Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

ill give you the first step.

press up, up, down,down, left,left,Right,B,A

next you need to find the meaning of life.

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That is the real issue, but we know the way the players think, the MDI is partly to blame for this, people see these things and over time it becomes ingrained into them they have to do those things themselves.

The players themselves are the problem because of the whole min/max culture, and it filters down to all levels of play.

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It makes me wonder how they react when driving and they see the crosswalk timer ticking down. They either stop while it still has 5 secs or they dangerously try to blast through.

Safest is of course ignore it while driving since it’s not for drivers but pedestrians and just follow the lights.

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i promise you, if you think a skip is what constitutes an “mdi” strat, idk what to tell you, or a huge pull.

let the tank decide the route and you just follow them. the route could be the most goofy thing in the world but just follow them, it doesn’t matter as long as the job gets done. complaining about a route is silly unless it’s straight up inefficient, which someone copying an “mdi route” would never be.

I promise you, in your 15 even 20 keys mdi strats are not happening lmao

let me know when in ur 15 workshop they’re dragging a squirrel tinker through the dungeon with a priest mcing, so it kills all the mobs


noooo we need to make efficiency illegal. everyone knows that skipping a couple packs of mobs or doing techs means you are an uber pro at the game.

how could i possibly dismiss my pet and then invis pot a pack. i eat crayons.


Idk man have you seen that 1337 rollercoaster in darkmoon faire?

It goes a whopping 10 mph.

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agreed. it’s sickening!

What does this mean?

everytime I see someone complain about M+ timers I realize it’s probably one of those guys that would take 20 minute afk breaks in between bosses.

THANK GOD that timers are around honestly.


My personal favorite is right after a tyrant ramp ends, and i have 30 imps the tank decides to fall asleep or waddle around in circles for 10 seconds. yo my imps are poppin rn

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I’ll throw my imps anyway and kite through the tank.

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Even that is generous. As long as you use cds more than once every 10min and pull one pack at a time after the prior pack has died you can time up to 15s easily, even with 20 deaths and one dps doing worse than the tank.

and then you get the classic “you pull you tank” john.

the true tip to m+ improvement. literally any time you can fit in ur cds with value, you should use them.

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Mythic plus is fine. The worse thing that ever happened to this game was cross realm because it allows players to be rude and obnoxious or just dip out of a dungeon without any of the consequences that came with being stuck on one server. I can’t tell you how many times we had to requae for a normal or heroic dungeon because someone got their legendary or piece at the second boss and bailed. Before cross realm that type of player would have been blacklisted by guilds and found himself a pariah on the server. Blizzard should have sucked in their pride and consolidated low servers.

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but like why do i care about this. there’s like 3x as many keys running at any hour. i’ll take a little “toxicity” (which doesn’t happen at higher key levels generally anyway) if it means i can queue for a 20+ key whenever i want.

Cross realm was needed. I don’t care personally about someone being rude from a different realm lmao like go next ignore him

someone being toxic is a social issue not an actual issue with the system.

My eyes glaze over when I see yet another ret Paladin who had been doing 6k dps on trash burst to 30k on a boss because he woke up and used a cd 8min into the run.

CD management is probably the most important thing people can learn outside of knowing their own damn rotation. Seeing people that know their CDS aren’t 1 hour cool downs is wonderful.

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So play with people who don’t care about the timer or play better?

the 20 million keys that get run each season disagree with you.

And yet you DON’T have to play the dungeons like that, you can find tons of like minded people who will play it and not care about the timer at all levels.

A lot of the people who complain about mythic + barely do it, or pay 15 dollars to post on a raf account about complaining about the timer when they’re still chilling in the +5-9 keys

People seem to forget that raids use to have timers with regards to enrage mechanics on boss fights, and yet people still manage them