
I don’t raid, M+ fills the gap for me.
Heroic dungeons are BORING when geared.

Mythic + ruined the game for me raids feel so worthless


True, it devalued regular dungeons and the real World of Warcraft. Of course, the Diablo 3 devs had to add in Diablo 3 into WoW.


Hello, I see you posted a thread about Mythic+. Here’s the crazy part: Mythic+ is actually complete trash! It’s a super lazy form of content development and frankly, the entire premise of said content is horrible! You’re literally just running the same dungeons over and over and over until the next expansion!

Here’s what’s also crazy though: it works and, at least in my opinion, enjoyable in extremely small doses! Probably the major reason it works though, and this is the sad part, is because the rest of the game is hot garbage! PvP is a meme, the open world mostly consists of fill the bar nonsense, and the raids are so outdated and a waste of time that hardly anyone is running them anymore! The game NEEDS Mythic+ because there isn’t hardly anything left worth a darn!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


All 11 people I play with ONLY play M+.

ALL of us stopped raiding in Legion.

M+ is the ONLY thing keeping any of us playing.


I’m sorry you get declined from so many runs.

Dont you do the same world quest and dailies, until the next patch, or expansion?

I won’t says its the worst thing because its working as ppl are doing it and dungeons are relevant

But I would say its one of the laziest and cheapest way of doing it and should not overflow in other elements of the game and other games… which probably has already happened :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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